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About Yali

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  1. Psychedelics at Young Age?
    Psychedelics at Young Age?
    I’m 17. When I first turned 17 I started doing LSD. I went on a few trips, called it good, and moved on with life. Just today, one of my coworkers, a super kind, spiritually intelligent dude looked at me and said, “You’ve done psychedelics before.” We talked about it and he says he’s totally down to be my trip sitter on 5MEO-DMT. Should I accept? Is this too young of an age to be using psychedelics? Any advice? I’ve been eating super clean all year, a medical medium lifestyle, so my brain and body are unreasonably healthy and happy. What do y’all think? 

  2. How to not jeopardize one's career when using psychedelics?
    How to not jeopardize one's career when using psychedelics?
    Plenty of artists and creative people use psychedelics to boost their work. So it's possible.
    It mostly depends on the kind of person you are. People can have wildly different reactions to psychedelics.
    But if you do very serious, deep tripping it will unravel your whole life. You will reach a point of being lost and doubting everything. Which is not good for staying productive, meeting deadlines, and delivering products to paying clients.

  3. Leo, have you done no-fap?
    Leo, have you done no-fap?
    Your understanding of how semen works is silly.
    Your semen will be expelled from your body within a week or two if you don't ejaculate it out. It will come out in your urine.
    Semen is a LIVE and precious substance. You do not get to keep a batch of semen brewing in your nuts for a lifetime, Lol.
    Apes and monkeys jerk off on a daily basis. Nothing unnatural about it.
    What's truly unnatural is you not busting your nuts for years. And it's almost certainly bad for your health.
    The idea that ejaculation is bad for your health is absurd. You are basically a sex machine. Ejaculation is what you were born for.
    You would be better off if you just owned your sexuality.

  4. Effects Of Porn : Why You Should Get Rid Of It!
    Effects Of Porn : Why You Should Get Rid Of It!
    @Extreme Z7 Which is why we try to work on the ego itself. Cause otherwise one abuse will just be replaced another.
    I see a lot of nofap guys whose minds are now filled with the ideology of: YOU SHOULDN'T DO PORN EVAR!
    I find porn preferable to wasting years chasing sex or getting into a relationship that wastes 1000s of hours of your life, just because you want to bust some nuts.
    If one can authentically outgrow the need for sexual release, that's great, but it has to be done through inner work, not merely through JUST SAY NO sort of tactics. The sex drive is way too powerful for that. It's not like kicking a drug, which you have no natural drive for.
    My only beef with nofap is that I think a lot of people might be doing it in a way that denies their sex drive. And then it goes into neurotic Catholic guilt-trip territory, where you have to forcefully deny yourself, and beat yourself up.
    Of course if you're watching porn x3 a day, then you'll want to stop that. But I don't see much problem with a couple days a week of porn/fap.

  5. How to deal with aftermath of traumatic experience with DMT?
    How to deal with aftermath of traumatic experience with DMT?
    Look, in the end you have to come to grips with the fact that psychedelics and Consciousness can always take a detour into Hell. That's just the nature or Consciousness. You have to just let that go and focus on the positives.
    Don't forget, everyday life can also turn into Hell at any day. Nuclear war could start tomorrow. However, you cannot live your life focusing on that.
    The key issue is how you use your focus. Focus on good stuff. Why are you focusing on bad trips when you could use that time to focus on good trips?
    2 years after a trip is a long time. You should have let that go a long time ago. Stop fixating on it. Stop thinking about it.

  6. Women are poor judge of character
    Women are poor judge of character
    Yes, of course.
    All these survival games.
    Notice: Raising children is favorite pastime of animals.

  7. Women are poor judge of character
    Women are poor judge of character
    My description of women is profound. It took me thousands of hours of experience to be able to articulate it so concisely. Don't take it for granted. This is not some angsty bitter Red Pill incel BS.
    If women bothered to grasp what I said it would change their whole love life. The shallowness of female attraction speaks for itself. Don't shoot the messenger.
    I honestly feel very bad for women. It's a terrible way to mate. It's boarderline retarded. So much self-inflicted suffering.

  8. Women are poor judge of character
    Women are poor judge of character
    Because women are just emotional puppets. Zero logic goes into your mating.
    It's an awful way to live. My condolences.

  9. Help with nootropic stack
    Help with nootropic stack
    I take 150mg, 4-6 times per day. ALA has a half-life of 3-4hrs.

  10. What do you think of this documentary?
    What do you think of this documentary?
    Yes, really good. I will be posting it on my blog soon.

  11. GENOCIDE : more children killed in 3 weeks in Gaza than annual world total
    GENOCIDE : more children killed in 3 weeks in Gaza than annual world total
    Not genocide but war crimes/collective punishment -- yes.

  12. Youtube content has officially toxified my mind
    Youtube content has officially toxified my mind
    Looks do matter, however your looks cannot be changed, and you can still get girls with your looks. You'll just have to work harder.
    In the end you just have to accept how you look and work from there. And if you keep fixating on your looks you will be too demotivated to talk to girls and thereby lose girls you could otherwise get.
    What black pill gets wrong is that there are girls out there who will be okay with your looks. But if you keep feeding on black pill ideas you will never even have the motivation to meet and succeed with those girls, thereby totally screwing yourself.

    @effy01 I think your plan is realistic and reasonably workable. Yes, it's a good idea to develop some solid technical skills. If music is your passion then develop technical skills in that area. So you'll be able to leverage them into the future.
    Fear is normal.
    You have already made the hardest choice: to quit your major. Now comes the exciting part of doing what you're actually passionate about. Give yourself some space to figure it out. You don't need to know HOW just yet. Trust that you will figure it out as you go along. But at the same, don't just sit around and wait. Roll up your sleeves and get to work building your dream life.
    Teaching yourself technical skills online is easy these days. All that's required is the passion to learn and train. You can be self-taught. No one in the business world really cares about degrees. University degrees are a joke. What they care about is your ability to produce results. I became a video game designer at a world-class studio after a few years of teaching myself video game design skills. I did not get any formal education for it. And learning audio skills is easier than game design skills. You can find many tutorials and courses online. All you really need is an internet connection and lots of free time. If you can live cheaply in Morocco, got back to Morocco and invest a few years learning these skills, build up a solid portfolio and people should want to hire you in Morocco or even abroad in Europe.
    All of my knowledge of psychology and personal development is also self-taught. And thanks to that it's way better and deeper than I would get through a psychology degree from Harvard. You can educate yourself way more efficiently on your own, as long as you're passionate about it. Homework, tests, and lectures are all overrated. You can basically teach yourself most things, unless you need a professional license like for a doctor, lawyer, or engineer.

  14. How does spiral dynamics factor into relationships?
    How does spiral dynamics factor into relationships?
    ^-- This model might be an oversimplication, but it seemed on topic. (This uses Ken Wilber's Integral color codes)

  15. New War In Israel / Gaza
    New War In Israel / Gaza
    Destroying that many residential buildings itself starts to feel like a war crime. 1 million people will be left homeless, jobless, schoolless, mosqueless.
    Total humanitarian disaster.
    How many terrorists will this create?

  16. Are Scandinavian countries and Canada really more evolved than America?
    Are Scandinavian countries and Canada really more evolved than America?
    Some countries are more developed thanks to more favorable historical and geographic conditions.
    It's like you're assuming that everyone faces the same obstacles to development. No.
    The US is more developed than most places precisely because of geographic and historical factors.

  17. Discrepancy in systemic racism argument
    Discrepancy in systemic racism argument
    In America -- and in many other parts of the world -- there is an especially strong anti-black racial bias.
    For example, I hesitate to call my Mom a racist, but if I married a Chinese girl, she would be okay with it. But if I married a black girl, she would freak out.
    Racism is not equal across all the different minority groups. Some groups are treated more "white" and acceptable than others.
    Even in China they have flagrant racism against blacks.
    So this talk that, "Well, Asians have higher IQs than whites and Asians don't have it so bad in America" -- first, of all, it ignores the long history of anti-Asian racism in America which still exists to this day. But, secondly it naively ignores the fact that Asians were never slaves here and they don't have nearly the same stigma as blacks.
    I'm willing to bet that your average KKK member would be relatively okay with allowing Asians into this country, but very much against allowing Africans and Mexicans. You have to look at racism specifically against each minority group. Not just racism in the abstract. Few people are abstractly racist. They usually have a few races they especially don't like. Because racism is learned from one's culture and environmental survival conditions. And cultures are most racist against those races which affect the survival of that culture the most (Africans and Mexicans in America).

  18. Treating women poorly once you master pickup?
    Treating women poorly once you master pickup?
    It was an extremely steep learning curve. But also it was an exciting adventure. Some of the most challenging but also most memorable times of my life. I wish I was young again so I could do more of it.

  19. Andrew Tate on pick up
    Andrew Tate on pick up
    Yes, of course.
    It doesn't matter how much you have your shit together, if you do not socialize or don't know how to socialize, you will never get laid.
    Pickup is important in that it forces you to learn to socialize.
    People who are extroverts or who are naturally social cannot understand such problems.
    Also, if you live in the wrong areas getting laid will be very difficult. You need to move to where great socialization exists. It doesn't exist everywhere.

  20. Treating women poorly once you master pickup?
    Treating women poorly once you master pickup?
    Fun and socialization.
    Girls are always socializing. And the sex comes from that spontaneously for them. They don't plan it.

  21. Is it worth moving to an expensive location in the city for game?
    Is it worth moving to an expensive location in the city for game?
    Centering your life around pickup sounds like such a waste of life.
    But for some time, as an episode, why not?

  22. Is it worth moving to an expensive location in the city for game?
    Is it worth moving to an expensive location in the city for game?
    Moving to the right place is the #1 thing you can do to improve your results.
    I have a friend who lives in downtown Poland in the best skyscraper in town and just walks down to pick up girls from the street. He sleeps with 2 new girls every week.

  23. DMT vape pen
    DMT vape pen
    It's not even 50% efficient because a lot of it escapes, sticks to the glass, and/or burns.
    You're wasting half your dope with a crack pipe.

  24. Why don't girls bother with basic human respect?
    Why don't girls bother with basic human respect?
    Showing interest is fine.
    Being over-invested is different.
    All girls. But the more options the girl has, the more of an issue it becomes.
    You should not be over-investing in any girls on principle.
    The key is not to invest more than her. If she invests a lot you can match but don't exceed it.
    You need to not over-invest.
    That's not what I said.
    I usually talk to one girl at a time. And it still applies.
    You can learn to not over-invest even if you are talking to 1 girl.
    You still want to not exceed her investment.
    If a girl senses that she is the prize then she will lose attraction for you. She wants you to be the prize. Let girls chase you. Don't chase them. This is the best strategy. You can still get laid if you fail to follow the best strategy, but you are lowering your odds. There's really no reason not to follow the best strategy other than that you don't know it or don't know how to control yourself.
    You will lose lots of girls by failing to stick to the best strategy.

  25. Looking for advice on personal happiness and life purpose
    Looking for advice on personal happiness and life purpose
    Ralston's definition of happiness is so broad that it is virtually useless.
    He expects you to be "happy" even if you get attacked by a bear.
    Okay, good luck with that. Let us know how it goes.
    The reality is that none of you will live up to this absurd ideal.