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Owen Cook predictions - Can we trust this guy or not?
Owen Cook predictions - Can we trust this guy or not?Julian has a very high lay count from what I heard and amazing game. That's why Owen made him his main sidekick.
Owen Cook predictions - Can we trust this guy or not?
Owen Cook predictions - Can we trust this guy or not?It's obvious he never had it.
You'd have to be a fool to think that Owen gets laid massively.
Owen Cook predictions - Can we trust this guy or not?
Owen Cook predictions - Can we trust this guy or not?A bit, not much. I never winged with him, just saw him out at the clubs a lot back in 2013 in Vegas.
But I have friends who winged with him and the rumors aren't great.
Not getting into that.
To be clear, my game was never great. I'm not some pickup instructor and I am not structuring my life to maximize lays.
Learning to pull and close consistently is way harder than you imagine. People and girls especially tend to assume it is easy. It's not easy at all unless you are a master.
Putting extroverts on a pedestal
Putting extroverts on a pedestalIntroverts are often self-conscious, which is not the case for most extroverts. Being self-conscious is like being your own enemy. Extroverts don't have that enemy, so they tend to be more free. But most extroverts have very low consciousness. They don't know what they're doing or why they're doing it.
The truth is that introverts are often one level higher than extroverts, consciousness wise, simply because self-consciousness is a feature that extroverts lack and have no access to, nor do they care about it or want to develop that capacity, so they're stuck in their comfort zone.
If an introvert somehow manages to get over self-consciousness, it'll be like when the pawn advances to the end of the chess board. The line between introvert and extrovert will blur. They will become a Queen and have the best of both worlds. The same thing will happen if an extrovert develops their consciousness. But that's rare in introverts, and a lot rarer in extroverts.
Putting extroverts on a pedestal
Putting extroverts on a pedestalHello, first time ever posting!
I’m an eighteen year old female and for my entire life I’ve been struggling with low self-esteem. I was very narcissistic as a young child, later becoming more of a people pleaser, probably due to growing up with neurotic parents. Its improved significantly due to spiritual work (meditating since 16 years of age) and other practices. I’ve gotten rid of the vast majority of my people pleasing tendencies, nowadays I have zero trouble saying no and setting boundaries. But one aspect of the people pleasing “mindset” that’s left is the tendency to put people on a pedestal. In particular highly social extroverts.
I’m currently in high school, and I’m basically surrounded by a bunch of high energy extroverts (my school is known to be rich socially so we’re not talking about the average person here). Meanwhile I’m this low energy introvert, still struggling with self esteem.
so I have this unhealthy tendency to put my peers on a pedestal. Their extroverted energy gives off the impression that they:
• are confident (sign of maturity and high conscioussness)
• don’t take themselves seriously (once again sign of the same things)
• are well developed ego-wise
It fascinates me because let’s say I’m surrounded by a group of people who all have much higher IQ than me, I wouldn’t feel insecure because I have self-distance to my IQ so I don’t take it personally and put them on a pedestal for it, because it’s not like they are superior to me because they are logically smarter.
But I’m struggling to apply the same mindset to these extroverted socially competent people at my school.
Shyness tends to be associated with children, meanwhile more confident and outgoing behavior is associated with confidence which is what an adult is “supposed to be”. So I’ve subconsciously judged myself for not being that way, while at the same time overestimating how developed these people at my school are.
It seems like extroverted behavior can when expressed in a friendly way, give of the impression of “having ones shit together”, causing a person to seem more stable and grounded than they are.
I know on an intellectual level that these people also have insecurities, and that just because they are highly socially competent doesn’t mean they are highly developed and mature. But it’s hard to feel this on an emotional level.
Also since I’m non-Swedish from the suburbs going to a school with a lot of rich inner city Swedes I can’t help but feel a bit different.
Basically I'm trying to find confidence in my low energy introverted “nature”, but it’s a struggle.
My question is, does anyone relate?
How come some people can be so extroverted and seem so confident?
im just venting at this point lol but just felt like sharing this. No matter what I’m working hard on building self esteem as I strongly genuinely feel the desire to actualize the confident version of me that I know is somewhere underneath the layers of fear and social conditioning.
thank you for reading
Owen Cook predictions - Can we trust this guy or not?
Owen Cook predictions - Can we trust this guy or not?I don't doubt JA's game skills. I've seen him pull hot girls. But there is more to life than game.
Owen never claimed to have great game. It's pretty obvious that Owen's value was never in having the best game but in higher topics.
Owen Cook predictions - Can we trust this guy or not?
Owen Cook predictions - Can we trust this guy or not?Owen's teachings are over JA's head.
Owen is not teaching you how to get laid, he's teaching something higher.
Be careful dismissing Owen so easily. He is a serious intellect despite whatever shortcomings and biases. Owen is one of the few PUAs that thinks deeply about reality.
2 of JA's wings are in prison for 10 years for gang-raping drunk girls in Vegas.
JA is so sketchy he was too sketchy to work for RSD in its heyday.
Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread
Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-ThreadSome of these are how it should be.
Obviously a person with significant disability will have less power.
Obviously a better educated person will have more power.
Obviously English-speaking people will have more power in an English-speaking society.
Obviously rich people will have more power than poor.
Obviously illegal aliens will have less power than legal citizens.
Obviously mentally unstable people will have less power.
Obviously a sexually fit person will have more power than a fat person who eats junk and doesn't exercise.
These are some of the oversights of Green. Unequal things are not supposed to be equal.
The thing is, humans don't value all things and all people equally -- this is necessary for survival. Therefore power will naturally accumulate where value is biased towards. Even a poor person values money. And even a fat person values physical fitness (in their mate). And even a disabled person values ability.
Casual Sex and Pregnancy
Casual Sex and PregnancyNo
But they are pretty foolish.
The coach I took my first bootcamp with got his girl pregnant. But he wasn't even using condoms.
Many PUAs are stupid and don't use condoms half the time.
grounding & smoking dmt 5-meo at the same time?
grounding & smoking dmt 5-meo at the same time?Plug it. Zero waste.
Yes, it will distract you from biz and life, because that's all just a dream.
Casual Sex and Pregnancy
Casual Sex and Pregnancy95%+ reversibilty rate.
And you can freeze some sperm just in case.
It's smart idea if you plan to bang a lot.
Bitcoin is an Open Pyramid Scheme
Bitcoin is an Open Pyramid SchemeAll financial markets are basically pyramid schemes.
A stock is worth nothing unless others are willing to buy it. Even a piece of land is not worth anything unless other humans want to buy it.
The function of Bitcoin is not so much as currency for transactions but as a secure store of value. THIS is why people speculate with it. Because it could end up the best store of value on the planet given how secure and unfuck-with-able it is.
That's always gonna be the case. That doesn't discredit Bitcoin. Bitcoin does not need to be evenly or fairly distributed to have enormous value. Gold is not evenly distributed.
A) There is no such thing as intrinsic value. All that value is made up and based on market demand.
B) Bitcoin is more scarce than gold. That's why it's so valuable. You cannot make any more Bitcoin. More gold you can mine forever.
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With all that said, yes, Bitcoin is very speculative. No one has any idea what Bitcoin is truly worth. That all depends on how widely it will be adopted in the future.
The value of Bitcoin is that everyone agrees that it has value.
If everyone stop agreeing to that, then it will lose all its value. But if everyone agrees that we will always value Bitcoin, Bitcoin will skyrocket in value. You should think of Bitcoin really as a brand name. That is its value.
Leo, you’re denying criticisms that are true?
Leo, you’re denying criticisms that are true?Enough of this nonsense.
If claims of telepathy or God or healing are made, it means you can verify it empirically for yourself.
Go do the work. This debating is just a distraction.
You can certainly delude yourself with psychedelics about any of the above. But that does not mean telepathy, God, or healing are not real. This distinction should not be hard to understand. Delusion about these things is possible with or without psychedelics. If your epistemology is bad you will be in error regardless of psychedelics. The psychedelics will then tend to compound your errors.
Siddhis have been talked about by sages for thousands of years. If the ideas of siddhis surprises or outrages you, then you got a lot of work to do. Leo did not invent siddhis. Nor has Leo even claimed to possess siddhis. I've merely discussed a bit of my experimentation with them. That's all. Every serious spiritual practitioner understands that siddhis are possible and many of them even have siddhis. Many people have siddhis way beyond anything I have claimed. Go troll them.
LSD For Mystical Love Experience?
LSD For Mystical Love Experience?Of course you can break through into Infinite Love on LSD.
Just set that as your intention and keep tripping and doing the inner work. It's bound to happen.
PsychedSubstance going through rough times, childhood trauma
PsychedSubstance going through rough times, childhood traumaHe's addicted to opioids and more beyond kratom.
Ibogaine could certainly help him but also I feel like he's done way too many substances already and more substances is not the answer to his problems. He's addicted to abusing substances even more so than any particular substance itself.
You have to be very careful about upsetting the chemical balance of your whole system with a bunch of chronic chemicals. Adding more and more chemicals into the mix is not wise, it's like digging yourself deeper into a hole.
The whole premise of his channel is problematic because it encourages him to keep experimenting with more and more substances when he really just needs to go cold-turkey for a good long while. He needs something like a 12-step program with an accountability partner.
PsychedSubstance going through rough times, childhood trauma
PsychedSubstance going through rough times, childhood traumaNot automatically because addicts have deep psychological issues that require serious inner work. And they tend to use psychedelics recreationally or as an escape from doing the work.
Which is exactly the case with Adam here.
PsychedSubstance going through rough times, childhood trauma
PsychedSubstance going through rough times, childhood traumaYup, that was obvious from when he first started his channel.
Many heavy psychedelic users are just fundamentally addicts with a lot of trauma and fucked up lifestyles. This is what turns me off from typical psychedelic sub-culture and online discussions. These people are seriously dysfunctional and it gives psychedelics a bad rep.
It's analogous to the pickup community: lots of toxic behavior that gives the whole thing a horrible rep.
We need public examples of high-functioning psychedelic users who are not addicts or nutcases. Like Joe Rogan.
PsychedSubstance going through rough times, childhood trauma
PsychedSubstance going through rough times, childhood traumaClassic burning through karma.
Best of luck to him.
If you're doing psychedelics be careful not to slide into stimulants, opioids, and other narcotics. All of that will be anti this work. This is where this dude went wrong. He's blurring that sharp line with stuff like kratom, nitrous, testosterone, etc. and sliding into serious drug use. Doing psychedelics is not a license to do alcohol or other shit like that. Which is why I am even anti weed. Be clear about what is a psychedelic and what isn't. Weed, MDMA, kratom, nitrous, ketamine -- these are not proper psychedelics and they will ruin your life if you get hooked on them.
It's crucial that you are able to be happy sober. Don't use drugs to boost your mood. Psychedelics are NOT for boosting your mood, they are for insight. Observe this important distinction.
When to end game? 35 years old
When to end game? 35 years oldNo
Not important when you got love.
Your marriage will fall apart anyway. Now that will sting.
When to end game? 35 years old
When to end game? 35 years oldGirls don't care about your age. All they care about is how you make them feel and how boss you are.
If you are boss, she will be happy to sleep with you into the 50s and beyond.
The deeper issue is that you shouldn't just be chasing youth. Learn to appreciate what a more mature girl offers.
What you really want is not youth but depth of love.
Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman5,000-10,000 approaches and a lot of inner work.
Personally all my awakening work and psychedelic work has skyrocketted my inner game to crazy levels. I can walk around like a god sometimes. 100+ awakenings have given me crazy confidence, self-love, and groundedness. But also lots of approaching is needed.
Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman@Medhansh You should maximize your looks but never at the expense of going out.
Do whatever you can to max your looks, but ALWAYS go out and approach no matter how you look. You should be able to approach in a dirty bathrobe and hook girls.
How much money is enough?
How much money is enough?Living off $1,000,000 would be tough.
If you earn 3% interest through investments per year, you could maybe live off $30,000 of interest per year without touching your principle if you own your own home and are frugal.
Gotta figure about $6,000 just for property tax. $2,000 per year for water and electricity and natural gas. $2,000 for internet and phone. $2,000+ for car insurance and gasoline without any maintenance. Probably $5,000 in groceries for 2 people.
That's already $17,000/year just on the basic necessities to live without pet food, clothing or shoes, cleaning supplies, dentist/medicine, entertainment. Assuming you never need to replace a furnace or roof or any other big expenses.
In 40 years your money will be worth 20x less, so $30,000 a year will be more like $1,500 and you'll need to start eating into your initial $1M. It would cut it really close and be a stressful way to live out your final years.
If you wanna live stress-free never having to worry about money, you probably need at least $10 mil
Keep in mind this is still to live just an average life of a normal person who has a salary of like $50k/year, nothing extravagant at all. Living in a townhouse or a duplex with a 5 year old car. Your neighbors wouldn't know you were rich except the fact they never see you leave for work.