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Is having children immoral?
Is having children immoral?My notion of devilry is not based on immorality. Devilry is just a corruption of Truth into falsehood for selfish purposes.
Selfishness is not immoral.
In fact, calling things "immoral" is a form of devilry.
Was this awakening?
Was this awakening?No
But it was a minor positive spiritual experience.
Awakening is so shocking it's like you've woken up from the dream of your life. Like you realize your entire life was just a hallucination and that you were never born and will never die.
No words can describe how radical it is. It is the most radical thing that can possible happen to you. More radical than getting shot in the head. You will be stunned speechless.
Don't worry, you won't miss it if it happens to you.
Leo is Wrong About Trump - Accountability Predictions
Leo is Wrong About Trump - Accountability PredictionsThat's a serious misunderstanding of Spiral Dynamics. SD stages are not good or evil. It's just relative degrees of awareness and development.
The reason some people don't like SD is if they find themselves low on the scale and then judge themselves that that is bad and unacceptable. But SD never said you are bad for being at a lower level.
There's nothing evil about saying that person X is in 3rd grade while person Y is in 12th grade.
Development Psychology and Spiral Dynamics help us understand one another better. It's the exactly opposite of calling people evil.
Planning on taking 5 MEO DMT for the first time
Planning on taking 5 MEO DMT for the first timeHello, I just ordered 5MEO DMT online this morning and it should arrive in 2-4 business days. Does anyone have links for a newbie like me that will help me?
I never took any psychedelics before. I have been meditating off and on for around 10-15 years. I am 32 years old now. I have watched 90% or more of Leo’s videos
I remember watching a video on Leo’s blog on how he takes it and gives some advice but there are many pages to scroll through.
I also vaguely remember Leo mentioning to watch a certain video of his before taking 5 MEO but forget which it was.
I am on my phone now and it is hard to search on here compared to a desktop computer.
I got scared after ordering it. It feels like I am about to lose my virginity.
Jordan Peterson: Why it's SO Hard to Sit Down and Study/Work
Jordan Peterson: Why it's SO Hard to Sit Down and Study/WorkWhat I said mostly applies to the critical phase between 16-30 years old where the foundation for the rest of your life is forged. Once your foundation is forged you can afford more to do relationships and take life easier. At least that's how it worked for me.
But most people will not follow my path. There were definitely costs to doing it the way I did it. Most people would not be happy paying those costs. There are trade-off whichever route you take. So don't get the silly idea that there is one right way here. There are dozens of ways.
Great Channel: Some More News
Great Channel: Some More News@datamonster Dude, I've watched FoxNews and listened to conservative talk-radio for YEARS with an open mind.
What I learned was, they're full of shit grifters stuck in stage Blue/Orange. There's no intellectual integrity to people who deny systemic racism.
Do most girls really like assholes?
Do most girls really like assholes?They like: confidence, assertiveness, detachment from outcome, driven-ness, strength, leadership, charisma.
Which tends to be what assholes have a lot of.
Advice For RSD Beginner
Advice For RSD Beginner@Space Find an experienced wing in your city who you can roll with. Ask him to show you the ropes.
London is like the most the over-populated city of PUAs and you are complaining about limited options?
Are girls less horny than men?
Are girls less horny than men?Horniness is one's desire to have sex on any given day. (Do you want to have sex every day?)
How deeply one enjoys sex is a totally different issue.
Given the food analogy, horniness = hungry. Are you hungry right now?
Are girls less horny than men?
Are girls less horny than men?I've experimented with sexual hypnosis. I made my ex-girlfriend have a minute-long orgasm via skype just by talking to her, no touching.
I can make a girl have a deeper orgasm via text message than she's ever had with a guy in real life.
Amazing things are possible if you take your sex seriously.
Did Ken Wilber distort Spiral Dynamics?
Did Ken Wilber distort Spiral Dynamics?You'd be surprised. Strict empirical modeling by itself does not require much development or consciousness. In a sense, a monkey could do it.
Clare Graves scored himself around stage Blue.
It does not take a mystical genius to create SD. But what can happen is that once a non-genius mind creates such a model, it won't have enough intelligence or requisite variety to notice its limits and transcend it. Which is the whole problem with current science. Lots of good empirical science is done but it gets badly misused because proper use requires very high degrees of self-awareness. This is typically what happens when models are made without taking into account the existential, metaphysical, epistemic, and spiritual dimensions. SD misses these crucial aspects hence it will always fall short without being supplemented in ways that Ken Wilber does. Wilber is conscious enough to see these traps, Beck is not. Beck is operating from the materialist paradigm and that will never fully fly, although it's still pretty good. You can get pretty far with materialism, but not far enough.
Spiral Dynamics - Transcend and Include?
Spiral Dynamics - Transcend and Include?I explain it to myself like this:
1) The Green value system can easily be turned into an ideology without properly building up to it. You can just get programmed by the value system via your environment without growing into it yourself through inner work. This creates a flakey veneer of Green. In this case it might be a Green ideology which is almost as though adopted by stage Blue like people.
2) Green is a deep stage with lots to master and integrate. Most people who are "Green" aren't solid Green. They are dabblers.
3) It's easy to talk Green and believe Green while not having a solid foundation in Blue & Orange because someone else pays your bills. To truly lock down Green requires going off on your own and building a quality life. Which will necessitate exploration and mastery of Blue and Orange. I think many college kids are missing this.
Why Stage Blue "represses" Sex
Why Stage Blue "represses" SexNot quite correct.
To be more accurate, Shaprio is half Orange himself. He's Blue/Orange. But Blue sees the cultural extremes of Orange -- especially its loose sexuality -- as Red.
It's the same reason stage Blue Islamist denounce Western culture. They see it as too loose morally and sexually.
A woman wearing a bikini is to an Islamist what the WAP song is to Ben Shapiro.
Spiral Dynamics Stage Blue Examples Mega-Thread
Spiral Dynamics Stage Blue Examples Mega-ThreadAwesome example!
Blue as fuck. This dude is straight from the dark ages.
Spiral Dynamics Stage Blue Examples Mega-Thread
Spiral Dynamics Stage Blue Examples Mega-ThreadNationalist porn, Lol.
Spiral Dynamics explains perfectly how Molyneux is positioned in between Blue/Orange while not yet able to appreciate the higher unity of Green.
Why is neediness so repulsive?
Why is neediness so repulsive?Neediness means you are in scarcity rather than abundance.
Think of a billionaire vs a bum. Who wants to sleep with a bum? The bum is low value. He will take and take and take but have little to give.
The more non-needy you are the more abundant you are, the more you can give, the more you can love.
Since people are selfish, they want to relate to other people who are going to give more than they take. Why would you want to have sex with a leech?
A needy person cannot be trusted because they will do and say whatever it takes to leech value from you. Because they are desperate. A woman cannot trust a needy guy because he will saying anything to get in her pants.
Imagine a salesman who will say anything to get your money. Do you want to do business with him?
Leo is Wrong About Trump - Accountability Predictions
Leo is Wrong About Trump - Accountability PredictionsI didn't say he was enlightened. I said God-like. God-like comes in many degrees and is relative to one's era and culture.
Also don't conflate Spiral stages with enlightenment. Many Zen masters in Japan or yogis in India are enlightened but only at stage Blue of the Spiral.
You don't have to be enlightened to be a good #2 leader. Bernie Sanders is a good example. He's far from enlightened but he is more God-like (i.e., selfless & compassionate) than most politicians of his time.
Nuance, nuance, nuance.
Serious Question About Spiral Dynamics
Serious Question About Spiral DynamicsNo. If only it were so easy.
In practice it's much harder and messier.
Firstly, there's no guarantee that just being born to good hippie parents will make you Green. You could still turn out a Red rebellious teen who does heroin.
Secondly, even if the kid has an easy path to Green due to his comfy environment and education, he will still not have fully integrated the lower stages. He will be a weak, flimsy Green. A lot of people in their 20's today are Green on the surface, but at their core they are hollow. They haven't developed the assertiveness and courage of Red, nor the discipline and work ethic of Blue, nor the success of Orange. This is very typical. It's a very flimsy Green. Such a kid will believe in universal equality but can't even muster the balls to approach a hot girl nor has the work ethic to hold down a job and pay his bills because his hippie parents paid for everything.
In practice you need years of experience working through each stage. You might need to do it backwards in the sense that you start off as a hollow Green, then you go back and master Blue, then Orange, then Red, and then back to Green to fully appreciate Green and become rock solid Green, then Yellow, and beyond. Each of these phases might take you 3-5 years of active work.
Spiral dynamics stages in women, stage orange and relationships, etc.
Spiral dynamics stages in women, stage orange and relationships, etc.Many women are naive and underdeveloped themselves. And also, Green guys are pretty rare. Most guys are Blue/Orange. And since women don't do pickup on guys, they don't have many choices a lot of times.
An Orange woman is not conscious enough to realize that what she really wants is a Green guy. She will keep getting attracted to Orange assholes for a long time, until she learns her lesson the hard way.
Like attracts like.
The best way to attract a Green guy or girl is to become solidly Green yourself. Hang out where Green people hang out.
Oh, definitely!
The problem is it rarely works. Most Orange guys are stuck being Orange. Much easier to find a guy who's already Green.
RationalWikiThat is one butt-hurt stage Orange ego writing that article.
It's like he fell off a cliff and hit every branch of the stage Orange tree flat on his face. And he's so proud of it -- that's the funniest part
Sounds a lot like Joseph Maynor's ego
Is there any stage yellow university?
Is there any stage yellow university?You are best off teaching yourself Yellow and above through independent study. You will learn more through independent study than in a university. Take responsibility for educating yourself. This becomes necessary if you want to grow beyond the center of gravity of your society/culture.
Read 100 good books around this topic and you will be wiser than 99% of university professors. And you won't have to go $100,000 into debt to do it. In a sense, these days, universities are looking more and more like scam. It's not worth the price of admission when you can achieve better results by yourself at 5% of the cost. You just have to be self-driven and passionate about learning/truth.
If you read and carefully integrate the 200 books on my book list you will have a deeper understanding of reality than 99.999% of people. And I'll be adding more books soon.
So recently I tried to explain Stage Yellow to my Stage Orange friend...
So recently I tried to explain Stage Yellow to my Stage Orange friend...@7thLetter Stage Orange pickup people usually have no interest in deep intellectual topics. They want pussy and success, and hardly anything else computes in their mind.
"Bro, how is this Spiral Dynamics philosophy gonna help me get more money and pussy?"
When you tell him, "It won't", he'll lose interest.
RSD guys usually have a very bad case of Orange. Because that's the whole appeal of RSD. It's an Orange fly trap.
"My Descent into the Alt-Right Pipeline" Good video on internet radicalisation.
"My Descent into the Alt-Right Pipeline" Good video on internet radicalisation.We don't have to guess. There are many Jesus-level mystics alive on the planet right now. You can meet them face to face.
People would consider most of them "radical left-wingers."
The issue is complicated somewhat by the fact that one can be deeply enlightened but still not highly developed on the Spiral. Many Eastern mystics are stage Blue. They will be more conservative. But anyone at stage Green or higher will appear very liberal.
Conservative vs liberal is a totally relative designation. It all depends on what you're using as your benchmark. Compared to Jews from 2000 years ago, Ben Shapiro and Fox News is a terrible example of liberalism.
Good Exposé Of Jordan Peterson
Good Exposé Of Jordan PetersonOn the one hand it's admirable.
On the other hand, to spend that much time developing a theory which is fundamentally false is a tragedy. And really that is his biggest problem: he is lost in his thinking mind. If I did what he did, I would go fucking insane. It would be very mentally unhealthy.
"My Descent into the Alt-Right Pipeline" Good video on internet radicalisation.
"My Descent into the Alt-Right Pipeline" Good video on internet radicalisation.It's not about playing victim, it's about recognizing systemic inequalities which are de-harmonizing society and creating needless suffering.
It's not just black people who are hurt by it. When people are not treated fairly, they then lash out and we all suffer the consequences collectively.
What I am saying actually requires taking responsibility for the systemic inequalities in our government. It is irresponsible to call people who were economically and racially oppressed for 200 years "victims". That is gaslighting. That's exactly like beating your wife and then telling her, "Oh, stop crying. Stop playing the victim here. It's all just a state of mind. Think positive." That's the definition of devilry.
There are real material inequalities at work here. You're not appreciating the systemic downstream effects of slavery and racism. It doesn't just fix itself in 50 years.