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Dating advice
Dating advice@Illusory Self Buddy, learn game. Your looks don't work without game. You need to become a leader and a closer. Game will teach you that.
Dude, once you get experienced with physical escalation you can go physical immediately in night game with no pretenses.
I open most girls with physical and just by looking at the reaction on her face I know whether I can immediately escalate further. Within 30 seconds I can have my hands holding her hips and rubbing her body in a sexy way and she is loving it.
It takes practice and calibration.
Do a 30 day challenge where every girl you open with physical and escalate as rapidly as she will let you. This is for night game only.
Physical opens are polarizing. They force her to immediately decide if she is into you. You either get blown out immediately or it hooks like crazy. It's a great way to cut the bullshit and see if a girl is DTF.
Feeling The Need To Be Understood
Feeling The Need To Be UnderstoodNo, that is not correct.
Game is way more important than anything else.
I would rather not give advice to women on this because it would not be based on my direct experience.
The truth is I don't know what it's like from an unattractive woman's POV.
Feeling The Need To Be Understood
Feeling The Need To Be UnderstoodHuge mistake. Girls will never understand why guys learn game and they will give you zero points for it and they will find it repulsive.
They just expect you to have masterful game.
Don't talk about game with girls. Just do it and enjoy the benefits. Don't try to explain anything to her. She does not give a fuck about your inability to get laid. And she will not fuck you out of empathy.
And in general, stop interacting with girls on a serious level. You are way too serious here, trying to push your problems on the girl. Don't burden her with your personal struggles. She does not care and she will not help you.
Casual sex = More depression and anxiety?
Casual sex = More depression and anxiety?Dude, when you meet your dream girl you will not have the skills to close her. You will fuck it up.
You can easily convert casual sex into a relationship. Like maybe 50% conversion rate if you want.
Cheap tendencies
Cheap tendenciesIf the girl is invested in me and it's a gf situation, I don't mind spending some money. It's less a function of buying her things and just more a function of sharing my abundant lifestyle with her. I don't buy her stuff directly, it's more about sharing with her the opportunities and adventures that my lifestyle affords.
So she will feel well-treated. For example, when I cook her food, I buy high quality food, not cheap junk. When she sleeps over at my house, it's a nice house that lots of money and effort went into building. Etc.
Building an awesome lifestyle is an important part of game. Then you just share that lifestyle with girls are invested in you.
But I am not going to be directly paying your bills.
Casual sex = More depression and anxiety?
Casual sex = More depression and anxiety?The point of casual sex is that it is part of a larger process of finding a good long-term partner and building up skills and experience.
Cheap tendencies
Cheap tendenciesWhy taint your love life with financial matters?
If she loves you, she loves you for you, not anything else.
Dating advice
Dating advice1) Start getting excited for dates. Make them fun and playful and interesting.
2) Start by hugging her as soon as you see her, and then keep touching her throughout the night. Learn the Kino Escalation Ladder and practice it.
3) Bounce around to multiple locations. Walk and hold hands with her.
4) Kiss her half-way into the date, not at the end.
- - - -
Stop being a pussy and start making moves. The longer you delay the harder and more awkward it will get.
Your dates are boring because you are not in touch with your raw desire to fuck her. Look at her like a wolf looks at a rabbit. Stop suppressing your sexual desire and intent. Let her turn you on and then use that to turn her on. Dates are not interviews. Dates are there so you can fuck her. Let that guide you. Stop being polite and formal about it.
Nothing is happening because you are being too big of a pussy to lead it to your bedroom.
If she shows up to a date that means she is interested in sex with you. All you gotta do is lead and be fun.
Cheap tendencies
Cheap tendenciesI've never done such things.
I have never felt a need to spend money to impress a girl.
In fact, if I spend money on a girl I would rather her not know it. For example, if I buy her a drink, I would rather tell her that I got the drink comped for free. If I buy a hotel room, I would rather tell her I'm borrowing my friend's hotel room for free.
Guess that makes me gay.
Cheap tendencies
Cheap tendencies@Vzdoh Keep in mind, some people are just cheap. It's not necessarily about you as the girl.
I used to be extremely cheap. Still sorta am. Simply because I had to learn to be cheap in order to start my business and survive.
I used to not even pay for a girl's coffee. I'm less cheap now, but still I won't just throw money away on a girl.
Cheap tendencies
Cheap tendenciesYou don't need to spend money on girls to get them crazy in love with you. Just up your game. And up your sex. Amazing sex will have her paying for you, Lol.
The reason guys feel the need to pay is because they offer little else.
Of course the girl would love it if you paid, but she will settle for just the amazing intimacy and sex you give her. That is worth 100x more to her than money.
When your game gets good girls will start offering to pay for you just to be near you.
How To Get Laid - Part 1 - The Foundations Of Success with Women
How To Get Laid - Part 1 - The Foundations Of Success with WomenIt's not possible to get it without doing it.
Only after a few thousand approaches does one start to understand what game is. And it's extremely counter-intuitive.
Commitment phobia in men - HELP
Commitment phobia in men - HELPYes, commitment is emotionally challenging because commitment only makes sense from the POV of an attractive guy with many options if the girl is exceptional. There is little desire to commit to an average girl.
For commitment to make sense she has to be really amazing. But most girls are not that.
Also, commitment means losing years not developing one's game. And the longer a guy wait to development one's game, the harder it becomes. Also the sex and even the relationship will start to get stale after some years unless special measures are taken. So there is a fear that commitment will lead to mediocrity.
Having very high standards makes commitment very challenging. In a sense commitment requires surrendering or lowering one's standards.
From the male POV, sex is a daily requirement but commitment requires something exceptional. Which is why guys tend to have sex but not commit. If a guy waited to only have sex with girls he was willing to commit to, he would be starving like a homeless dog waiting for years for the right girl to come along. And then he would fuck that up with neediness.
So ironically girls are attracted to the guys who are least likely to commit. These are the guys who have so many options that commitment makes little sense. Because a guy who doesn't have all those options will be super needy and repel most girls. You girls are attracted to the most detached guys, and then you wonder why he won't commit.
The guy who would commit to you, you have no interest in sleeping with. He doesn't make you wet or emotional. And your sleeping decisions are purely emotional, not logical. Hence you keep hooking up with guys who won't commit.
The more arousing the guy the less likely he is to commit. That's how this game works. You have to find some sort of balancing point. You can't just chase the highest arousal. You have to make sacrifices. You can't get it all unless you are bringing massive value to the negotiating table.
Sex is a value exchange. And everyone is trying to leech maximum value. Everyone is trying to get something for nothing. And then suffering ensues of course because leeching and theft are self-undermining.
In a sense, when you are dating you are trying to steal sexual value. You aren't doing this consciously, but subconsciously that's exactly what all your arousal and emotions are doing. Your emotions precisely motivate behaviors which steal sexual value. This survival mechanic is so deep that you aren't even aware it's happening. To you it just feels like romance. When you get super attracted to a guy so much that you can't stop daydreaming about him, that's because you know he has more value than you, and that locking him down would be a really good deal for you. It's like walking into a car dealership and seeing your favorite car 50% off. You are giddy with joy at the bargain you just found and you want to pounce on it immediately before someone else does. But of course no quality car is ever 50% off unless there is something seriously wrong with it.
Bottom line: If you want the best car in the dealership you should expect to work hard and pay a lot for it. If you don't want to pay a lot, then expect a mediocre car. Madness is expecting the best car for dirt cheap.
Men's commitment phobia is their emotional way of maximizing sexual value.
Enlightenment, Attention Span and Myelin : Why Psychedelics can't replace Meditation
Enlightenment, Attention Span and Myelin : Why Psychedelics can't replace MeditationAfter tripping on shrooms, I'd like to summarize the main point of this article : the importance of meditation.
But it also came with the wrong assumption that psychedelics somehow hurt your meditation habit. Both are beneficial and there's no point in a debate or comparison.
What is the minimal that girls demand from guys?
What is the minimal that girls demand from guys?That's why you go out and spend 1000+ hrs learning how to be fun and chill. That's called learning game. You learn it by doing it, not by philosophy.
how do i start a social circle?
how do i start a social circle?Ironically, cold approach is amazing for building a social circle quickly.
You can make dozens of new friends within a month of going out every weekend.
How to develop Game during Covid Pandemic?
How to develop Game during Covid Pandemic?I have clubbed in totally packed clubs in Vegas post-Covid. No mask. Club packed so tight can hardly walk. Lots of makeouts with random girls.
If you are vaccinated you should be fine. Of course there are risks so it's up to you what risk you wanna take.
How To Get Laid - Part 1 - The Foundations Of Success with Women
How To Get Laid - Part 1 - The Foundations Of Success with WomenWhen a hot chick is grinding on your dick in the nightclub, no-mind dawns. Thoughts vanish like ashes scattered to the wind
I think you could put that into Haiku form:
Chick grinding on dick,
Club music blaring,
Thoughts nowhere to be found
Why Are PUA's Creepy?
Why Are PUA's Creepy?Pickup takes so much work to get good at that it requires a guy with serious motivation. This motivation usually comes from trauma or serious lack. Therefore of course many guys who get into pickup are creepy or dysfunctional by default. They also tend to be extremely sex-obessed with very high sex drives.
Pickup is not gonna be worth it to most low sex-drive guys. You have to want sex like a madman.
Owen's father was an abusive alcoholic. Jeffy's father tortured and murdered his mother.
Serious trauma there.
36 yr old Female with no reason to live/suicide
36 yr old Female with no reason to live/suicideIf you keep brooding in a toxic Incel ideology, then yes, you might be better off just killing yourself.
But that's not what I suggested to you. I suggested to develop yourself spiritually and come to love yourself.
Stop watching Incel garbage. It's poison for your mind.
It's true for good-looking men too.
Good-looking guys have it way easier in life.
By realizing that resentment is toxic and will not help you one bit.
What will resentment do for you? How will it help you? How will it improve your life?
When you realize that, you can let go of the need to be resentful. You can also work on loving yourself and focusing on other areas of your life where you can do great and experience great joy.
Remember, even if you had great looks, you would eventually lose them and have to deal with that loss.
You need to channel your mental energies into something else which is positive and productive. Something you love. There are many other aspects of life which can be great sources of joy besides romance. In fact, romance can be a shallow source of joy. It comes with many bad side-effects. Most romance ends in misery. People who are celibate can have wonderful, powerful, enjoyable lives.
Focus on living up your strengths, not your weaknesses. Your mind is over-dominated by this one issue to the point where you're not seeing all the other amazing aspects of life which you could channel your energies into.
And remember, just because some people are pretty and have it easy in that department does not mean their lives are fucked up in many other ways. Many of the most beautiful women are so toxic, spoiled, and dysfunctional precisely because of their beauty that they are not even worth dating. There are thousands of beatiful women who want to kill themselves because their lives are so bad in other ways.
Just from my personal experience, I am not a good-looking guy, but I know I more than make up for that in other departments which makes my life more enjoyable and profound than the best-looking guys who get laid a lot more.
I know guys who have slept with 200-500 girls. And I consider their life less rich and rewarding than mine. Actually, I tend to feel sorry for them. They have no idea the depth that life offers.
How to masturbate without watching porn?
How to masturbate without watching porn?Purchase high quality porn. It's worth it vs the free stuff.
You can find high quality, classy, artistic porn.
You can also find erotic fiction and the like.
Of course the most powerful way to cum is through visualization.
I can make a girl cum harder via text messages than most guys can via real sex. The mind is more powerful than any physical stimulation. I've made girls come just by talking to them and no touching.
How to masturbate without watching porn?
How to masturbate without watching porn?Hehe... of course I'm serious. That you would be surprised by this is in itself sad and funny.
A girl never has to fake her orgasms with me. They are epic and multiple.
Of course her perception of me is critical. But her perception of me is shaped by me and she's not going to experience the kind of orgasms I give her with almost any other guy. Because I invested serious time and effort learning sex, and for me, giving her epic orgasms is an art.
Most people are simply clueless about how to create amazing sex.
I take 90% of the credit
Online Dating - Convincing matches for dates
Online Dating - Convincing matches for dates@ValiantSalvatore You can land a gf from online, but it's gonna hinge on your pics.
Online it doesn't really matter what you write as long as you're not creepy or needy.
You're never going to convince a girl to fuck you with clever text messages. She has to want to fuck you first based off your pics.
Online Dating - Convincing matches for dates
Online Dating - Convincing matches for datesYou CANNOT convince women to sleep with you. It will never work.
Online game is all about your pictures. Nothing you write or say matters.
Stop doing online game and start doing real-life game. That's where you can run serious game.
PUA BOOks@kamill Videos and courses will be much better than books for this purpose.
Better yet, consider hiring a dating coach or taking a bootcamp. Getting good a dating is extremely hands-on. You cannot learn it as a theory. None of the theory translates into real life. You need massive field experience.
50 parts experience to 1 part theory. Otherwise no results.
For cold approach to work you need to be doing 100s of approaches each month. At least until you develop some skill. Then you can ease up.