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Everything posted by Druid420

  1. Eat well, breath deep. Massage the gut with each breath. Shoulders back and down, lead life from your heart.
  2. Magic is real and lets not derail
  3. Do you have any good reason to believe it all? Think of the metaphysical body or the physical body - it really doesn't matter.
  4. My gut has a mind my heart has a mind my mind has a mind my body is a community. Look up split brain syndrome: Proof of at least two consciousnesses existing in the brain, one for each hemisphere. All of speech is located in the left hemisphere - logic. The heart and gut are full of synapses, just like the brain. You trust your gut and feel emotion in your heart. Everything gets synchronised in the right hemisphere - the centre of creativity. If one consciousness is unhappy you will feel general unease. If you keep all of your minds in check and functioning in harmony with one another you will find enlightenment much easier to attain. It's really not just 'you' in there - Talk to and love yourselves seriously.
  5. Tips: Fix your posture, don't hunch over, lead life from your heart. Breath deep and to the belly, massage your gut with each breath.
  6. I had about 35mg left and choked on my first hit so I wasted a chunk. Managed to have a very profound experience where I observed something like 'video frames' of all things scrolling by me, coming from more than 3 spacial dimensions. Was very pleasantly surprised. What's the lowest breakthrough dose you've taken? I would say that was maybe 25-30mg considering the wastage
  7. Yes, but it will never happen through a conscious effort. That's why you have teachings like focusing on the breath, or feeling the life energy in the body etc. You want to draw your mind away from thought. If you stop thinking there is no more egoic self.
  8. I am not saying that Psychiatry is a completely lost cause, what I'm saying is they all rate themselves with much more knowledge than they actually have. Even where you got the right help and on a medication that helps you, you clearly show it was a guessing game to get there - and I would not be convinced the medications aren't causing other systems to become unbalanced. The biggest problem is that most of society will put the psychiatrist on a pedestal and take their word as law. If any profession should be questioned heavily it is psychiatry
  9. It is not a sat down planned designed thing. It is a manifestation, a form of consciousness.
  10. You're right but you can get a pretty good idea. I have a pretty good idea. I think I misread you: if you were saying you can never know if someone is enlightened or not full stop that is wrong. In person you could tell with as little as a glance. On an Internet forum you've got to try and follow their words and discern from that.
  11. @jbram2002 I don't think he's enlightened at all. A scholar for sure, I think he has learned some wisdoms enlightenment brings and has mistaken the woken state for enlightenment.
  12. I will take that to mean you have not. What is a brain based disorder? I think it is very dangerous. You have a lot of people who claim to be experts when in fact they no very little whilst playing with psychoactive drugs on vulnerable people.
  13. @Preetom I don't really agree with his answer so here's another perspective: 1) You experience the egoic self just as before, but you can distinguish between it and the self. 2) I think you mean like 5 precepts in buddhism etc. You are essentially mimicking the behaviour of an enlightened being - you do not NEED to adhere to such things but it can help. After you are enlightened you go about yourself as you will without any fuss over your morality - everything you do in consciousness will be ultimately moral. 3) It won't help because you're feeding an idea of what you think it will be. The realisation of no self is not that you are not a person - it's hard to say without some incorrect notion being attached to it. It might even make things harder as you should tend to that person very lovingly, not disregard it.
  14. What is your opinion of psychiatry. Have you ever experienced god in a non dual sense?
  15. duality is just the reality of things. If you look inside you'll see it yourself, every thought you have is essentially a conversation between you and yourself. If you say you hate yourself or you love yourself, who is loving who? Pretty much everyone thinks that they are solely their ego. Through practice you can learn to distinguish and recognise what is the true self and what is the egoic self. When you manage to completely unravel the egoic self and then let go of it completely that is enlightenment.
  16. Awakening should be a natural occurrence but we lose ourselves in the ego and drift further and further from it. This is further exasperated in our modern world where we distance ourselves from nature and never allow ourselves the chance to be still. Then there are the religions of the world, which are supposed to guide us towards awakening, however over the ages they have been corrupted by, and dressed in, man's own ideas and desires for control.
  17. Yes exactly, I just want to be sure she is ready to embrace it and does not feel any anxiety about it. I also just think it will be a very good conversation to have, and one that is not had enough or in the right spirit. You know, she is close, so she may have some very valuable insight of her own to share too!
  18. I want to have a very straight conversation with her about death, as I feel our culture makes it this horrible taboo thing that it just is absolutely not!! Any suggestions on what I should bring up and points I should hit? I hope to leave the conversation having learned something and I hope she will leave the conversation excited at the prospect of her death.
  19. I feel quite strongly I do. Kind of just feels like melting into everything else, the bed or the ground you are on. All that actually dies is ego. She has lived a very epic life, is a brave age and a happy woman. She is not 'ill' per say, she's just on her way out.
  20. So I see this all the time, mostly from Americans. When people claim to have experienced a divine encounter, maybe during a time of great turmoil, they often recount the experiences saying that god or whatever spectral entity delivered a message or spoke to them in some regard. I could understand that if they meant that they garnered some wisdom from the experience without ACTUAL words being exchanged. However, in pretty much all of these accounts they go on to quote what was said. Are these people just fanatics looking for a spotlight? Maybe they just found the answer they needed and confused their ego for something higher in that moment. What are your thoughts on these sorts of reports?
  21. Yes I understand. I am with you 100%. Thank you again.
  22. hmmm.... yea fair enough. Thanks for that!