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About Yali

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  1. Vegan vs. Carnivore Debate on Ethics (Gone wild)
    Vegan vs. Carnivore Debate on Ethics (Gone wild)
    Except there is a key difference.
    I know that morality is an invention, but vegans do not. They operate from an objective, normative ethics, regardless of what they might say.

  2. Why is weed not considered as psychedelics
    Why is weed not considered as psychedelics
    1) Because the people who classify these things are just being mechanical about it.
    2) It also depends on your genetics. For some people weed is a psychedelic and for others it is not.
    3) What I don't endorse about weed is the stoner sub-culture and the chronic use of weed. There is no problem with using weed occassionally for a trip. But that's not what these stoners do.

  3. How can I be more Self-Grounded?
    How can I be more Self-Grounded?
    You have to expose yourself to challenging life experiences. Not just sitting on your couch. Undertake challenging projects like starting a business. This will force you to toughen up.

  4. Leo gura what are your thoughts on andrew tate?
    Leo gura what are your thoughts on andrew tate?
    I don't disagree that 40% of what he talks about will be very helpful for young men.
    The problem is that it's laced with toxicity, and these young men are such mindless chimps that they will get infected with the toxicity.
    This is really a classic case of toxic masculinity.
    #1 rule of getting good with women: respect women.
    Teaching success with women requires adherence to ethics, otherwise it becomes toxic as the ego goes mad with its lust for sex at any cost.
    A wise and developed person could listen to Tate and cherrypick the gold. But most of the people who follow him are utter fools.

  5. Leo gura what are your thoughts on andrew tate?
    Leo gura what are your thoughts on andrew tate?
    No, it's hard and long work which few people want to do.
    What you guys need to understand is that getting rich is not scalable. You cannot make 100k fools online rich by having them follow some formula. Becoming rich in a sustainable way requires innovation and genuine creativity.

  6. How Do I Move On From A Bad Experience With Weed?
    How Do I Move On From A Bad Experience With Weed?
    Anyone who dismisses the psychedelic properties of cannabis is severely unaware of how deep the rabbit hole goes with THC. I've had experiences smoking weed (I have zero tolerance nowadays as well and also found my relationship with it changing after numerous mystical experiences via psychedelics) that are comparable to how people describe 5-MeO-DMT.

  7. How Do I Move On From A Bad Experience With Weed?
    How Do I Move On From A Bad Experience With Weed?
    Yes it is.

  8. Why do I want to use high dosage of Pychedelics all the time, how can I move on?
    Why do I want to use high dosage of Pychedelics all the time, how can I move on?
    It's ultimately not different from a heroin addiction. You want to live in a constant extremely positive state, and that ends up ruining your natural reward system and sober life.
    Sober life can never feel as good as a heroin high. At least not without decades of development.
    Death can come in multiple ways:
    Suicide Careless accident Delusional thinking Overdose Disillusionment with human life Losing your mind / insanity

  9. Buying vs Renting - your opinions?
    Buying vs Renting - your opinions?
    It highly depends on your local real estate market, part of the world, and cycle in the market.
    Speaking from personal experience, buying my home was the single best investment I made besides creating Actualized.org. I mean both financially but also emotionally. Financially, I earned 80% on my investment within 4 years. Emotionally, it gives me great peace of mind and it also enhances my life every day to live in a nice, spacious house that I can customize and decorate to my tastes.
    But I wouldn't do it if it meant going into lots of debt and tying yourself up with 30 years of work to pay it off.

  10. Most important exams in my life, help
    Most important exams in my life, help
    Okay I basically have the most important exams in my life in about 21 days.
    I have studied most things, so it is not bad, but the exam is extremely competitive, i am in my last high school year, from iraq, and studying here is extremely intense.
    Just to get an idea, I have about 7 books, average about 400 long pages each, and extremely dense usually college level material.

    I have studied almost all of it throughout the year, which is why I focused less on personal development this year, reading, meditation, contemplation ,etc.

    but I haven't mastered anything.
    College is free in Iraq, but very competitive if you want to get something good, i am talking about at the very least an average of 97+, which is why 12th grade is a meme level nightmare here, yet a very high number of people here end up getting good scores, so its very possible and normal.
    My plan A is getting a scholarship to a first world country, but either way, my current purpose, since this is what is close and urgent, is to fucking study

    here is the problem: I CAN'T STUDY
    I keep getting distracted, I tried eliminating all of distractions, i ended up with excessive maladaptive daydreaming, I basically procrastinate all day, but usually useful procrastination at least.
    i am a focused and disciplined person, in stuff I like only, but right now I really need to study, I am unable to,  I always studied good enough in normal years, but this year, which actually matters, I can't do anything.
    I schedule each day, but every time i find a way to not study, and the amount of pressure from family and people is very high, the Asian stereotype matches in my case.
    I don't even have school right now, I have all day.
    Please help 


  11. Most important exams in my life, help
    Most important exams in my life, help
    If you are getting 90+, that means you're a good student and the actual problem is that you are placing crazy unrealistic expections on yourself. Getting beyond 90+ is really a matter of being in the top 1% of a field, and that level of performance is not something you can will yourslf into, that's a matter of extremely specialized fit. Very few people are fit for that kind of performance in any field. So there will a strong self-selection process at work on you. Which is what you are feeling.
    This is not your fault. You've just positioned yourself into a poor situation requiring things of you which are not appropriate or healthy. Very few people are cut out to be in the top 1% of any field, simply because that requires a very specialized fit in terms of your values, personality, and even genetics. And it often requires serious sacrfices which are not right for most people.
    The real problem here is poor positioning. You could stop putting yourself into direct competiton with so many people. That's a losing sort of game unless you are perfectly fit.
    In life, you wanna find niches which have least competiton, not most. Why compete against millions of others by doing what everyone else is doing? The wiser way to win is by thinking so outside the box that few people do what you do. Then it's easy to win.
    Philosophy will not pay your bills in Iraq. It can barely pay the bills in America.
    You need a serious plan for making money which isn't philosophy. Philosophy you can do as a side hobby.
    The academic path is not a great way to make money, especially if you are not in the top 1%. Remember, academia is a pyramid scheme. Surviving inside academia is very cutthroat and is only suited for very few specialized people. Everyone else will lose time and money in it.
    I deliberately kept it vague because at this point your options are wide open.
    Frankly, it doesn't sound like you are suited for business at this point. But maybe you could be if you started working towards that. You've been so trapped in the academia game that you are overlooking so many other opportunties in life. I cannot tell you exactly what those are, I can only tell you that 1000s of opportunities exists outside of academia. Academia is a tiny sandbox without a larger world. Step out and explore what else is out there. You can find amazing things.
    I would never place myself in a position where I cared about doing better than 90%. It's just a waste of life energy playing such a game. You are now feeling why I would not go that route. Why make yourself so stressed and miserable? 90% is enough in the world of business. 90% is not enough in a pyramid scheme.

  12. Do you like nndmt?
    Do you like nndmt?
    My attitude towards sex is pretty chill. I regard it as a human need, similar to hunger. It needs to be satisfied in a healthy way, and stop making a big deal of it.

  13. United States kinda sucks
    United States kinda sucks

    I’m quite confident that if you conducted some regression analysis on which of those new billionaires have inherited their wealth or have significant financial backing from their families, it would be even more obvious.
    Switzerland is a bad example, since it is a tax oasis, and I bet that a significant portion of those people you mentioned are actually foreigners.
    Also, being a millionaire is laughable. I have many self-made millionaire friends and they barely manage to sustain their upper-middle-class lifestyle.

  14. United States kinda sucks
    United States kinda sucks
    Lol thats pretty funny. America is so huge that its hard to generalize.
    New Jersey does suck, so this would be like me living in a shitty town in Serbia for a month and then proclaiming that all of Europe sucks.
    Places like NYC, Miami, Dallas, Austin, Tampa, Atlanta, Scottsdale, LA, Denver, etc are USA at its best

  15. United States kinda sucks
    United States kinda sucks
    I had high hopes for the US given all the movies I watched as a kid, turns out it’s a pretty sucky place now that I’m here. Why would so many people want to live here? It’s full of bums, unhinged weirdos causing ruckus (not talking about all Americans, or Americans in general, some of them are foreigners), It’s super expensive and filthy, there’s so much police and police activity that it makes the air denser to breathe, New york in particular is such an obnoxious place, people are super unhelpful and on edge, I thought this shit was supposed to be Europe-certified walkable, you can’t even walk from the airport to the city, the women are beautiful sure but most of them are not even American, they’re European and Asian.
    I would imagine London to be the same if not worse because of all the rain fall, you can’t comfortably use your phone on the street because 3000 phones are stolen everyday. You need to grip your phone or hold it like a dick head because your country sucks. Luckily the brits have some quality countries right next door while the Americans have more shit countries around them.
    The US is just focused on bringing as much Mexicans, Chinese, and Indians to enjoy this dysfunctional shit show with them.
    These 1st world countries are like triple AAA video games, full of crap, while small indie countries have much better living conditions.
    The more I live the more I realize that my mother in all her godly ignorance was right about a lot of things.
    The fact that I wasn’t comfortable wearing my watch around these people is proof these are failed societies. Andrew Tate is right.
    Don’t get me started on Texas and Western America, the reason yall are so fat is because your government doesn’t know how to make a side walk, I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.

  16. How 150+ IQ people don't wake up is beyond me
    How 150+ IQ people don't wake up is beyond me
    IQ is a poor measurent of intelligence.
    Intelligence has to be redefined so that it's also connected to level of consciousness and level of development. And even moral development should be a factor.
    Boiling intelligence down to one's ability to do complex physics calcuations is, ironically, not very intelligent.

  17. How do I accept human stupidity?
    How do I accept human stupidity?
    Education, philosophy, and spirituality.

  18. How do I accept human stupidity?
    How do I accept human stupidity?
    You gotta realize that all human stupidity has a deep intelligence behind it. People are stupid for good reasons. No exceptions.
    And remind yourself that reality is Perfect. To hold reality as imperfect is itself you being stupid. So now you got something in common with everyone else

  19. The problem of not knowing and acting on the relative world
    The problem of not knowing and acting on the relative world
    All I'm saying is that life has crocodiles in it.
    This shouldn't be controversial.

  20. why cant i be a winner
    why cant i be a winner
    @Ramanujan Passion works everywhere, but you have to work seriously on your passion, developing the skills and creating great stuff. Passion is not a theoretical thing. You have to use it deliver serious results.
    How many games have you created in 10 years?

  21. How to Build a Large Social Circle Without Alcohol/Partying?
    How to Build a Large Social Circle Without Alcohol/Partying?
    Of course. Which is why pickup is a thing.
    Getting laid frequently requires deliberate effort. Even appraoching 10 girls per night is way too low.
    What you guys aren't getting is that getting laid frequently, consistently, with new girls is not natural nor normal. It doesn't happen organically. It only happens by design.
    Mere socialization cannot get you laid every week. Humans naturally have sex with new people pretty rarely.

  22. How to Build a Large Social Circle Without Alcohol/Partying?
    How to Build a Large Social Circle Without Alcohol/Partying?
    No, I just respect myself too much to drink.

  23. Social circle fundamentals?
    Social circle fundamentals?
    This type of mindset is just cringe in general. You are trying to engineer your life and learn rules to get you friends and girls. They can probably smell the neediness a mile away and are repelled by that. There are no rules or tricks. If you follow any, you will be even more awkward.
    The most attractive thing is just honing your craft and not focusing on girls at all. Not sure if you noticed but chasing tail is very unfulfilling and results in hanging out with low quality women. If there is a partner that is perfect for you, then you are destined to meet them whenever you get your shit together, stop chasing meaningless sex and work on fulfilling your full potential. 
    Daddy gave you a stern talling, now go think and change your life. 

  24. Sex is better in fantasies than in real
    Sex is better in fantasies than in real
    That was through sexual hyposis.
    But text is easy if she plays with herself.
    That's a deep topic. It would require a whole course. And it's kind of an awkward thing to teach in my position. Although it would blow people's minds.
    Maybe like a 7.5

  25. Sex is better in fantasies than in real
    Sex is better in fantasies than in real
    Yup. The best sex happens in the mind.
    The key to great sex is to take it from a mechanical process into an imaginary, fantasy process with your partner.