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No interest in dating or social life
No interest in dating or social lifeYou should socialize just to push your comfort zone and gain more life experience but in the end nothing is gonna beat the spiritual pleasure of pure metaphysical understanding. So if you can be happy solo, that's actually a great gift.
But don't become a recluse. Gain some socialization and dating experience while you are young. It can be fun.
In the end you will find the highest joy is found alone, not with others. Don't let others gaslight you about that.
Leo, why do you socialize?
Leo, why do you socialize?If you don't want to socialize, don't socialize. It's that simple.
The simplest way to fix your social life is to not worry about it until you start feeling lonely. Then, you will start to know the kind of social-life and community-life that you want and you will have that as your objective, socially. This will help you sort through the petty bullshit and find people who you resonate with. My point is that once you get to this point, you won't get lost in the petty bullshit of socialization anymore.
Fluoride toothpaste gives me brainfog. Non-Fluoride toothpastes gives me cavities
Fluoride toothpaste gives me brainfog. Non-Fluoride toothpastes gives me cavitiesWhen I say "genetics" I am not really making any special appeals to science. All I mean is, the stuff about who you are which cannot be changed by any amount of effort. For example, the fact that you have a human body and not a kangaroo body is a function of genetics. And there is nothing you can do to change that, no matter how much spiritual bullshit you consume.
You don't need to be a scientist or a geneticist to make the simple observation that every living organism has a certain foundation for its being which it cannot change and must live with, which define that organism's basic capacities, strengths, and weaknesses.
I found myself - I am God!
I found myself - I am God!I am God. The real God. Me! This is absolutely incredible.
I am not a human amongst other human beings. I am God, imagining all human beings.
There are no others! This is such a pleasant realization. I am the whole of reality.
There is nothing that I need to aquire. The universe in its entirety is mine. It's all within me, inside of my mind, literally!
Talk about a boost in self esteem!
This is the greatest thing I have ever discovered or realized by far.
Fresh and Fit - Chinese "babymama"
Fresh and Fit - Chinese "babymama"Immature dating advice isn't going anywhere. It will be popular as long as there are hordes of immatue and under-developed men.
Is starting a pickup community dangerous?
Is starting a pickup community dangerous?Do you have any idea how much more charming my conversation skills are with women now than before pickup?
My verbal game, sense of humor, charisma, confidence, and ability to handle women has skyrocketed.
That's the attractive part. This comes naturally with massive experience.
Pickup is mostly just about gaining massive experience with women. What most guys experience in a lifetime I have experienced in a few years. And women don't care how you got the experience, they just like an experienced man.
Leo What's your opinion about Donald Hoffman?
Leo What's your opinion about Donald Hoffman?Imagine a scale from 1 to 10.
Fundamentalist religion is a 2.
Ordinary science is a 7.
Hoffman is a 9.
And what's I'm trying to teach is 100,000.
Is starting a pickup community dangerous?
Is starting a pickup community dangerous?You are framing this as good vs bad when in reality it's about people who take action to improve their attractiveness and those who don't.
Women don't want lame "good guys".
Is starting a pickup community dangerous?
Is starting a pickup community dangerous?It's silly to blame this on pickup. Girls go out and party and socialize all the time. So they could always find a new guy to sleep with if they want.
The solution to being cheated on is to develop yourself into a stronger and more attractive man, through pickup.
If you do pickup there is no need to sleep with taken girls. You can easily just target single girls.
Is starting a pickup community dangerous?
Is starting a pickup community dangerous?@Dodo It's important to keep the following context in mind:
Many men are natural pussyhunters, regardless of pickup. Pickup just formalized the activity and gave it a name. But pussyhunting is a natural aspect of masculinity regardless of you views of it.
It does not take a lot of brains to be interested in pussyhunting.
Communities of Shame - (Red Pill, Incels, MGTOW, etc.)
Communities of Shame - (Red Pill, Incels, MGTOW, etc.)There's a lot of overlap between Red Pill and pickup. But less so with Incels because they took the path of victimhood and inaction.
Pickup community requires massive action, so that excludes a lot of the lazy, depressed, and hateful people.
Content Creator | Reality, Economics, and How To Make It Work
Content Creator | Reality, Economics, and How To Make It WorkLearning video editing and recording skills is quite easy. There are online courses for all major video editing software. I use VEGAS editing software. It's easy to learn.
Recording is easy to learn too. Just buy a Sony camcorder and start recording yourself speaking. You will learn as you go and make refinements.
Getting big on YT is hard. You have to be very persistent and offer something fresh and new and high quality. You have to publish content very consistently, like a full time job.
There are many ways to make money from YT. If your content is mainstream and gets millions of views then you can survive off ad revenue alone. If your content is more niche like mine, then you can still make good money by offering courses or products on your website.
Communities of Shame - (Red Pill, Incels, MGTOW, etc.)
Communities of Shame - (Red Pill, Incels, MGTOW, etc.)Personally, I never felt shame when entering pickup. I just felt inexperienced, insecure, and eager to learn how to get good with girls. You can do pickup just for the mastery of it as a skill set. You can also do it for the adventure. Outsiders don't realize what a rush and exciting adventure the pickup journey is. It's like traveling around the world. The adventure of it is better than the sex. When you're on the pickup journey life becomes exciting and fun.
Leo is Wrong About Genetics
Leo is Wrong About GeneticsOf course it does, but much of this is out of your control. You can't remove air polution from your city for example nor the toxins in your food. Some people's genetics allow them to tolerant toxins a lot better than others. So I still consider this a genetic issue. Epigentics is still genetics.
She's getting old now so that's expected.
But also notice, plastic surgery is NOT makeup. She uses her plastic surgery to sell you makeup.
Yes, of course surgery is effective. No one denies that. In a sense surgery is a way to cheat-change your genetics. Which is why it's so effective. If I got surgery to replace half my organs I could probably fix most of my health problems.
HELP! I have urges to cheat.
HELP! I have urges to cheat.The stuff you resent her about, you should communicate with her about that to try to clear that bad air. All relationships require communucation and clearing bad air.
If the communications keeps failing then you can break up with her. But first try to communicate.
And if you decide to cheat, just break up with her first. This will be much better for both of you.
Queen Elizabeth II has passed away
Queen Elizabeth II has passed awayOne thing I really do hate is upper class people. What a load of horseshit they are.
Leo-Your view on veganism?
Leo-Your view on veganism?That's life. Consider the dilemma a lion is in. You got it easy compared to him.
You cannot stop "evil" if you want to live. Evil cannot be stopped, it must be accepted as what you are.
does pick up even work ?
does pick up even work ?You need to make friends with guys who are good, follow them, and learn from them and watch their results.
Just doing it by yourself you will make too many mistakes that will tank your results and you won't know why.
Pickup works but it requires pretty specific rules.
To our dear Ben Shapiro
To our dear Ben ShapiroNot at all.
Philosophy classes in universities are as conformist and unoriginal as Sunday School.
All of Harvard is a conformist nest. Little orginal thinking happens there.
Do not confuse such things for truth-seeking or thinking. They are playing academic survival games. Nobody at Harvard understands what reality is or how consciousness works.
No actual philosophy is done in a philosophy classroom. That would be far too dangerous to be allowed.
Tucker Carlson don't give a fuck about foreign people. They are like animals from his level of consciousness. He cares about building up an American identity. All of his politics revolves around that, as does everyone's at Fox News. That is the function of Fox News: to build and defend an American collective ego.
To our dear Ben Shapiro
To our dear Ben ShapiroNo, it's not conscious. It's a lack of consciousness. It's self-bias, closemindedness, ego, and just how Stage Blue cognition works.
He is genuine in his beliefs. Basically all people are genuine in their ignorance.
From Ben Shaprio's POV, he's helping the world be a better place, he's acting from love -- like all people. But since his self-awareness is quite low, his love ends up being very selfish and partial. It's not really his fault. All evil is simply lack of consciousness. Which is why evil doesn't really exist. It is just misdirected love.
Here you must distinguish between the intelligence required to think within the box of society vs the intelligence of truly original thinking.
To earn a law degree you don't need to do any original thinking, you just need to be very good at following the rules and orders that society has laid out for you. You need to be a good soldier. Which is what Stage Blue excels at. Stage Blue is great at being meticulously conformist. If you need to hire someone to make sure that concentration camps operate like well-oiled machines, you hire a nice conformist boy like Ben Shaprio to manage it for you. He will do it without asking any questions. This was in fact how Nazi Germany was run.
Nothing strange about it. Every political position can be criticized from above or below, not just left vs right. You can be anti-interventionist from above or below. For example, you could believe that it's wrong to start a war in the Middle East because they are low-life savages who don't even deserve to fight the noble white man. But such anti-interventionism is further from Stage Green anti-interventionism than wanting to invade the Middle East to steal their oil. One would first have to evolve in consciousness just to see the Middle East as a worthwhile place to steal oil from, and only then one might evolve further in consciousness to actually care about the lives and interests of Middle Easterners as much as white lives and interests.
You can be opposed to war for the wrong reasons. What matters most is not the fact that you oppose war, but what level of consciousness you're seeing the situation from. You might oppose war because you're to fearful of getting drafted. But that is a selfish perspective which is very different from opposing war because you're conscious of the suffering it would cause the "enemy".
The true problem with the Middle East wars is not that it hurts America's interests, but that it creates suffering for innocent and powerless people in the Middle East. It's like kicking a wounded dog and blaming the dog.
To our dear Ben Shapiro
To our dear Ben ShapiroHello everyone ! A happy new year to all of you !
This question is a reaction to Leo's recent post on his vlog about Ben Shapiro, specifically about blue stage people not understanding green stage individuals. Although I'm humbly in line with Leo's remarks on the praised John Lennon's song "Imagine", I wonder what over example could you guys come up with regarding Ben Shapiro's point of view. In fact he seems like a quite educated man and I feel encouraged to go along with most of what he has to say about politics and religiosity.
So what would you say are instances of Ben Shapiro failing to understand Truth and the "material" world we appear to be living in ? Is it possible that Green doesn't understand Blue ?
looking forward to hearing from you,
Breaking contact with my dad
Breaking contact with my dadI surprised myself today and had a big falling out with my dad over the phone. I'd love to get another opinion on this matter but don't really have anyone to talk to, but I'd really appreciate any input.
A little backstory:
After my mom divorced him when I was 11, my dad and I lived together until I was 18. It wasn't good. My dad was very emotionally unavailable, had no emotional control and no ability to empathize. As a young boy I needed structure and a father figure but his abilities were more like a child's. This would trigger me so much that I'd hit him and throw stuff, I'd get so damn angry, just trying to get some understanding, some reaction. He'd just take it. He would behave like the victim, which is a running theme throughout his life.
At the time he was addicted to alcohol as well, and would come into my room at 2AM to tell me he loves me. He would go through his phone contact list while drunk and call all these people telling them all these very inappropriate emotional things. Needless to say he has pushed everyone away in his life. He never took responsibility for this. He's the good guy, he's the victim. After all "his heart's in the right place" which in his view of the world is all that matters.
Now skip ahead. I'm an adult, he's 69 years old and completely alone with no friends or social circle. We get along on a certain level, but whenever there's something I wanna tell him or I get my feelings hurt, he'll laugh at it, lie about something or blame something else. ANYTHING to change the subject. He has no ability or willingness to introspect and will immediately turn on me whenever I have feedback or criticism on his behavior.
I understand that he must have had some huge trauma as a kid which caused him to be so emotionally unavailable. I think he was sexually abused, which he told me sometimes when drunk when I was like 13 years old, which is of course very inappropriate.
He's also old now and much cognitive decline over the years.
I also understand that I will never get him to introspect or make any real attempt at emphasizing. But that doesn't take away the fact that his attitude is very disrespectful and hurtful. Preserving some parts of his ego is more important to him than the relationship with his wife (my mom) or even with me. It's like trying to carve up a diamond with a potato knife.
Now although the life lesson "the ego can be very blunt" is super interesting and dandy, it's not really helping me right now. Part of me wants to break all contact with him for all the bullshit, but I can also see how he's tried his best in life but only if I view him as sorta "cognitively handicapped".
Thinking about it now I can come up with another turnaround: maybe I secretly still want him to understand me, and I'm projecting my own trauma now. But whatever man, I'm just sick and tired of this shit.
Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
The Missing Element of Actualized.org
The Missing Element of Actualized.orgAll of morality just boils down to minimizing the suffering your selfishness causes others.