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About neovox

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  • Birthday 09/21/1982

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    Lexington, KY
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  1. Pick up for personal development, yes. Pick up for spirituality, NAH
  2. Morgue and his Hyperians are a for real cult. Interesting
  3. Kalya Scintilla ATTYA charlesthefirst liquid bloom desert dwellers thriftworks
  4. Realizing you've showed your ass is good opportunity for growth. Observe and adjust; that is where attention is productive.
  5. I think this is a common sentiment. The question to work on is, "how to love myself so fully that I require no outside source of fulfillment?" I am also working on this.
  6. Competition itself loses its appeal with advancing consciousness.
  7. If the relationship is of genuine substance and connection, I would communicate about my insecurity. But not in an insecure way, but an open and honest exchange. Be real, talk to him and find out where he's at with it. If the attraction is based more on physical and sex, I might wait it out. If it is you.. truly you that he is attracted to, then it will be worth finding out. If he's is really about you he will work with you. Respect to you my brother. I'm packin on the petite side myself. Society is brutal about dick size.
  8. Existential crisis is of the mind.
  9. I just posted this in @Leo Gura's Pentagon UFO thread, before I saw this one. I hesitate to share this, but here goes... A year ago I was on a solo meditation retreat in secluded country. On my fourth night I had a first hand experience with a UFO. It was close, maybe 75-100 yards away. I couldn't see and actual ship, but the light purplish and white lights in a triangular shape to start with. It moved SLOW, lowering to just above the tree line. I thought it was going to land! My heart was beating a million miles an hour. I felt a sensation in my face, like a light pressure under my skin. It stayed for maybe 10-15 seconds, but it's hard to say because it felt like time stretched out. The lights changed arrangement, came together and became linear, then it was gone. It didn't take off, it just disappeared. I was left aghast. I had been meditating naked for days and didn't have my phone to record. This is the first time I have openly spoken about the experience except to my wife and kids. If I share the experience its just a story to other people.
  10. I hesitate to share this, but here goes... A year ago I was on a solo meditation retreat in secluded country. On my fourth night I had a first hand experience with a UFO. It was close, maybe 75-100 yards away. I couldn't see and actual ship, but the light purplish and white lights in a triangular shape to start with. It moved SLOW, lowering to just above the tree line. I thought it was going to land! My heart was beating a million miles an hour. I felt a sensation in my face, like a light pressure under my skin. It stayed for maybe 10-15 seconds, but it's hard to say because it felt like time stretched out. The lights changed arrangement, came together and became linear, then it was gone. It didn't take off, it just disappeared. I was left aghast. I had been meditating naked for days and didn't have my phone to record. This is the first time I have openly spoken about the experience except to my wife and kids. If I share the experience its just a story to other people.
  11. Advice on giving advice. Actualized crew all the way
  12. I don't know anything about stocks, but I get the sense that psychedelics might be worth looking into. Its early in the game, but psychedelic research, funding, and attention is picking up some serious momentum. Compass Pathways is the only one on nasdaq. Others on OTC; Mindmed, Numinus Wellness, Cybin, I completely ignorant with the stock market. Thoughts?