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About Yali

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  1. CRT Paranoia & Foolishness
    CRT Paranoia & Foolishness
    People gotta work different amounts to get the same results. And some people can't get the same result no matter how hard they work.
    I am never gonna be a Victoria Secret model no matter how hard I work.

  2. Can you Get Girls That Are More Physically Attractive Than You?
    Can you Get Girls That Are More Physically Attractive Than You?
    Lucky for you the attraction phase lasts about 60 minutes tops.

  3. Can you Get Girls That Are More Physically Attractive Than You?
    Can you Get Girls That Are More Physically Attractive Than You?
    @joeyi99 What is a woman's value in a man's eyes? Think of a list of what makes a woman high value to a man. What makes a woman a prize?
    Now step in the woman's shoes. What is a man's value to her? Make a list. Why would a woman need a man in here life at all? What makes a man a prize?
    Hint: these are NOT symmetrical! You must stop thinking about this using your dick. A beautiful face/body is not why a woman is looking for a man. Nor does she need a man with a long dick. She has much more important needs he must meet.
    Contemplate this from the woman's POV until you understand what needs a woman has. Then you will understand what value means here.
    A woman's value is much more physical. A man's value is much more social. A man who is weak, lazy, socially out of touch, and incapable of leading other men is the equivalent of an ugly woman.
    What makes a man ugly is NOT his physical appreance but his meek attitude. Which is exactly why incels can't get laid. It's not their looks, it's their ugly attitudes.
    You need to develop the attitude of a winner or a boss or a warrior.
    What do all girls fantasize about? A knight in shining armor who will sweep her off her feet and show her a whole new world. Looks are not what make a warrior.

  4. Can you Get Girls That Are More Physically Attractive Than You?
    Can you Get Girls That Are More Physically Attractive Than You?
    I've attracted girls (8s, 9s, and even 10s) who were way more physically attractive than me.
    Because girls aren't primarily attracted by a guy's looks, but by his persona, charm, charisma, confidence, wit, leadership qualities, intellect, social status, and strength.
    If you go out a lot and approach a lot you will attract 8s and 9s fairly regularly. Which is not to say you'll be able to close all of them, because closing requires having perfect logistics, which usually isn't possible. So you will lose a lot of 8s and 9s, but at least you'll get the validation of having attracted them. You will be able to tell, for example, that if the logistics had been good, she would have eagerly slept with you. And from that point, it's only a matter of time until the logistics line up and you'll sleep with your first 8 or 9.
    10s are just so rare it's not even worth thinking about.
    All that's required is that you go out a lot, approach a lot, and have good game. If you can set up good logistics (by living very close to bars/clubs) that will up your chances of pulling girls by a factor of 2x-10x. Logistics are super important if you want to get laid a lot.
    Basically any girl that's an 8 or above is a model-quality girl, as she can make easy money off her looks, and often does or did so in the past. She can be a model, actress, stripper, pornstar, webcam girl, go-go dancer, hostess, etc. But don't forget, a lot of these girls can be annoying to deal with as they tend to spoiled rotten by men. These girls know how to use their looks to manipulate men. They know they are hot and they know the value of that in our society. Handling girls like that requires a serious boss/pimp attitude. A weak man cannot handle a girl like that.
    The rule of thumb is, whatever quality of girl you feel you deserve and can boss around, is the quality of girl you will get. Anything above that you will not be able to handle because your confidence is too low. Hot girls have high confidence. As a guy, in order to attract a girl your confidence and value must be higher than hers. If you want to date models, you need to develop balls of steel and a delusional, borderline narcissistic degree of self-confidence and self-love. You need to be unfazed and just have an I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude.
    Or become famous. Famous guys get hot girls easily.

  5. Pick up or Life purpose first
    Pick up or Life purpose first
    LP by day, pickup by night.
    Move to a bigger city when you can afford it.
    Remember, pickup doesn't have to take up your whole day. You can go out for 2-3 hours every Fri, Sat, Sun. You can do day game in the afternoons on weekends.

  6. Day game: minimizing flakes
    Day game: minimizing flakes
    Flake rate is high regardless of what you do. It's a numbers game. Even a 5% close rate would be awesome.
    But of course you can improve your conversion rate. Always push for an instant coffee date. If you can get her into an instant coffee date this will increase your rate a lot.
    The biggest problem is that you need more time with her to build a connection. This is very hard to do in 5 minutes. So the more time you can persuader her to spend with you, getting to know you, the more of an impact you'll have and the more she will remember you when you text.
    Also keep in mind many attractive girls have boyfriends. You should screen them for it early on so as not to waste your time. If she has a boyfriend she will not text you back. Don't waste your time. Screen girls.
    Push for instant coffee. Don't let her run off with empty promises. A promise from a girl is less than worthless.
    Never do that. You clearly failed to attract her and she was just looking for any excuse to leave without a hassle. Yelling at her to call you back is needy as fuck and therefore she never will.
    Girls will give out their number easily just to get to you leave them alone. So shooting for numbers is pointless. You need to shoot for building attraction and connection. If you don't build attraction + connection the number is useless. One deep connection is worth 50 numbers.
    Two things:
    1) Nothing is going wrong per se. Most girls will simply not sleep with you no matter how good you are. Just increase your numbers.
    2) You are not grabbing her attention enough. You are not being attractive enough. You are not being memorable enough. You are not building connection enough. You are not stimulating her emotionally enough. You are not being fun and playful enough. You are not telling her enough about yourself.
    The bigger problem is simply lack of building connection. She has little reason to call you back because in her mind you take up as much mental real estate as an ant. You need to do something to grab her attention and get her invested in you. Your job is to give her a strong sense of who you are, how cool you would be to date, how lucky she would be to date you. But without saying that explicitly. Tell more cool and interesting stories about yourself. You need to strike a chord with her and draw her in with interesting stories that display your value. For example, tell her about cool places you've traveled to, spiritual work you're doing, business projects you're working on, your dreams, etc.
    And, of course, flirt with her and make her laugh.

  7. Day game vs night game: when are women more receptive
    Day game vs night game: when are women more receptive
    I never done day game. I think its because i always imagined women in the day being more resistant to being approached than in the night.
    Is this an idea that stems from my lack of experience? Because, in my head, i do want to believe women are more receptive in the day, because, right now, im working on day game. Because i have no problem approaching in the night, mostly, because I always felt women want to be approached and are more receptive in the night club. Basically became pro at that whether or not i succeed. But i havent been able to do the same with day game ever in my life. Please unfuck my socially conditioned head.

  8. Does Daygame really work?
    Does Daygame really work?
    Of course it works.
    Don't ask women if they want to be approached. No woman will ever admit that she would sleep with a guy from a cold approach because that would make her look like a slut. But she will if you attract her. Just do a quality approach.
    Attraction is not a logical choice. Never ask women if they would logically date you. The answer will always be No.
    Day game is the best. The only trick is that you need a location with lots of beautiful women. That's hard to find in most cities. You need a big city. Cities like LA, NYC, and London are amazing for day game. You need a place with cafes, malls, boardwalks, beaches, busy sidewalks, college campuses, etc.
    I like day game because the approaches can be a lot more genuine and natural. And there's zero competition.

  9. all of the actualized forum is mental masturbation
    all of the actualized forum is mental masturbation
    all of the actualized forum is mental masturbation, for all you are doing is spitting out and reading imaginary concepts.

  10. Noticing Low Integrity Pickup Tactics from Leo and other "High Value Men"
    Noticing Low Integrity Pickup Tactics from Leo and other "High Value Men"
    There are some harsh truths about how women have sex. When you learn the truth of it, it busts many romanticized myths and cultural fantasies.
    I got nothing against femininity or women. I just don't prepetuate the myths of how they have sex.
    Sex is deliberately lied about in our culture because it is still taboo. You women have to maintain an air of innocence and purity. I get it. But I am not going to play those games.
    If you are young guy reading this: treat women well. Don't be a selfish prick. Don't abuse the powers of attraction.

  11. Since I learned about pick up, whenever I see a hot girl walking down the street...
    Since I learned about pick up, whenever I see a hot girl walking down the street...
    This is just you realizing how little action you take.
    Rather than asking how to feel good about not approaching, approach!
    It's not about the sex. It's about curing your weakness as a man.

  12. Noticing Low Integrity Pickup Tactics from Leo and other "High Value Men"
    Noticing Low Integrity Pickup Tactics from Leo and other "High Value Men"
    There's nothing more fun than fucking.
    Of course no girl will admit to going to a club to fuck. She must act like it's just fun with friends so she isn't slut-shamed by folks like you.
    Don't kid yourself. People go to clubs to fuck. Whether they admit it or not.

  13. Noticing Low Integrity Pickup Tactics from Leo and other "High Value Men"
    Noticing Low Integrity Pickup Tactics from Leo and other "High Value Men"
    You are looking at it too seriously.
    Go to a club and have fun. See what happens. Have no expectations.
    Hot girls have lots of sex on a whim. It's not all about finding some ideal partner. Sometimes people are just horny and looking for an adventure.

  14. Noticing Low Integrity Pickup Tactics from Leo and other "High Value Men"
    Noticing Low Integrity Pickup Tactics from Leo and other "High Value Men"
    Because you have too little experience with the sexual escapades of hot girls.
    Girls conceal and lie about how much sex they have and how easily and quickly they have it. She doesn't want you to know she sucked some random dude's cock in the parking lot after talking to him for 30 minutes. Yet this happens all the time. Your innocent girl isn't as innocent as you imagine. Your blood would boil if you knew how much sex these girls are having without you and the kind of scumbags they do it with. I am mean total scumbags.

  15. I feel bad about watching porn
    I feel bad about watching porn
    Move to a better city.

  16. I feel bad about watching porn
    I feel bad about watching porn
    Your real issue is subcommunication. Your body language, how you carry yourself, the intent behind your actions, etc. Sexual intent must be subcommunicated. This is the core of solid game.
    Watch RSD to learn the principles of proper man-woman subcommunication.

  17. Anyone have some advice around open relationships?
    Anyone have some advice around open relationships?
    I try for 1st date but if she isn't ready then I just slow down and ease up until whenever she's ready.
    Sometimes there are just logistical obstacles and sex cannot be had.
    It's all about being adaptable to the circumstance. It's not hard to read her readiness level once you got a lot of experience.
    And is that a kind of girl you want?
    Screen, screen, screen early.

  18. How come there is no Difference between Pain and Pleasure?
    How come there is no Difference between Pain and Pleasure?
    It's too low consciousness for me to want to read.
    The most conscious people are the most selfless and therefore least interested in fighting or manipulating.
    In a sense, consciousness makes you disinterested in struggling for survival. So the most conscious people are often the first to die. The most egotistical people are often the last to die because their entire existence revolves around avoiding death. Which is the whole function of the ego.
    The power of high consciousness is not in that it gives you extra powers to avoid death, but rather the ultimate power: not being worried about death because you know it's an illusion.
    If you are going to evaluate higher consciousness from the standpoint of survival, you are missing the point. Higher consciousness is an escape hatch from the game of survival.
    In the domain of politics the most ruthless and power-hungry end up winning, because they are willing to crack any number of skulls to get what their ego desires. But in the end, all these people end up down-falling. Just look at Trump as a prime example. His massive ego allowed him to win, and also caused him to lose. That's precisely the trade-off with selfishness and deception. It works, but it only works in the short-term.
    Precisely because women sleep with men who need sex the least.
    Pickup guys, since they get so much sex, end up needing it the least. At least they need no girl in particular. And this ironically makes them the most attractive to girls.
    Pickup guys are often addicted to sex, but the key difference is that they are not attached to sex with any one particular girl. Which makes them appear highly attractive from any one girl's POV. It works this way in sales too. The more options you have the more sales you will make and higher the price you can charge for your product.

  19. I feel bad about watching porn
    I feel bad about watching porn
    Of course there is more getting girls. Those were just a few basic elements, oversimplified, not a comprehensive map.
    Pickup boils down to: going out & being social frequently + playfulness + confidence + seduction + leading + handling logistics really well.
    Sounds like you're seriously lacking in:
    Communicating with sexual intent, man-to-woman communication Leading Handling logistics Not having those things in place will kill 95% of your results.
    Leading and logistic are CRUCIAL for results. You can increase your results by 10x to 100x by mastering those two things. They are not easy to master.

  20. I feel bad about watching porn
    I feel bad about watching porn
    Depends on how you define those terms. But generally yes as it tends to correlate to other things important for a woman's survival.

  21. I feel bad about watching porn
    I feel bad about watching porn
    Thats some excellent victim mentality. Value is so dependent on behaivor and charisma, from a girls perspective. Think of how women feel attracted to funny guys. Men devalue that too easily. And even when it comes to the looks, you can certainly do more than you believe. Posture, muscle growth, good skin (healthy, nutrient dense food) are all just examples how you can increase you "chad-ness". 
    The ultimate attractor is when you feel unconditionally good about yourself and naturally radiate this feeling into the world. 

  22. How crucial is dress and fashion in pickup?
    How crucial is dress and fashion in pickup?
    Women care more about your wardrobe than your dick.
    It is necessary? No. But you'd be a fool not to grab such low-hanging fruit.
    In other words, you got nothing to offer and even that which you could easily offer you are too lazy to do. Well, good luck fishing with an empty hook.

  23. I feel bad about watching porn
    I feel bad about watching porn
    Low value guys are made, not born.

  24. I feel bad about watching porn
    I feel bad about watching porn
    Strawman much?
    If you truly were all these things you would not have problems getting girls.

  25. How to transform yourself into an exciting person?
    How to transform yourself into an exciting person?
    1) Develop passion, via LP
    2) Develop a Love for life, via spirirual awakening to Love
    3) Develop charisma
    4) Expose yourself to massive experience in socialization
    5) Set the intention to become charismatic, passionate, and humorous no matter what, even if you don't know how.
    Humor is an attitude more than a technique. Same with passion.