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I pussied out again - Hating myself
I pussied out again - Hating myselfI pussied out again & have this feeling of lingering self hatred.
This has gone on for too long.
I don't know what to do. Should I try find an accountability partner on this forum? Or is that me just not being independent & getting on with it.
I only get chances to appraoch so often due a mix of factors.
All the nootropics in the world won't work on your energy after pussying out, it depletes me inside. It's the "Loser effect".
Only so much game theory is useful. Ultimately if i'm gonna pussy oout all the game in the world is useless. I need to be a winner.
I can't concentrate on my goals now, I hate being a pussy. I can't accept myself right now.
My life & actions does not match my standards, it's too painful.
Is investing in Crypto just a get rich quick scheme?
Is investing in Crypto just a get rich quick scheme?Real estate keeps its value very well and even adjusts for inflation because everyone needs it. Crashes are temporary and nowhere near as bad as a BitCoin crash. A BitCoin crash would wipe out your investment in one week. Real estate will never do that. At most it crashes 20-30%, and then rebounds after a few years and such crashes happen once a decade or less.
Is investing in Crypto just a get rich quick scheme?
Is investing in Crypto just a get rich quick scheme?There is real estate, stocks, etc.
If you want a solid investment look into real estate.
The Myth Of The Economically Marginalized MAGAs
The Myth Of The Economically Marginalized MAGAsRace-IQ garbage is making genetic claims, not environmental or developmental ones. That's a key difference.
The Myth Of The Economically Marginalized MAGAs
The Myth Of The Economically Marginalized MAGAsDon't confuse IQ with cognitive and moral development. These are very different things.
How much do women get turned on by a man's looks?
How much do women get turned on by a man's looks?Pickup lines are meaningless. Pickup lines will not get you laid, don't waste your time on them.
How much do women get turned on by a man's looks?
How much do women get turned on by a man's looks?If you got high looks, online dating will be shooting fish in a barrel.
The Myth Of The Economically Marginalized MAGAs
The Myth Of The Economically Marginalized MAGAsInsightful interview about MAGA ideology:
Is investing in Crypto just a get rich quick scheme?
Is investing in Crypto just a get rich quick scheme?Pumping and dumping. Supply is not an absolute thing. Supply and demand form a complex interconnected relationship.
If I can go on Facebook or YT and hype up BitCoin as the greatest thing ever, people start to buy it en masse, and this effectively manipulates the price by manipulating supply and demand. The absolute number of coins never needs to change for this manipulation to take place and lose you all your money.
In the end what affects you is not the absolute number of coins but their relative value to when you purchased and sold them. It doesn't matter what the underlying value is, if you purchase and sell at the wrong time you will lose money. And it's very easy to purchase and sell at the wrong times. So this idea that BitCoin is a "sure thing" is just a fantasy.
How much do women get turned on by a man's looks?
How much do women get turned on by a man's looks?Seems like a good framework. Even though there is subjectivity, I think nearly everyone would agree about 5 pts of separation. For example, very few people would find a 3 more attractive than an 8 on that scale.
How much do women get turned on by a man's looks?
How much do women get turned on by a man's looks?Life cannot exist without bias. Consider it what you will.
How much do women get turned on by a man's looks?
How much do women get turned on by a man's looks?A man's looks are an important factor. But there is a range of consideration.
Now, I'm an average looking woman... maybe a 5 or 6.
So, if a guy is between a 4 and a 6 looks-wise, I can become attracted to him. It doesn't necessarily mean that I will be attracted to him. That has to do with a multitude of other factors. But looks-wise, that's my range of ability to develop an attraction to someone.
If he is under a 4, then I am unlikely do develop an attraction to him because his looks would be underneath my range.
If he is over a 6, then I am unlikely to develop and attraction to him because he probably won't be excited by me or desire me, and that's a huge turn-off. I like to be the peacock of the relationship.
But when an attraction does set in for me, I really appreciate the way a guy looks because of the way I feel about him. A good-looking guy on his own doesn't do much for me. But if an attraction sets in, I just love the way the guy looks.
This is always the way it has worked for me.
Feynman pickup
Feynman pickupLmao - just figured out the great physicist richard feynman learned some old school pickup back in his day. From Surely you’re joking Mr.feynman:
How much do women get turned on by a man's looks?
How much do women get turned on by a man's looks?There is nothing special about anyone. Or, to say the same thing, everyone is equally special.
The mind is bullshitting itself whenever it feels that one thing is more special than any other. That is ego in a nutshell. But you can't stop doing it or you'll die. So here we are, bullshitting each other.
And now you understand all of human life, especially dating and relationships. It's all 100% pure bullshit which is why it's so unstable. Ta-da!
Is investing in Crypto just a get rich quick scheme?
Is investing in Crypto just a get rich quick scheme?It's parasitic because traders don't do any actual creative work, they leech off the labor of others in order to make easy money that would otherwise be impossible to make through creative labor.
See, when you take $1000 and turn it into $1,000,000 via BitCoin, you've just figured out how to turn a few teachers, farmers, and retail clerks into your wages slaves. That is literally what you are doing, but you've masked it as something else so you can sleep well at night.
That's the evil genius of Wall Street as a system. It gives legitimacy to professional thieves and parasites and allows them to sleep well at night as they pat each other on the back.
Thievery in the 21st century has gotten so advanced and sophisticated that even the thieves who spend their entire lives doing it have no awareness that they are in fact thieves -- giving them perfect plausible deniability.
Spiral Dynamics Stage Yellow Examples Mega-Thread
Spiral Dynamics Stage Yellow Examples Mega-ThreadDo not spread misinformation on there. Educate yourself about the distinction between awakening and development.
Trump Supporters Storming The Capitol! - MAGA Coup Mega-Thread
Trump Supporters Storming The Capitol! - MAGA Coup Mega-ThreadAbsolutely.
But you also have to consider: Green hippies and SJWs are not suitable for serving in a SWAT team. Law enforcement people must be hardened people given the animals they deal with on a regular basis. Law enforcement's job is largely to deal with stage Red -- who tend to be ruthless nutjobs.
It is foolish to hold law enforcement types to the same standards as Echkart Tolle. When you tell a law enforcement type to be an Eckhart Tolle type, that's like feeding your dog tofu.
Is investing in Crypto just a get rich quick scheme?
Is investing in Crypto just a get rich quick scheme?@GroovyGuru
Most people invested in crypto are engaging in glorified gambling. They have very little to no interest in the social impact of their investing, they are just trying to beat the market.
That said, I see crypto as having the potential to disrupt the current economic system. Anything that messes with the money supply is a big deal.
Is investing in Crypto just a get rich quick scheme?
Is investing in Crypto just a get rich quick scheme?Of course it is, because you're not adding any value to society by doing this. You are looking to steal value. And so don't get surprised if you end up punished.
Focus on giving massive value to society. Not being a value vampire.
Trump Supporters Storming The Capitol! - MAGA Coup Mega-Thread
Trump Supporters Storming The Capitol! - MAGA Coup Mega-ThreadIt's just classic nationalism and ethnocentrism.
Stage Blue is ethnocentric. They defend whatever ethnic identity they have, regardless of whether it's Hindus, Germans, Russians, Chinese, Japanese, or Muricans.
This is Murican ethnocentrism. Trump's entire appeal for the last 5 years has been American ethnocentrism. That's his entire platform, and ethnocentrically-inclined people lap it up. They love it because nobody else speaks to them in that way.
To call it racism doesn't fully get the point. It's ethnocentrism. Which of course leads to racism in practice. Ethnocentrism is where racism spawns from.
Any Pick Up / Dating Success Stories
Any Pick Up / Dating Success StoriesI don't recommend much of it. Date to build up skills and get a girlfriend.
One night stands are not quality sex anyway. You will have way better sex with a girlfriend. I also don't recommend keeping harems.
Trump Supporters Storming The Capitol! - MAGA Coup Mega-Thread
Trump Supporters Storming The Capitol! - MAGA Coup Mega-ThreadNot exactly the most ethical thing to let a literal child make such a profound decision with life-long consequences though.
vegan wanting to eat meat again!
vegan wanting to eat meat again!Then eat meat.
There is no solid evidence to suggest that meat is unhealthy OR that Veganism is the healthiest optimal diet for humans.
There is solid evidence that meat (which is filled with fats) contributed to human brain development.
There is evidence that a Vegan diet DOES NOT provide necessary nutrients like b12, Vitamin A, DHA & EPA; and additional nutrients like creatine, carnosine, taurine, and more that participate in your well-being.
And Vegans will tell you, that you can supplement away all of these nutrients. So go ahead and do that if you think that's the wisest way to live.
5-Meo terror?
5-Meo terror?Be very careful with dosing.
Plug instead of vape/snort.
Always on an empty stomach.
Trump Supporters Storming The Capitol! - MAGA Coup Mega-Thread
Trump Supporters Storming The Capitol! - MAGA Coup Mega-ThreadIt should also be added that Jordan Peterson bears responsibility for this. His paranoia and fear-mongering about "cultural marxists" has infected the minds of millions of MAGA people, making them feel justified in doing whatever.
His paranoia that the modern left will lead to Stalinism was exactly the opposite of true. The greater danger has always been that the paranoia around Green stoked by the likes of JP and his ilk will lead to right-wing fascism.
This man needs to be discredited as a public intellectual.
For all of JP's study and deep cotemplation of Hitler's evils, he ends up siding with neo-Nazis.