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About Yali

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  1. Let's construct a new masculinity. | Everyone is needed!
    Let's construct a new masculinity. | Everyone is needed!
    Seriously developing yourself as a man will never be as popular or mainstream as stuff like blackpill, redpill, incels, etc. Because the most popular stuff is designed for lazy people who don't want to do any work. And becoming a powerful man requires enormous work.
    Of course you can teach whatever you want. But just understand that real success cannot be turned into a meme or an ideology.
    It's the same problem as trying to popularize God or enlightenment.
    Pickup is not dead. There are more guys doing and teaching pickup than ever. Just don't go about it in a toxic way.
    All the core principles of attraction and how to be a man have been discovered and articulated long ago. The problem is that it's so challenging that most guys don't want to do the work to actualize it.

  2. Goodbye everyone
    Goodbye everyone
    Looks like my road has come to an end. I'll probably decide by tonight or tomorrow. Either way.. sorry if I offended or hurt anyone while I was here, wasn't my intention. Hope I helped, if just one person it was worth it.

  3. Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    Real game has nothing to do with "tricking her".
    Of course she will fall in love with me. In fact, it's a problem because girls can get hooked like on crack. The better your game the more addicted girls get.
    This is why guys need to learn game.

  4. Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    I practice game on strippers in Vegas. Most of them eat shit and don't even work out.
    They are just coasting off ridiculously lucky genetics.
    A naturally hot girl does not even need make up and will look hot in nearly anything she wears.
    Girls that hot can earn $5000/night.
    Life ain't fair.

  5. Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    Dude, Vegas gets more international girls than any other city.
    You are making up false narratives about US girls being less beautiful.
    Don't forget, girls from 3rd world countries are going to be less developed, overall, than US girls. Some girl from Colombia is gonna be into Stage Blue Christianity and such. No amount of beauty is worth dating a Stage Blue girl.
    And what is the point of dating them if they live far away? You are talking about one night stands with foreign girls just because they are easy. I got better things to do than flying half way around the world for one night stands with easy girls who want American dick. Those kinda girls fly to Vegas every week anyway.

  6. Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    Back in 2013, yes. I wanted to go out 7 nights a week.

  7. Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    Obviously it's not malicious or even conscious. The reproductive desires are finely tuned to automatically ensure that you are selecting for the highest quality mates you can get. And the female's reproductive agenda is one which needs the male to stick around.
    You girls are not playing games consciously, but you're playing huge games unconsciously with all the obstacles you erect for reproduction.
    You "not feeling it" IS your game! Your emotional system is there to drive your survival, not to make you feel good. It's an endless vicious cycle of survival.
    Your feelings are definitely power moves. But this system is so deep that you're not even aware you're doing it. It is doing you.
    The reason guys play games it because girls play games. And the reason girls play games is because guys play games.
    Every single sexual or romantic feeling you have exists to maximize your survival. Why else would it exist? It's all highly functional despite how it feels. It is so functional that it cannot be entrusted to your conscious mind. Just like the beating of your heart cannot be entrusted to your conscious mind, otherwise you would have killed yourself a long time ago.
    Attraction is too important to be made conscious to your ego-mind.

  8. Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    In general the male attitude towards sex is as follows: have sex first, then decide if she's worth keeping around. Maybe she is, maybe she isn't.
    Obviously females don't like this attitude, but I'm just sharing how guys think about this stuff.
    GF-material will be determined by how hot the girl is, the quality of the sex, the personality of the girl, and other indicators of her value. Basically, the higher her overall value the better the chance of being kept around. Honestly, the most important factor for guys is physical appearance.
    Your overall value is not meaningfully changed by flirting with a guy.
    As the female, your strategy is to get the guy to invest in you before sex. Because you are concerned he may otherwise just ditch you. I get that. You want him to invest in you before you invest in him. That's your game. Which is why you resist flirting with him.
    But what I'm saying is, you can flirt with him, and then still play the game of getting him to invest in you. I am not telling you to just spread your legs for him.

  9. Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    It's not outlandish. But you use some interesting tactics to achieve that result.
    It depends on the guy. Some guys care less. The highest value guys tend to care a lot about looks.
    Yes, it's brutal.
    The advice is: settle for less hotter guys.
    Personality is of course important.
    It's not either or, it's both.
    That's what happens when you don't flirt. Flirting exists for good reason.
    Is he clueless or are you?
    How would you feel if I asked you to meet up with me but I never flirted with you? You would friendzone me and it would be a very awkward non-date date that would probably lead nowhere.
    Sounds like this guy is perfect for you, as neither of you got game  Let's see how that goes. Should be interesting.

  10. Heavy Metal Detox Chelation 10 Month Report
    Heavy Metal Detox Chelation 10 Month Report
    This is the biggy.
    I was struggle a lot with mental performance until I did 20+ rounds. And most of it cleared up.
    The problem with losing mental performance is that it happens so gradually you can't even remember what it was like to be at 100% mental performance years ago. And then when you gain it back, it's hard to remember how awful it felt when you lost it.

  11. Heavy Metal Detox Chelation 10 Month Report
    Heavy Metal Detox Chelation 10 Month Report
    That's just the nature of states of consciousness.
    A memory of a state of consciousness is not the same as being in that state of consciousness.
    Heavy metals put you into a different state of consciousness. Heavy metals are like anti-psychedelics that you are tripping on 24/7.

  12. How to feel equal or higher value than beautiful girls
    How to feel equal or higher value than beautiful girls
    Dude, then your problem isn't lack of humor. You don't need to run a comedy routine for a girl for 4 hours to get her to sleep with you.
    Humor is mostly necessary only in the beginning. Once she is attracted, you then need to shift in to building deep intimacy, connection, and comfort. This is what the majority of your date should be about. You do this not through humor but by sharing stories from your life, your values, your dreams, your passions, and asking about hers. Little humor is necessary here. And then while you're doing that you must also ramp up the physical escalation. Once you're 2hrs+ into a date most of the work should be done via just silence and physical escalation. Your hands should be all over her body by that point, you should be leading her around, kissing her, making out, heavy sexual eye contact, and getting her horny.
    You don't need to be a dancing monkey. And you don't need a bunch of vapid small talk. Get to the business of turning her body on. You're here to fuck her, not to play talk show host.
    You need to learn the power of silence and simply eye contact. Talk way slower.
    It's not gonna be boring if your properly physically escalate and are making her horny.

  13. I simply have no self belief in this domain
    I simply have no self belief in this domain
    You are treated like you don't exist because you haven't developed game. You are being too meek and so the environment overpowers you. The solution is to develop a more powerful approach.
    It is not too loud. I've been in some loud ass clubs. The solition there is to use lots of physical openers, physical game, very direct verbals, learn to project your voice more, and very powerful sexual eye contact. The louder it is the more you can caveman it. Literally grab girls by the arm and pull then into you. Some will bust but some will hook hard.
    Your height is not the problem. You just lack the strong game necessary for loud clubs.
    I def struggled with loud ass clubs.
    The way I dealt with it is by forcing myself to approach girls and by making myself just comfortable and relaxed in the club. The club has a way of overpowering you. You have to train yourself to ignore all the noise and distractions. You have to put yourself into a relaxed meditative state and then do lots of direct physical openers.
    A good way to start is by tapping her on the shoulder, smile, and if she gives you positive eye contact, grab her, pull her into you, and say something direct like, "I love you". Then eye-fuck her. Then plow with some verbals and lots of physical escalation. Then lead her to a quieter area to talk or lead her to dance on the dance floor. Or both.
    I know plenty of short guys who do great at the loudest clubs, better than me. It's not the height, it's your lack of game. Most of my wings were shorter guys who killed at the clubs. But they had very good game.
    It helps a lot to get some experienced wings and just watch them approach in such loud clubs. This will prove to you that it can be done.

  14. Can someone explain the fear - love ambivalence that woman feel towards men?
    Can someone explain the fear - love ambivalence that woman feel towards men?
    No girl wants a socially uncalibrated guy.
    Don't mistake social calibration with being a conformist sheep. You can be edgy and iconoclastic but still socially calibrated.
    Most girls are extremely socially calibrated because they are so social by default and it's imperative to their survival.

  15. There is no difference between bipolar mania and full on enlightenment
    There is no difference between bipolar mania and full on enlightenment
    Connor Murphy, Frank Yang, @Biploar Growth and I are all intense mystics and are aware of things that people without this illness can’t access. I watched this video yesterday and became so conscious I was sobbing like a baby coming out a womb weeping for the suffering of humanity and the beauty of the mystic truth of Christianity that we need a savior like Jesus. And I will pave that way until he comes back. I was begging for Jesus to come back. But I guess I gotta be that next Jesus like figure. It occurs to me that every conversation I have with someone. I must insert love consciousness and truth and Jesus into. 
    y’all may argue with Jesus thing on me, but bipolar people have a special connection with Jesus because he truly protects the mentally ill.
    then I slept 14 hours , lol! 
    god bless. 

  16. Heavy metal detox without DMSA
    Heavy metal detox without DMSA
    People have different genetics. Your genetics determines how well your body can naturally detox and eliminate heavy metals.
    Some people can naturally eliminate 90% of heavy metals, while others only 10%. If you are the 10% type, you will be screwed with diseases and conditions for life unless you develop some detox protocols.

  17. Heavy metal detox without DMSA
    Heavy metal detox without DMSA
    Can you detox your body with just exercise, eating vegetables and drinking green tea or is DMSA required? 
    Can Omega 3 contain heavy metals? 

  18. Heavy metal detox without DMSA
    Heavy metal detox without DMSA
    Those vegetables are filled with toxic chemicals to boot. And probably so is your green tea.

  19. Went on a first date ever. Please kill me...
    Went on a first date ever. Please kill me...
    @Something Funny

  20. I simply have no self belief in this domain
    I simply have no self belief in this domain
    You simply lack experience.
    23 is so fucking young. Your window for getting good with girls has just begun. But you have to start taking serious action. This is your wake up. Don't waste the next 10 years not learning game.
    I started learning at 27.
    You don't need any women to guide you through it. You don't even need to tell them anything is off. Just learn game and physical escalation.
    Sex itself is natural and easy. The hard part is getting her into your bed.

  21. Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    Don't just point blank ask him on a date.
    Be cheeky about.
    "Hey, when are you gonna realize I'm trying to flirt with you? ;)"
    Something akin to that would work nicely.

  22. Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    Is a man not interested in me if he doesn't ask me any questions in return?
    You are expecting too much. He has no idea you are interested in him romantically. You're not seeing this from his POV.
    You judge him too soon on such superficial stuff. First flirt with him, THEN see how much he cares about you. You will still have plenty of time to figure out his willingness to invest in you.
    You have nothing to lose by flirting with him, but you could potentially gain a boyfriend. This risk-reward scenario is a no-brainer.
    If you want something in life you have to go after it, not sit around hoping for it to come to you. YES! -- even if you're a girl. That's not a valid excuse. The only thing you got to lose here is some ego.

  23. 3rd Time Psychedelics: Realizing God, Infinite Love, Absolute Truth
    3rd Time Psychedelics: Realizing God, Infinite Love, Absolute Truth
    Hello my Love...
    Today was the 3rd psychedelic trip ever in my life.
    What you will now read is called a "trip-report." It is some words that try to point to a reality, that cannot be pointed to. Nothing that is real can be described or pointed to, it can only be experienced. However, pointing or trying to point doesn't contradict reality and might help you to experience these things for yourself, which you absolutely can. 
    Todays trip was special in that it gave me access to absolute knowledge. I became aware of an absolute, unshakeble, unspeakable truth which is the cause of, and explains everything in this universe, beyond the shaddow of a doubt.
    Absolute truth is unspeakable, but speaking about it might inspire people to seek it. This is the reason why I will try to do the impossible here and speak about it. The only reason. Just to inspire you to go out there and seek absolute truth. Because it is absolutely worth it, I promise.
    Trip Report
    Took 150ug LSD today which was my 3rd psychedelic trip ever. If you're interested in the first two trips pm me I can send you the links. Now let's jump into the juicy stuff: absolute truth. 
    What I realized beyond the shaddow of a doubt
    There is no self. "you" don't exist. There is no "you" inside your body (or inside of mine) Everything is one. The whole universe and everything that exists, existed, will ever exist or could ever exist is physically one thing. God exists beyond the shaddow of a doubt. God = The Cause of everything that exists = The here and now = Conciousness = Infinite love = Everything that exists = You. There exists only one thing in the universe. This thing is You. You with a capital "Y". That "YOU" is identical to God. It is the cause of everything. It created everything in this universe. It created everything you see right now through your eyes out of pure selflessness and out of pure love. It created the most beautiful things you could ever imagine and the most hellish things you could ever imagine. It did so because it is selfless. Because it is infinitely loving. Infinite love does not discriminate. It only encompasses and allows for anything that comes into existence to come into existence.  Infinite love is all there is. Imagine you got the most beautiful gift you could ever imagine. Imagine you get the most beautiful man, the most beautiful woman you could ever imagine. Imagine him or her unconditionally loving you for your whole life. Imagine you get all the money in the world. Imagine every single petty little wish of yours would be fulfilled. Imagine how much better you would feel after all these whishes coming true. Now imagine that feeling you would get out of all your whishes getting fulfilled and multiply it by infinity. What you now have is Infinite Love, Absolute Truth, God, Your own Identity. It is so beautiful, perfect, rich, loving, caring, complete that you would never believe me. And still it is Absolute, timeless Truth. forever and until the end of time. Death is impossible, you are immortal. (Obvious point).  All these things I just wrote are and forever will be: Absolute, unshakable truth 'til the end of time. This is not my belief, nor speculation. This is a fact. In fact, this is the only "true" fact that exists in this universe. You can become directly concious of these truths. Doing that will completely heal you and show you that all your petty human bullshit is completely okay the way it is and that you are infinitely loved no matter what you do.
    I hope I will inspire some of you to go out there and seek finding that truth for yourself. What I would recommend for that is using psychedelics. I highly doubt that there is any other method presently known to humankind which makes it as easy and effortless to access these truths as psychedelics do.
    Go for it, whoever you are - you can do it, whatever it is you want to do. You can find absolute truth and it will heal you completely and forever.
    I deeply love all of you.
    Final note:
    A deep deep Thank-You goes out to
    @Leo Gura.
    Thank you for teaching me about all these concepts from a young age and making it possible for me to finally at 21 realize what I have just realized. Leo, I will never in this lifetime be able to thank you enough for what you did for me. 

  24. I am beginning to crack the code of daygame!
    I am beginning to crack the code of daygame!
    I far prefer direct. But getting good at indirect is actually more effective in more situations.
    It's really effective to start indirect and then convert that into direct, because it is less threatening.

  25. What are the evolutionary reasons as to why picking up women is so hard?
    What are the evolutionary reasons as to why picking up women is so hard?
    Balls and leadership, basically.