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Is investing in Crypto just a get rich quick scheme?
Is investing in Crypto just a get rich quick scheme?To create massive value you must develop yourself and build the necessary knowledge, expertise, wisdom, and skills.
Just because you make some easy cash fast does not mean you have a clue as to how to use it to create massive value. In fact there will be an inverse relationship there because if you were serious about creating massive value you would not be chasing easy money in the first place.
I'm not saying don't invest your money. But recognize the difference between prudent investing vs gambling and hoping to get rich for nothing.
The truth is that nobody knows the real value of crypto. So you're just gambling. Just because you get lucky does not make it not gambling. Be careful not to fool yourself that you know things which you don't really know.
It's very easy to fool yourself with investing, especially when you're chasing some craze like crypto. You buy into social media hype and get so excited you stop thinking straight.
Why is Enlightenment random?
Why is Enlightenment random?Most people's method for awakening is like trying to catch fish with bare hands.
Horribly ineffective. And then when you tell them to use a net or stick of dynamite they demonize you for it because they have been brainwashed that unless a fish is caught with bare hands it isn't a real fish.
Human spiritual technology is still in the Dark Ages. Like trying to saw down a tree with your teeth because you saw a beaver do it that way.
Why is Enlightenment random?
Why is Enlightenment random?Your framing is wrong. It's not random at all.
It's like saying that catching fish is random. Only seems that way to unskilled fishermen.
If you use a stick of dynamite you will catch fish every time. But if you insist on catching fish with your hands, then you will struggle and it will seem random.
I want to become a day trader!!!
I want to become a day trader!!!We will not be promoting day trading or other flakey get rich quick schemes on this forum.
If you want that, you've come to the wrong place.
Movie about negative effects of wrong ideas in stage Green
Movie about negative effects of wrong ideas in stage GreenWhat is your problem dude? Why not just leave me alone than constantly attacking me all the time on this forum.
Who are you to tell to leave the forum? You've no right.
Learn to be respectful. Or don't talk to me at all from now on
Why are you taking me out of context?
Why are you using the word threatening?
I was politely telling him that when he was creating a new thread I was going to use some of my quotes for the discussion. My quotes. Not his. Do you even bother to read before attacking me?
It was a polite request
Stop being disrespectful and don't talk to me again. I don't like to engage with you.
Leave me alone.
mass systemic rape in Uighur camps
mass systemic rape in Uighur campsYup, that's how devilry happens.
@erik8lrl Don't bullshit us. China is definitely racist as fuck and they have a long history of doing evil shit like this in Tibet. They kidnapped one of the Dalai Lamas.
When I told this to my former Chinese girlfriend, she started to cry because it sounded so evil.
As bad as the US is, China is up to evil shit.
Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange Examples Mega-Thread
Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange Examples Mega-Thread@Leo Gura LOL Can you imagine an old white bill gates like figure with grills (diamond studded teeth) tossing money around and smacking a girls arse on an expensive car?
Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange Examples Mega-Thread
Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange Examples Mega-ThreadYup
Solid Orange people tend to be more modest about their wealth. Like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet. They have it, but their ego is not so insecure as to need to flaunt it in everyone's face.
Tacky displays of obscene wealth and luxury are a hallmark of a Red psyche.
Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread
Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-ThreadI mean, he's not wrong...
Frustration with other points of view that seem crazy and retarded.
Frustration with other points of view that seem crazy and retarded.Optimal strategy always depends on environment.
Good strategy in San Fran is bad strategy in Saudi Arabia.
Frustration with other points of view that seem crazy and retarded.
Frustration with other points of view that seem crazy and retarded.Hehehe....
You are not appreciating the depth of the situation and what I said.
Gayness has been a survival obstacle for men for thousands of years, which is why it is still so stigmatized around the world in nearly all cultures. The fact that some progressive pockets have advanced to a stage of society in the last 20 years where being gay is not a serious liability, that doesn't disprove my point, that proves my point.
Today, in a highly advanced society you can be gay without much problem. But this was not true for most of humam history, and it still is not true in most parts of the world. Hence stage Red and Blue gay stigmas remain.
None of this should be surprising to you. That you cannot see this shows how fucking pampered, entitled, and oblvious you are to the way most humans survive in the world.
If you live in San Francisco, NYC, or LA and act gay, no problem. If you live in Russia or the Middle East and act gay, they might cut your dick off just for fun.
Better yet, try acting gay in prison. See what happens to your survival odds.
Being gay is a luxury only recently made available thanks to rising incomes and advancements in civilization. Which is why in countries like Iran the idea of being gay does not even exist. They think gays only live in America. Because to be gay in Iran is suicidal.
The External World Does Exist: Reality is more than Consciousness
The External World Does Exist: Reality is more than ConsciousnessNot all the time. The illusion of helping you is still powerful and sticky.
But you have to consider that there's literally nothing better to do. Anything you do is equally pointless, so you might as well help people out and follow your passions. People will act nicer towards you and the world will be a nicer place to live.
Remember, selfishness still causes suffering. So living your life selfishly will not feel so good for you even if you are the only one in the Universe. If you rape someone, you will still go to jail.
The sexual attraction thread
The sexual attraction threadAll this is just the female form of game.
When you decide to actually open your legs for a man, you will absolutely have screened him through your female survival agenda, otherwise you would never sleep with him.
So your position is rank hypocrisy masquerading as love and compassion.
You don't give a damn about low value men.
It's extremely sneaky and convenient of you ladies to whine about how unfair it is that men objectify you. Yet you are attracted to high value males.
There is no difference between a guy being attracted to big tits vs a girl being attracted to an alpha guy.
Notice yourself playing these sneaky games.
Survival value for me but not for thee. That's your game
Which MBTI type dies a virgin?
Which MBTI type dies a virgin?You really have to be weird to die a virgin anyway
Just go to a scort and get that heavy off your back
BrainsPerspective is a relative notion.
It does not exist at the absolute level.
Consciousness is not a 1st person perspective. That is the ego's illusion. Consciousness is Absolute Infinity.
BuddhismIt counts as ideology and dogma.
I've yet to meet a God-realized Buddhist. They are mostly cosplaying.
Show me one Buddhist who knows what God is.
The External World Does Exist: Reality is more than Consciousness
The External World Does Exist: Reality is more than ConsciousnessI don't know if there is infinite awakening literally. But there are many degrees of them for sure.
For example, many so called awakened people are not actually conscious of what God is. Because that requires deeper awakening.
Yup, where else could they come from but your imagination? You are God imagining a world. It's very similar to how video game rendering works, except the computer doing the rendering is also just imaginary!
That is the ultimate illusion.
That is a fantasy of yours.
What I am saying is that you can absolutely verify that only you exist and everyone else is imaginary.
This is not a matter of disproving solpsism. This is a matter of proving it.
You can do that since you are all there is! See how elegant it is? You don't need to crawl into my head to check, you just need to become conscious that "Leo's head" is a fantasy. Which you can do if you are seeious enough.
Yes, it's hard to accept because it's so radical.
Yes, exactly. You see, that is how God fools himself into buying the illusion. God fools you with your compassion and care for others. Your desire to help others and comfort them is a huge part of the illusion you have spun for yourself. This emotional hook keeps you locked in the dream. The dream would not feel real unless it had powerful emotional hooks.
What is a more powerful emotional hook than seeing your daughter get raped?
God is a trickster of the highest order. God uses every emotion against you to fool you.
Just a trick of God.
Of course not.
You don't even have a dog. You just invented your dog right now!
Take some 5-MeO-DMT
There is only ONE perspective. Yours.
It's about energy efficiency. God saves energy my only creating ONE bubble. Why would God waste energy on others when they are not needed? Seriously. Think about it.
Not missing.
They were always just aspects of your absolute perspective.
You tell yourself this to stay locked into the illusion.
God sees all. What you see now is all that God sees. God cannot hide anything from itself.
You are talking to yourself, obviously. Nothing else could happen.
Yes, because you resist it. If you accept it, it's so easy.
My pleasure
Look, what I am saying does not preclude you from visiting other worlds, so to speak. You can get on a rocket ship and fly to Mars explore it and it will feel real. And you might even meet some aliens there, fuck one of them, and have a baby together. But all that will just be happening as your experience.
It is a dream, but it is also Absolute Truth -- if you are conscious enough.
Yeah, you break free of being lost in the fantastical mind.
Spira, for example, believes in other minds as real. He's not conscious that he is imagining them.
Shinzen does not understand God or Infinity.
Ramaji is deluded as fuck with his 1000 system and his diety worship.
The External World Does Exist: Reality is more than Consciousness
The External World Does Exist: Reality is more than ConsciousnessYes, your entire mind is just a bag of tricks you use to keep yourself locked in the illusion.
Even your birth. It did not happen. Just a trick of your mind. You have existed here/now forever, imagining shit around you, like births and deaths.
Why some people never change their spiral dynamic stage?
Why some people never change their spiral dynamic stage?Most people have no interest in developing themselves.
It is actually rare for someone to outgrow the stage they were raised in -- as that requires emotional labor and people are lazy.
It's extremely rare for someone to grow by 2 stages or more.
God CANNOT Be Separated from Religion
God CANNOT Be Separated from ReligionAll religion is bullshit.
Likes apes doing cosplay as humans.
Whatever you think religion gives you, you will gain more by dropping it.
First Date field report
First Date field reportDon't qualify yourself or seek to impress. Rather deflect her trap by saying something like, "When I crash, it will be all passenger side, Don't worry, your death will be quick and relatively painless."
Do not fall for a girl's trap where she tries to get you to sell yourself to her. You are the prize, not her.
Don't do these serious talks on dates. This is awful.
Instead ask her something like, "What weapon would you select in a zombie apocalypse?"
"If you were an animal, what animal would you be?"
"What is your favorite part of your body?"
WTF is this??! Get out of that car and get your hands all over her body and kiss her.
- - - - -
Overall you are too serious. Be more playful and fun and illogical and nonsensical and emotional. Turn on some dumb music in the car and sing and dance with her. Tell her stories. Be dumb, in a clever way
The sexual attraction thread
The sexual attraction threadThat landscape is my ideal too! Don't understand why they put a woman in front of it...
I found the video clip where Don Beck advocates for Trump
I found the video clip where Don Beck advocates for TrumpYa'll should read the book, House of Trump, House of Putin. It reveals the staggering Redness of Trump's monsterous ego. The sad thing is that Trump is way worse than anyone knows or anything the media has revealed in the last 4 years. He has stolen, defrauded, and laundered billions for the Russians.
And Beck is deeply wrong about Russia too. Russia is absurdly corrupt with Red. Whichever Russians he meets with are not the Russians in power. Russia is a Red ass mafia state.
RussiaGate is real and it's deep. Don't listen to foolish progressives who deny it. Read the book if you want to know how deep RussiaGate goes.
Gamestop stock situation
Gamestop stock situationAnyone who's A) on Reddit, B) is a daytrader, is scum of the Earth. You think these people are saints? Lol
That's like saying: "Look guys, the trolls on 4chan are planning something good to help solve government. Let's follow them."