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California recall election on September 14th
California recall election on September 14thHomeless go to California precisely because it's nice there.
It's good to be homeless in California weather.
And the house prices in California are so high because everyone wants to live there. Basic supply and demand.
I would live in California if the prices were more reasonable. There are REALLY nice places in California. You gotta go to the right spots.
Yes, taxes there are high and create some disincentives when other states have such low taxes. But Cali has the best culture and it's much more eco-friendly due to all the regulations.
Larry Elder is def not going to fix California's homeless problem. This notion is a joke. Libertrianism will only create more homeless.
Vegas vs Austin for pickup
Vegas vs Austin for pickuphad several of the same experience myself. pick up guys have to create all sorts of bullshit products and produce tons of useless content so they can stay relevant and have something they can sell/scam lonely desperate guys. the best coaches out there know that basically all pick up is is trying to get a guy to be his authentic, normal healthy self. from there fun and chill vibes come and attraction unfolds seamless and naturally.
Number of girls to approach on a night
Number of girls to approach on a nightApproach every girl you would be willing to sleep with.
Girl Rejected Me Because I Don't Drink
Girl Rejected Me Because I Don't DrinkWhat you do in this situation is you talk to more girls.
A big part of dating/pickup is screening out girls who are not a good match for you. Just because she is hot doesn't mean it's a good match.
If a girl leaves you because you refuse her drink, that is not a girl you should be interested in sleeping with.
The lesson here for you is not about how to get such girls go stay. The lesson is to screen them out yourself.
YOU should be screening her, instead she screened you. This is your mistake. Learn to SCREEN girls.
How to Own the Frame if you like Older Women?
How to Own the Frame if you like Older Women?Frame here would be: age doesn't even matter. Older girls want dick as much as if not more than younger ones.
A girl in her 40s still wants a man who will make her feel like a girl again. It's not about your age, it's about how girly you make her feel.
Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?
Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?In this case make yourself into an amazing and exceptional guy who brings a lot of value to the table.
Have a life purpose, have a good career, have your finances in order, be well educated, be spiritual, know how to give her amazing sex, know how to build deep intimacy, be in good shape, have a nice wardrobe, have a cool social circle of friends, have a cool house/condo, have some cool hobbies like travel or photography, be well-groomed.
That above is basically every girl's dream bf/husband.
But really, if you just learn to give her deep emotional sex that will be enough for her to think you're amazing and get addicted to you. Deep emotional sex is the way into her heart. The rest is window-dressing.
Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?
Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?Dude, if a girl is interested in fucking you she'd also be interested in dating you. It's a matter of logistics in many cases. Sometimes the girl is just in town for the weekend so dating is not viable.
If you can get models to sleep with you, you can certainly get them to date you. Not all of them of course. But it also works in reverse! Plenty of girls will date you who will not do a one night stand with you. If fact, most of your lays will come from dates, not ONSs.
A lot of girls have rules they set for themselves about not doing ONSs. So in a sense ONSs are harder than dating.
It's hard to pull consistently every week, it's much easier to set up 3 dates a week.
How to own frame if you don't drink alcohol?
How to own frame if you don't drink alcohol?The frame is:
My body is my temple, why would I pollute it with poison?
My other frame is:
Alcohol is for children. Adults do DMT.
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When I see someone drinking I look at them like at an ignorant child.
Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?
Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?Yes that's all good. But do it less so for the girl and moreso for you. The point of this is not to please the girl but to become an awesome man.
Would an awesome man be a lazy fat slob with yellow teeth and pimples? Is that your idea of an awesome you?
Become awesome FOR YOU. And then girls will be very attracted to that type of guy.
Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?
Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?If women are as visual as you think they are then why do you think I'm able to fuck models?
Just some food for thought.
Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?
Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?Of course girls will have sex with them if given the opportunity.
When you give a girl no other way to decide but based on looks, of course she will pick the best looking guy she can find.
But girls are not walking around hunting down the best looking guys to sleep with. That's not how girls get attracted in real life.
Should you lie about your body count?
Should you lie about your body count?@SamC if it’s a girl I met five minutes ago, than no. You don’t owe her an explanation about anything personal. And I also will not be asking her.
In a longer term relationship, I still don’t think it’s that big a deal. But I do think it’s a problem if you can’t at least have an honest conversation about it. Yes, I’ve told girls my body count and the universe didn’t explode.
Of course if the other party is going to use that information to shame or attack you, that’s not cool either.
Is it okay to be called a bitch in a relationship?
Is it okay to be called a bitch in a relationship?You're right?
Btw, being called asshole is pretty low tier insult, at least that's how it seems to me. Many women will call you that jokingly, so I don't see a big problem with that - there's no serious intent there. And that's what it's about at the end of the day - intent, rather than the actual word. Even calling a woman bitch is fine, if used jokingly in a funny context/situation. But of course, we are talking about arguments here - and having arguments is inherently bad, since they show a certain ammount of immaturity from both sides. Well developed people don't really argue - they find better ways to come to a solution.
Is it okay to be called a bitch in a relationship?
Is it okay to be called a bitch in a relationship?with such words, the 1st time you say them to another is huge, it a watershed moment
sometimes it can't be recovered from ... other times it is just a heated argument but relationship has entered new disrespectful territory afterwards
Is it okay to be called a bitch in a relationship?
Is it okay to be called a bitch in a relationship?Not healthy.
Such a relationship will not last long.
There needs to be an agreement not to insult each other. Once that line is crossed it cannot be uncrossed.
High Consciousness Ways of Developing Social Skills?
High Consciousness Ways of Developing Social Skills?It's the opposite in practice. The more I socialize the less I care what people think about me.
I used to care A LOT. Now it's just irrelevant because I've talked to 1000s of people, many of whom rejected me and I grew a thick skin.
No! You fundamentally misunderstand what charisma is. It's not about getting people to like you or saying things you think they want to hear.
Go out and talk to people.
Talking to people is not some high consciousness activity. It's dumb. Learn to relate to people on a dumb, fun level. Don't treat it too seriously. Especially when talking to girls.
The biggest change I had to make to get good with girls is to learn to talk dumb. The biggest mistake is to trying to be intellectual or serious with girls. Ironically, learning to talk dumb is not easy if you're smart.
It is a mistake to try to make socializing "high consciousness". It's not supposed to be. It's like playing with a child.
Should you socialize with a canker sore? (Or cold saw)
Should you socialize with a canker sore? (Or cold saw)A good opportunity for you to practice not giving a fuck.
Go socialize anyway. It's very beneficial for you to do some socializing when you're not looking or feeling your best. So you stop trying to "be the best" for people. Get comfortable letting people see you when you're not "on".
If you have a giant zit on your face -- Go socialize! You'll see that no one cares.
How To Have An Amazing Date??
How To Have An Amazing Date??It doesn't really matter where your date is. You could make any location work if you got some game. Of course some locations are more optimal logistically and more enjoyable, but you could do a date at Walmart. It doesn't matter.
Personally I enjoy nice outdoor shopping malls with some scenery to look at. Window shopping together makes for a great date. I like these places because they tend to have a lot of variety and everything you could want: drinks, coffee, food, window shopping, park areas, trees, ponds, benches, ice cream, cookies, people-watching, etc.
You could do a date at Ikea. Be creative. And also, go places you actually enjoy.
How To Have An Amazing Date??
How To Have An Amazing Date??Drinks are fine, but you need to have drinks in a location where you can bounce around to multiple venues. My fave 1st date location is an outdoor shopping mall area, with cafes, bars, restaurants, shops, ice cream, park with trees and benches, scenery, etc.
Then you bounce around between those. Try to do more walking than sitting in a booth. Walking lets you escalate easier.
As far as conversation goes, you're just being too logical and boring. The core of game is learning emotional, nonlogical ways of talking to girls.
Also, if you are not sexually attracted to her you shouldn't be dating her. Follow your dick on this. Stop setting up dates with girls you wouldn't sleep with. This is a waste of your and her time.
Law Of State Transference: whatever you feel she will feel. If you don't feel excited neither will she. You need to be sexually excited by her. Then ride this excitement to bed.
The concept of IQ is demoralising
The concept of IQ is demoralisingI’m pretty sure “brain damage” from heavy metals is reversible. Andy Cutler himself says that essentially once you remove the toxins, the brain will regenerate itself naturally
The concept of IQ is demoralising
The concept of IQ is demoralisingIt’s amazing what a person can accomplish with just hard work, determination and enthousiasm. I know two women who became doctors and I highly doubt they score a 100IQ points if you tested them.
Success is also greatly decided by your self confidence. And I think smarter people are also more likely to doubt themselves probably because they self reflect more. A healthy dose of ignorance can actually be a huge advantage into becoming successful.
The concept of IQ is demoralising
The concept of IQ is demoralisingIQ has nothing to do with wisdom.
What is important to live a good life is wisdom, not IQ.
Plus tbh even for the more shallow materialistic type of Orange success, EQ and social skills matter WAY MORE than IQ.
I would say wisdom and EQ both outmatch IQ by a mile.
Funny thing is that if your EQ and wisdom are well-developed, people will automatically assume you are smart. Happens to me all the time. I never took an IQ test and never plan to, however i think i might be slightly above average but nothing crazy (I scored around 1200 on the SAT). However, because my EQ and wisdom are well developed for someone my age (im 23), people automaically tell me stuff like you are smart etc. It is quite funny, almost like good marketing
So yeah, do not worry about this bullshit. Focus on improving your social skills, meditate, read books and develop EQ.
IQ obession fundamentally is caused by lazy people who do not want to do any work to improve and grow themselves because IQ is mostly set in stone and cannot be changed.
Ironically usually Incels that obsesses about facial aesthetics also tend to focus about IQ a lot. Why? Because they have a deterministic attitude towards everything in life. Do not become such a person.
The concept of IQ is demoralising
The concept of IQ is demoralisingIQ can be good to get a sense about certain kinds of things. A certain amount of IQ is required for every job, because if you don't have the bare minimum amount, you basically incapable of doing certain things and you can't really learn effectively. Once the bare minimum is reached, then after that it can be argued, that it doesn't have that much significance for a normal person. If you want to go to the academic field, or if you want to do a certain kind of job, then yes you will need to have a higher amount.
But looking at it in a broader sense, it is just one intelligence measure from the many. But just as with anything, you need a certain amount of it, to be able to be more effective at anything.
It is very unintelligent in my opinion, to only use IQ tests to figure out how intelligent a person is.
Here you can see other kinds of intelligences. But even this is limited.
The concept of IQ is demoralising
The concept of IQ is demoralisingI am refering to pure Intelligence. Intelligence is God's capacity for self-understanding.
Imagine for a moment being so intelligent that you can create the entire universe from nothing. That's what intelligence is at its highest level. Then there are sub-degrees of it which are less than omnipotent.
Omnipotence is simply a function of intelligence. When your intelligence reaches infinity you become omnipotent.
God is pure Intelligence. Intelligence cannot be defined because it is infinite.
I'm having a hard time accepting that my closest friend murdered someone
I'm having a hard time accepting that my closest friend murdered someoneexactly what the title suggests. it only happened about 2 weeks ago and i found out 2 days ago. i can't stop thinking about it. i do not know how to process it.