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  1. Top Proofs For The Existence Of God
    Top Proofs For The Existence Of God
    The problem is that nobody is conscious of what observation really is.
    Observation is Existence/Truth.
    The only reason anyone can know anything is because things are illuminated by virtue of being Truth or Existing.
    Observation is not some material process. It is Truth being True.
    The reason you can know God is the reason you can know anything. Because its True. If nothing was true, nothing would be known or observed.
    Knowing is Being.

  2. Top Proofs For The Existence Of God
    Top Proofs For The Existence Of God
    Well, eventually you realize that literally everything is necessary. Which is Infinity.
    The only way to have any thing is to have everything.

  3. Amazing Video On Awakening (Female Perspective)
    Amazing Video On Awakening (Female Perspective)
    Of course.
    The only explanation for why everyone is not doing this work is because they were never interested in truth, metaphysics, or reality, and they never will be no matter what.
    People love being lost in the dream. They are dream addicts.
    I spoke to an ex girlfriend recently and she literally told me that she had an experience of no-self, and quickly removed it from her mind because it freaked her out. And she is a very spiritual girl who listens to all this work, not a normie.
    One time she tried a tiny bit of 5-MeO-DMT and was freaking out trying to literally run out of the house.
    People running away from God as fast as they can 
    To face Truth takes crazy vision and maturity.

  4. Amazing Video On Awakening (Female Perspective)
    Amazing Video On Awakening (Female Perspective)
    I used to think that, but no more.
    Most people should stay asleep.
    It took me 40 years to realize how unique I was in my value of truth and reality.
    The #1 key to all this work is that you have to want it and love it.

  5. How many girlfriends to get before marriage?
    How many girlfriends to get before marriage?
    Values alignment is the critcial thing.
    But also your personalities and life goals gotta align. You have to be able to get along fairly effortlessly without constant drama and fighting. And you need to be able to resolve disputes when they do arise.
    These fundamentals needs to be present underneath all the romanic feelings because the romance will wane.

  6. Amazing Video On Awakening (Female Perspective)
    Amazing Video On Awakening (Female Perspective)
    I accessed consciousness so deep and horrifying that I realized humans are not ready for it and it cannot be pushed on them.
    Also, I lost/hurt several girlfriends just from pushing truth on them. And the pain of that made me realize that truth is my value and not anyone else's.
    It is important to respect another's values rather than pushing yours on them.
    I have stopped pushing truth on people. I only communicate it in my teachings for those who like my work.

  7. Trying to understand Elon Musks shift in personality or "radicalization".
    Trying to understand Elon Musks shift in personality or "radicalization".
    He def got radicalized. He is at war now with wokeness. Before he was not.
    The reason Musk went to war with wokeness is because he realized wokeness was threatening his desire for absolute power. Wokeness requires sharing of power. Musk wants to operate like a king.
    Musk has genuine compassion, but it is completely intertwined with his ego and need for power. So he will rationalize to himself that whatever he's doing is the highest good and therefore the most compassionate path.
    Musk cares about doing good, but only in ways that allow him to be king and get his way.

  8. Awake teacher Says Philosophy is a Waste of Life
    Awake teacher Says Philosophy is a Waste of Life
    This is a trap.
    The problem with this overly simplistic take is that you cannot stop thinking. Life will force you to think, and if you don't train how to think properly you will end up thinking improperly and fall into self-deception.
    Improper thinking is the default. No one is born a great thinker.
    If you follow that guy's advice you will end up an enlightened anti-vax, Jews-run-the-world, election-was-stolen, Trump voter.
    Also what this guy misses is that thinking is an art that can connect you to the beauty and intelligence of God. Thinking can be a spiritual activity in itself and it generates valid and useful insight.
    I agree that reading philosophy books is largely a waste of time. Real philosophy is done in your mind.

  9. Awake teacher Says Philosophy is a Waste of Life
    Awake teacher Says Philosophy is a Waste of Life
    Anything can work depending on where you are in life. Reading Playboy could help. It all depends.
    Just go watch Tolle for that advice.

  10. Amazing Video On Awakening (Female Perspective)
    Amazing Video On Awakening (Female Perspective)
    All depends on them.
    Yeah, that's what disinterest is like.
    You can hand someone God and they will throw it away to look at squirrels on TikTok.
    It's not enough to experience God. The more critical matter is realizing the significance of God.
    Be careful assuming how serious she is, how much she really wants truth vs something else. It's not like my girlfriends didn't like psychedelics. That is no measure of truth-seeking. Girls will easily use psychedelics to play out their New Age spiritual fantasies.
    But congrats.

  11. Trying to understand Elon Musks shift in personality or "radicalization".
    Trying to understand Elon Musks shift in personality or "radicalization".
    Don't forget his ketamine use and his social media addiction.
    Twitter alone could have broken his brain. Online self-radicalization is a real thing.
    The problem is Musk had no epistemic foundation. So he was easily radicalized by online echochambers.

  12. COVID Killed My Erections
    COVID Killed My Erections
    A few points here.
    1) Just jerk off on top of her. Sometimes that is necessary. A girl will not always make you cum directly because she doesn't know how to rub your dick in the right way.
    2) Tell her a lot how hot and sexy you find her, so she doesn't have any doubts about that. As you do foreplay and fuck her, keep telling her how hot she is. Keeping telling her over and over. "Wow, you're so fucking sexy baby." And don't just tell her, you yourself feel it and appreciate her sexiness. This will make you cun faster.
    3) Are you saying her sex is too boring for you? In that case you lead her into hotter sex. You frame this as you want to lead her into deeper femininity and she should want to follow you. So you tell her, "I want to try something new. I want to guide you into deeper femininity. Do you want to follow?" And then you guide her into crazy hot sex. And as she follows ever step you give her, you reward her by telling her how good and sexy she is for following your lead.
    4) Cumming is about how hot you make the sex seem in your mind. Not the physical rubbing. So to cum faster you gotta really amp up the hotness of it in your own mind, to the point where you can't take it any more. And of course you can verbalize all that with her.
    I could write a few paragraphs of steamy hot sex that is so hot to read you will want to bust. It's a skill you can learn. You are not engaging your mind enough. You are missing a huge opportunity here.
    Women need to be lead into hot sex. I doesn't just happen. Take charge of your woman and your sex.

  13. Leo's Blog Discussion Mega-Thread
    Leo's Blog Discussion Mega-Thread
    That could be turned into a win-win-win opportunity.
    There are many possible benefits of moving to another city or country:
    Psychedelics Better dating More life experience for faster growth

  14. COVID Killed My Erections
    COVID Killed My Erections
    The other day I came 6 times. There was no lack of sperm.
    The more you cum the more sperm will be made.

  15. Why is major city required for game and is my city big enough?
    Why is major city required for game and is my city big enough?
    Suzie from work will report you for sexual harassment. Don't shit where you eat.

  16. COVID Killed My Erections
    COVID Killed My Erections
    Dude, this is pure nonsense.
    I can easily cum 4x per day.
    The only limit is your dick will burn off.
    Do you even know how often people have sex? I have a friend who has sex 5 times a day.

  17. Tinnitus - Mega-Thread
    Tinnitus - Mega-Thread
    That is BS.
    I'm not dismissing it. It's just false. Stop trusting people.

  18. How to deal with Hashimotos?
    How to deal with Hashimotos?
    You have no idea if this is true.
    Just a story someone told you.

  19. My Story with Andrew Tate's War Room
    My Story with Andrew Tate's War Room
    A woman's love is ridiculously easy to abuse. It's like abusing a child.
    This is a cakewalk for a narcissistic sociopath.

  20. Women are poor judge of character
    Women are poor judge of character
    Yes, of course.
    Although stupidity is turn-off.
    The biggest trap for guys is going for girls who are too emotional. It's just a nightmare and not worth any amount of hot sex. There can be no peace or consciousness with so much emotion.

  21. Women are poor judge of character
    Women are poor judge of character
    Yes, of course. That's the tragedy of it.
    I understand all that.
    Which is why I said, "My condolences".
    It's not merely that women are being fooled. It's that women are making themselves into fools by mating entirely off emotions.
    By being emotional puppets women end up puppetmastered.
    Women rarely reward conscious men with sex. So why should men be better? I have to actively behave like a scumbag to get sex. It's funny. That's what hot women reward. It's similar to social media, you get rewarded the most for the dumbest, vilest behavior.

  22. Leo's Blog Discussion Mega-Thread
    Leo's Blog Discussion Mega-Thread
    What conservatives prioritize is the preservation of an ethnostate.
    They want whites to be in charge of America, like the good ol times. Of course they cannot admit it, so they dress it up with rationalizations.
    They reason they freak out over DEI is because it threatens the notion of an ethnostate.

  23. What Is Eternity: Could Reality Be An Accident?
    What Is Eternity: Could Reality Be An Accident?
    There is a deeper consciousness in which you realize that the finite and infinite are identical, and that you are not a character or pawn but the one and only God.
    You are God dreaming that you are finite and limited. And so your dream becomes your reality. Since there is no one to stop you or tell you otherwise.

  24. Dismissing criticisms of wokeness =/= being developed
    Dismissing criticisms of wokeness =/= being developed
    I would say white men def have a hiring advantage for jobs, especially powerful public-facing jobs.
    Women are still discriminated against for such jobs I think. And brown/black people for sure.
    In 1992 black people were not allowed to join the golf course on which I lived in California. Not offically, but unofficially. Wink, wink.
    Affirmative action is designed to fix stuff like that.

  25. Dismissing criticisms of wokeness =/= being developed
    Dismissing criticisms of wokeness =/= being developed
    @SwiftQuill Affirmative action surely exists, by design, and it does its job.
    My question to you is, so what? Why does it bother you? I got over affirmative action back in high school. You just accept it, realizing that it's helping some people who need it and you move on with life. You don't take it personally and then build a politics around it.
    Not every policy in society is supposed to help you.
    Also, you will note, I didn't dismiss that life was hard for you as a white male. Life can be hard as the son of a billionaire. Life tends to be hard in general.