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Everything posted by TDLH

  1. What really amazes me is why havn’t You, or some of the more awakened Mods risen above the Psychic Mass Formation that is being played out on both sides of the Pro-Vax and Anti-Vax hallucination? You and the Mods constantly counsel and talk with followers about the pitfalls of Fear and the collective Ego delusion, Devilry, and the pitfalls of being attached to limited narrowminded states of Duality, and yet you sit on the sidelines silent, or push the Pro-Vax agenda! The only conclusions I can formulate from the Mass Silence, or Pro-vax narrative, is that you are either caught-up in the Collective Psychic Mass Formation that is being played out! Or, You have been silenced, and you fear the Media reprisal and negative connotations that would attach to, Or, You are caught in a paradigm of Survival, which is threating your relationship, livelihood, your standing and privileges with Youtube! Or, .................................................................................? The Human collective Ego is going through a Psychic Mass Formation of Devilry on both sides of the fence, and yet there is nothing but silence about this Madness or Devilry from the top tiers! Why is that? Let me make this very clear! I am not Pro-vax or Anti-Vax! I have taken both Vaccines as a courtesy to family members and neighbours who are caught-up in their fears and Survival! Having said that, I am conscious and awake enough to know that something isn’t right with the narrative, and I question the Devilry on both sides of the fence, and “YOU SHOULD TOO”! Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas, and beliefs!
  2. I just love the way you are feeding into the Devilry of the Mass delusion that is being played out between the Pro-Vax and Anti-Vax encampments! And you insinuate you are the most awaken human in History! You may want to revaluate that image of yourself!
  3. What really amazes me is why hasn’t Leo, or some of the more awakened (so called awakened) Mods risen above the Psychic Mass Formation that is being played out on both sides of the Pro-Vax and Anti-Vax hallucination? They constantly counsel and talk with followers about the pitfalls of Fear and the collective Ego delusion, Devilry, and the pitfalls of being attached to limited narrowminded states of Duality, and yet they sit on the sidelines silent, or pushing the Pro-Vax narrative! The only conclusions I can formulate from the Mass Silence,or Pro-Vax narrative, is that they are either caught-up in the Collective Psychic Mass Formation that is being played out! Or, They have been silenced, and they fear the Media reprisal and negative connotations that would attach to, Or, Leo is caught in a paradigm of Survival, which is threating his relationship, livelihood, his standing and privileges with Youtube! Or, .................................................................................? The Human collective Ego is going through a Psychic Mass Formation of Devilry on both sides of the fence, and yet there is nothing but silence about this Madness or Devilry from the top tiers! Why is that? Let me make this very clear! I am not Pro-vax or Anti-Vax! I have taken both Vaccines as a courtesy to family members and neighbours who are caught-up in their fears and Survival! Having said that, I am conscious and awake enough to know that something isn’t right with the narrative, and I question the Devilry on both sides of the fence, and “YOU SHOULD TOO”! Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas, and beliefs!
  4. Thanks for sharing! It is so nice to see that there are some individuals that are capable of expanding their consciousness and awareness above the duality that is/are being played out between Pro-Vax and Anti-Vax, between Left ideology and right ideology, beyond the delusional perspectives and stories that some followers “seem” to attach to, from the top down! It is so nice to see that there are a few individuals that can rise above dehumanizing of other peoples POV, and are capable of rising above the current Psychic Mass Formation that is playing out at this time in our Human Psychic Evolution. I’ve made this point many times in the past on a few posts, and I will repeat it again; There are a lot of people on these forums proclaiming how conscious and aware they are, tossing around words like Nothingness, Non-duality, Collective responsibility, Love, Absolute God Consciousness, that this is just a Dream, etc. and yet they are so engrossed in their own survival and fear that they mindlessly collapse into a limited bubble, a collective bubble of delusional mind deceptions, which includes being trapped in the Pro-Vax vs Anti-Vax, Left ideology vs Right ideology STORIES! etc……. I don’t care how many DMT trips you take, how much you meditate, how may retreats you go on, how wonderful and colourful your vocabular sounds, what intellectual words you know and spew out! If you fail to do the “WORK” you will continuously fall into degrees of “Spiritual Bypassing” (Google). I know, because I have fallen in these trap’s countless times on my own journey. If you truly want to become enlightened, it’s going to take more than taking hundred trips on DMT, or thousand of hours and days of meditation etc. Yes, this all HELPS, but only within degrees of moderation. These “Tools” should not become a crutch or prop on your journey! In my “Opinion”, when you CAN observe every thought, idea, image, belief and emotion from a nonjudgmental, unattached perspective, 24 and 7, and then with awareness, “TRANSFORM” and “DIRECT” those thoughts, ideas, images, beliefs and emotions into CREATIVITY, the Creativity of your own reality, the creativity of the Collective Reality, then you can say, “I am on the “PATH” to enlightenment”. You will then be able to rise above the Psychic Mass Formation that is currently playing out on both sides of Pro-Vax vs Anti-Vax, Left vs Right ideology, beyond the collective Ego mentality! The goal is not to see how fast you can become GOD Conscious, or "To be “IT”! This is an illusion that will never happen because God Consciousness is always “Becoming” and you will never catch up to “IT”. The Goal is to savour and experience all gradations of consciousness and awareness, to play consciously with awareness in endless multidimensional realities and forms of BEINGNESS. To create your own independent limited “BEINGS” and Reality’s, and to then give unconditional freedom to the Creativity of “Becoming.” Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas, beliefs and emotions!
  5. It is truly amazing that there still are so many people on all these forums that talk about being spiritual, that we are just imagined beings, that this reality is not physical at all, that this is just a dream state, "we are all God", this is nothing but nothingness, Love is all you need, etc……. And yet these very same people run back to there little EGO lives full of Fear, Hate, and Anger if someone doesn’t cooperate in the Mass Collective Madness! OR, If someone has a different POV. This Pandemic is not about Pro-vax or Anti Vax, Democrat or Republican etc…. It’s about facing your fears and asking yourself, why are we individually and collectively creating this Pandemic and this Madness? That’s the Meta question! If you truly believe you are Nothingness, Absolute God, that this is just a dream etc. Then what’s the problem? Walk your talk, and stop pointing the finger! Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas, and beliefs!
  6. I struggled with the “I” word for years. But after having one of several Aya DMT trips, I substituted it with “ME”. It’s not perfect, but it’s the closest Me can get to explain the awareness beyond words! Lol….. The more aware “Me” became, the more difficult it was for Me to use words to describe awareness and knowingness. (Don’t get caught up with my grammatical use of the word ME, just having some fun!) It’s like the words “Nothingness and Somethingness”. I struggled for years with these words after experiencing a state of no-thought, no-form, no-universe, no-nothingness/somethingness during my second Aya experience, and yet, I was aware of a “Me”-ness that was beyond sensations and thought (for lake of better words.). Some people use the word Absolute God to express singular, or combined meanings and words of; nothingness, somethingness, love, oneness, void, etc. But I struggled with the word “God”. Perhaps because of the dogmas that can, and are subconsciously attached to deep ingrained beliefs and emotions of the word! “Me” has since found the words “All-That-Is”, which (for Me) best describes the word God and the words Nothingness, somethingness, love, etc. which point to the state of awareness that cannot be defined, explained, or touched with a singular thought, or patterns of thoughts! “Me” has not found dogmas attached to “Is”, or “Is-ness”, which in the combined words of “All-That-Is”, embraces all words, thoughts, beliefs, emotions consciousness, and all awareness. Just a few thoughts, images, beliefs “Me” wanted to share! LOL…..
  7. Nowhere in my posts did I state that I am against Vaccines! It is obvious that you are engrossed in your fears, and consumed within your emotions so much so that you most likely never watch the podcast NISTAKE presented. Nor did you really read his intro to the podcast, which stated: Just found this podcast the other day. First and foremost, this is NOT an anti-vaxx podcast. This is as objective as it gets and we really do need conscious podcasts like this. Please listen to this with an open mind. Topics include: - What is COVID exactly - What is mRNA - Role of science when it comes to viruses - Where and how vaccines should be used - Potential risks of vaccines - Vaccine injuries - Media, politics, censorship The name calling and labelling BS has got to stop! Do you not realize when you blindly come out swinging a club at a “perceived” opponent, that you are only increasing the gap between peoples POV. You are creating anger, hate and fear. You are forcing people to draw an imaginary line in the sand and forcing them to come out swinging! IF you, or anyone else on this forum wants to productively share your POV about this topic, please have the decency to watch the podcast with an open mind. Observe how your fears, ingrained beliefs and emotions affect your critical thinking and reasoning skills. Do the research in all directions, and don’t just cherry pick what you want to believe and discredit everything that doesn’t fit your POV. Let me say this again! I am not Pro-Vax or Anti-Vax! I am also Not saying everything in the podcast is right or wrong! But I will say that the podcast does have several seeds of truth that need to be considered before blindly follow the Government and Big Pharma down their rabbit hole! Seriously, if you want people on the opposing side to hear you, “You” need to hear them and understand them first with an open mind! And I am NOT talking about the extremist on the right or left side! Really people, stop with the finger pointing! And that goes for both Pro-Vax and Anti-Vax. First of all, not that I wanted to share my history with you, but I served the military for 32 plus years! Your statement is taken completely out of context. Most soldiers only follow leaders that have proven themselves to genuinely care about the troops and their welfare. They will only storm the suicidal hill if all other options have been exhausted. Most modern-day soldiers are well educated and would take offense to your statement. You have been watching way too many movies! We have time, you just refuse to see that. Please don’t let your fears and anxiety get the best of you! You may be getting caught up in the Media drama. If we are going to survive this Pandemic (Which we will, and yes, there will be casualties and wounded.) we will need to exhaust all options, and not just blindly rely on Big Pharma’s and the Governments “ONLY ADVISE", which is, "keep pumping the vaccines into everyone’s arm until this is over"! Keep pumping the vaccines into the sheep, until the sheep come home! Seriously, do you really want to be dumb-down to the mental capacity of sheep that blindly follow, believe, and do whatever Big Pharma and the Government tells "You" to do without questioning their integrity, agenda, rules and laws they dictate to the “Masses”? Without any accountability or responsibility? Do you really want to give your “Power” away and Worship the New "God" called “Big Pharma”? Just asking! Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas and beliefs!
  8. If governments, scientist and Big pharma were interested in your health and the collective health of everyone on this planet, they would have given out the patents to the vaccines to all countries around the globe to manufacture enough vaccines for everyone to take all together at the same time! Why have they not done that????? If governments, scientist and Big pharma were interested in your health and the collective health of everyone on this planet, they would have developed a “Titer” test (By Now) for the Covid virus to see how susceptible each person is to the virus, and then determine if an individual requires several shoots of vaccine, or NOT! Why have they not done that????? (Please don’t respond with they haven’t had enough time or money!) If governments, scientist and Big pharma were interested in your health and the collective health of everyone on this planet, they would have documented each person that got infected by the Covid virus and provided them with a passport that is just as valid as receiving 2 vaccines! Why have they not done that????? (Please don’t respond with, vaccines provide you with better protection and immunity!) If governments, scientist and Big pharma were interested in your health and the collective health of everyone on this planet, why is it there knee jerk reaction to have everyone get booster shots to battle this new variant, when they really don’t know what they are dealing with? So, is it our collective responsibility to get booster shots every couple of months with every new variant? Seriously, it’s like the blind leading the blind! Are we reverting back to Purple and Blue SD dogma? Again! This is not about Pro-vax and Antivax. This is about questioning the Rabbit hole that the governments, scientist and Big pharma are steering us towards! We can only make informed chooses when we have “reasonably” exhausted all questions and probable outcomes to determine the next course of action. (Please don’t respond with, "we haven’t had enough time" BS! That answer worked two years ago when we needed to do something for the sake of doing something. Yes, almost two years ago we had to act first and ask questions "later". Well now we are in the “Later” phase/period!) Having said that, I am no longer willing to follow the governments, scientist and Big pharma blindly without questioning the long term goals, and they start showing me more transparency. I will no longer follow them Blindly down this rabbit hole until they get there shit together, and stop flying by the seat of there pants with new rules, recommendations and policies that change every couple of days! Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas and beliefs!
  9. Sorry to have missed all the fun. I was away from my computer yesterday! I would like to add that “And this is just my perception”, that many people in these forums like to project they are somewhat enlightened, conscious, aware, and love tossing words like; Nothingness, Love, Duality, Somethingness, Compassion etc. at the end of a statement or argument, which seems they are using to double down and add to their identity as an expert in the field of spirituality. And yet, these very same people have no problem taking a side in the pro-vax party, or anti-vac party as if they know for a “FACT” that their “Truth” is right, and the other side/party is wrong! What ever happened to all the podcasts Leo made about critical thinking and having an open receptive mind etc. Even the North American Natives understood the pit falls of being engrossed with a belief, an identity, and with emotions. They understood that if you want to find a truth, you must walk in the opposite direction with an open mind and an open heart, IE walk a mile in another person’s moccasins before accepting a truth! On another note; what the hell does an opposing point of view have anything to do with “Collective Responsibility”? A collective society can only be healthy when all POVs are accept as having a seed of truth! Labelling “ALL” Antivaxxers as being selfish, self-centred, narcissistic, deplorable, mindless bottom feeders is a state of closed Mindedness at it’s best and worst! I have been experiencing this Earth reality for over sixty years, and believe me when I tell you that your ideas, beliefs, feelings, emotions and the truths that you cling to today will change drastically in twenty years from now! For most of you, your POV of today on this topic will be different tomorrow, why? Those that continue to do the work and question, discern, discriminate every thought, idea, image, belief, feeling and emotion with an open mind will expand their consciousness and begin to see the truths behind the truths, which are behind more truths! Your truth today, will not be your truth tomorrow! Again, I am not for or against the vaccine, and I have played my part! But I am really starting to question the validity and the mind set the pro-vax (sorry, it's just a label to make a point) that are blindly following the dogma of “Lets just keep on taking booster shots to combat every new Covid variant that shows up”! Let’s close the borders and lock our doors! Really, that’s the answer? That’s our collective responsibility? I am not saying it is wrong, but I do question the rabbit hole the pharmaceutical companies are trying to sell us! And so should You! Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas and beliefs!
  10. Sorry, only you know the answer! Do the work....
  11. I’m not sure if you are looking for an answer, or are just leaving an open end statement to the GODs, LOL.. IMHO, the answer to your question has many layers within consciousness. The higher more meta-answers are found within. The lower 3D Ego answers can be found with basic 101 personal Shadow work; which includes, and is not limited to: Observing and seriously discriminating one’s thoughts, ideas, images, beliefs, feelings/emotions! Basically, everyone needs to do their work, model and project that which they desire! It involves observing one’s attachments, expectations and how we blindly create and co-create our reality with “All-That-Is” (God), which, IMO, is one of the most important aspects and awakenings required before one can truly understand the concepts of Nothingness = Everythingness, which everyone here tosses around like they know what they are talking about, LOL. Anyone can take DMT trips (which is another viable tool in the tool box), but doing the “Work” is another level that sadly few want to pursue. Having said that, most people don’t want to spend their entire life doing the Work, so they seek Leaders and Gurus to do the work for them! Sadly, most leaders and Gurus are in a space of “spiritual Bypassing”, and usually don’t walk there talk! When you get to a certain level of consciousness, you begin to understand how the teacher and the answers are within. You begin to understand that you are the teacher and the answer! It took me almost twenty years to fully grasp and begin to embody that awareness. I’m a slow learner Lol…. Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas, beliefs and truths that work for ME. Take what resonates, and store the rest in the closet until it begins to sing to you!
  12. Thank you for answering my question! As for the rest of your statement, if you want to have some credibility as a monitor, you may want to come up with a more valid, open, and mindful response that is not bias in nature etc. I say this with the utmost benevolent compassion possible! Take Care….
  13. Not answering my question, and then diverting the conversation with "You're about all about union and coming together while you spit in the face of collective responsibility. Here I think the poorly named Obama-Trudeau effect actually applies:” Speaks volumes of your integrity and your maturity! Where are the monitors for monitors?
  14. This pod cast is not an antivax discussion IMHO! It is a conversation about the pros and cons of Covid vaccines, questioning the science behind it, verifications, validity of studies conducted, ignored, or (lack off). Its about possible biases, possible agendas, possible lack of reporting of information, and more importantly, what isn’t being said and reported by the science communities, etc. Yes, this podcast may seem one sided at times, and yes, they cherry pick occasional information to validate their perspective, but that, IMHO, is happening on all sides. I am not “for”, or “against” vaccines. I did my part and took the two recommended vaccines and played along with the collective perception that vaccines are the answer to stop the spread???? (as originally sold to us in the media), and to reduce the stress on the Health Care system, which should really be called the “Diseased Care System”! Having said that, there are always three or more perspectives in every experience; left side, right side, and several in between, above and below sides! Anyone who chooses to stand or defend one side, is most likely stuck with a lot of unhealth Ego attachments! A healthy mind is open and receptive to all POV. All POVs have a seed of Truth! The more expanded and conscious your mind becomes, the large the seeds of truth become visible and share their hidden truth! This brings me to the response given by Carl-Richard above, a moderator no less, that has me questioning the health and open-mindedness of these forums. After watch the podcast from beginning to end, I continue to question the reality we have painted ourselves in, now more than ever before. I also get the “feeling” that is no-longer a forum that is totally committed to seeking truths that are controversial, or has the ability to have discussions on open perspectives that are not tainted in “CONFIRMATION BIASIS”? I also get the “feeling” that a few/many people on this forum are blinded by fear and delusional reasoning, and that they no longer are capable of having open intelligent discussion about a pandemic that has, and is, causing suffering on both sides of this ridicules political landscape. Not only are people supposed to wear masks, but they are also supposed to wear blinders and ear-defenders. That’s not the path to heighten enlightenment, consciousness or awareness IMO! Don't get me wrong, I am all for wearing masks to protect people from the Virus, but not to silence or to stop listening, with an open mind, other POVs! The Media has diseased our society and culture with fear, hate and anger so much that it has reduced our ability to have rational unbiased conversations. We instead have created a duality between good and bad, Pro-vax and Antivax mud slinging that is absolutely childish, and at best, delusional unconscious mind traps of stupidity. Again, I am not for, or against the vaccine! I am a “Seeker of Truth”, I try to remain open minded as much as possible, and I try to consciously observe and stay aware of my belief system and patterns that may hinder or cling to self-inflicted stigmas, dogmas, and biases that prevent “ME” from opening to the greater possible “Truth”. Just share a few thoughts, ideas and beliefs!
  15. I’ve got one question to ask you, so please think very carefully before you answer my question! Did you watch the full Youtube podcast above from beginning to end?
  16. A problem only becomes a problem, when you make it a problem!
  17. You cannot experience Absolute Nothingness! Your Ego mind can imagine Nothingness from its microscopic limited bubble of reality, but the higher Mind that you are, is consciously creating you from moment to moment, it maintains all your thoughts, ideas, images, beliefs, and emotions. It maintains all the Atoms, molecules, organs, and electromagnetic field of energy that you are. You exist beyond your limited Ego awareness. Consciousness = Thoughts in Action! Thoughts = Energy in Action Energy can never be destroyed. Once a Thought, Idea, image, belief, and Emotion is manifested, it will continue to exist in Absolute Consciousness for eternity. Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas, and beliefs!
  18. First of all, there is no right or wrong! You create your own reality by choosing which thoughts, ideas, mind images, beliefs, and emotions to focus on, attach to, and spend your energy. People that live in fear, playing the victim, thrive on conspiracy theories, entangled themselves in abusive behaviours, addictions, and believe that the majority of humans on the planet are evil, will always attract these aspects into there life. They choose to create this reality with like minded individuals and groups. They will continue to cling to this dream reality that they have created at all cost. There is nothing you can say or do to convince them otherwise, unless they personally choose to expand their perspective on higher gradations of awareness and consciousness. They are the only ones that can open their own minds to other dream spaces within the collective human mind and beyond. It's their journey. Again, there is no right or wrong! The trick is to let go of what others say and do. Don't compare yourself with others. Don't seek attention and recognition from others. Don't seek self importance. Don't play the victim, Don't give energy to your PAST STORY of who you think you are. Let go of you identification, etc., That’s what shadow work and the path to enlightenment is all about! Now don’t get me wrong, there are many Human collective aspects, factors and stimuli that will have influenced you and I to take a path under the umbrella of Fear. Just like there are many collective aspects, factors and stimuli that will have influenced you and I towards the path of Love. That’s all part of the Human experience. So, the question you should be asking yourself is; “WHAT KIND OF REALITY DO YOU WANT TO CREATE FOR YOURSELF WITHIN THE HUMAN COLLECTIVE DREAM WORLD?” Do you want to live in fear? Or do you want to live in Love? Don’t let your parents, religion, the education system, government, science, gurus, me, tell you what is right and wrong, or how to create your reality! Listen to the internal higher mind that you are! The real teacher is within! Don't give your power and energy away to the outside world. It’s an illusion! You are what your mind, thoughts, beliefs and emotions attach and cling to. Having said that, we are all limited psychic personalities within a collective Human mind experience, which means we do have to play within the rules and laws of this particular dream world. From a Meta perspective, we are limited focused beings within a “purposely created” imagined bubble of limited consciousness, which is within a more expanded imagined “purposely created” bubble of consciousness, which is within a much greater expanded imagined “purposely created” bubble of consciousness. Lol….. PS: you are exactly where you need to be! You are doing great! Work on removing your thoughts of judgement and work towards seeing yourself and the world with compassion and humour. See your life and all the ups and downs as a wonderful experience! Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas and beliefs!
  19. The mind experiences this reality through our 5 senses, and through a collection, or gestalt of psychic thoughts, ideas, mental images, beliefs and emotions. If you want to experience other realities you need to change your mind focus and attention to another dream frequency, or direction, using other senses that exist beyond the 5 senses you are familiar. You also need to open up to NEW thoughts, ideas, mental images, beliefs and emotions. It’s like learning a new language that does not focus its’ attention in this reality, which does not use words, or use your physical brain! Just sharing a few thnoughts, ideas and beliefs!
  20. I have encountered many Shamans that are unhinged, delusional, SD purple, blue, orange and even green etc…. I have encountered many modern-day Gurus, that are unhinged, delusional, SD purple blue, orange and green etc…. I have encountered very few modern-day Gurus that are “Grounded” and that are hovering in tier two SD! I have encountered very few Shamans that are “Grounded” and that are hovering in tier two SD! It all comes down to the definition of what is True consciousness and awakening? What is Reality? Spiral Dynamics, Science, Religion, Evolution, logic, critical thinking etc., are human perspectives, thoughts, ideas and beliefs. It doesn’t matter how many times you do psychedelics or any other form of Mind travel, you will always return to your human Form and Human Ego. You will always interpret your experiences through the lens of the Ego and Human Mind experience, through your collection of thoughts, ideas and beliefs. We will never know what Absolute Consciousness is, what Absolute Reality is, what absolute Awakening is, due to our limited contracted physical Mind experience. Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas and beliefs!
  21. Here is a link to the “Seth material” search engine (Jane Roberts), for more thoughts on Emotions!