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Everything posted by Chumbimba

  1. This is insane !!! Me and @Average Investor were talking about me doing this just yesterday. Thank you so much for your contribution.
  2. Elliot Hulse strikes again !!!! Completely changed my attitude.
  3. Taco bell: Beef and Rice Burrito or Del Taco chicken burrito Long John Silvers : Fried Fish and French Fries Fried Chicken from Albertsons Popeye's chicken sandwiches So yeah pretty unhealthy shit but they pay for me to eat so I dont complain. When I make my own meals though they are generally health and I can't cook on their stove.
  4. I eat better than I did before. I am currently living with my EX girlfriend and her family so my diet is there diet, and they eat fast food every night and day but nothing too unhealthy. I eat all meats. no dairy and no cheese. I eat eggs and a lot of wheat products (I am trying to cut down). NO SUGAR AT ALL ! My personal diet though is chicken, fish and turkey only. Lots of fruits and vegetables, eggs. I go to the gym at least 3 times a week. Lifestyle is very minimal. Trying to cut out television. (YouTube is my weakness). I read and meditate. I don't have many friends/Hobbies I work full time at a call center but I need a new job. I took MDMA 2 years ago and I am worried I might have done damage to my serotonin receptors because I have not been as happy since.
  5. It feels like my head has bricks in it all the time (I guess that why my mom called me block head growing up ) but anyways its really hard for me to read or meditated because my mind isn't sharp. I really have been improving on my diet. More vegetables and no dairy or cheese and I cut out sugar, but my mind still feels like it's performing less than optimal
  6. frustration, boredom, annoyance, pessimism, pettiness
  7. What genre of music are you working with ? That is essential to know to building your target audience. Create an apple music profile and find artists similar to your genre and follow people who follow that artist. Then release your music on Apple Music. I am not a musician, but I know a little bit about marketing when it comes to the music business. It can be super cut throat so you really need to know your niche and hit it hard. Good luck I am rooting for you
  8. I watched that video and took notes on it. I just want to know more about business
  9. @Austin Actualizing how else do you escape wage slavery ? I read every single day. My work ethic needs work though. If I am passionate about it I can work long hours. I’m taking the LPC now.
  10. I realized that I can't find one thing that is "ME" so then what the fuck am I ? Self-inquiry is confusing and I really need help because 1. What am I defending when I argue with people ? 2. What is controlling the body ? 3. Who/What is looking at reality? 4. What is the point of life is there is no "Me" like why do anything Why am I building my life up ? I feel like I am inside the body behind behind my eyes looking at reality. In the head area.
  11. I work for an online college and get a 75% discount. I am just going to do the computer science degree through them.
  12. Fuck it I guess im not going to understand this shit without psychedelics
  13. @Leo Gura doesn't imagination need someone who is imagining. Like you said in the self-deception video Descartes said : Cogito ergo sum... So for something to be imaginary doesn't there have to be one imagining ?
  14. @TrynaBeTurquoise If I am not the body, how come I feel these emotions. I am sitting here right now in this chair. Wherever the body moves, reality goes with it. Like its really weird. If I am not the body then how come I can feel pain, when I am eating I feel the food in my mouth. When I am typing this, I feel the keyboard on my fingertips. I don't get it.
  15. @Meetjoeblack im 22. I am going to the community college and learn
  16. Man its literally like I wrote this myself. Talk to @Average Investor he has really helped me get a sense of my purpose and what I need to be doing. I really feel your pain because I am a Psychology major too and it really feels like I have wasted my time. What I am attempting to do is let go of the need to find my life purpose and just do the things I love to do and I know eventually my life purpose will come I suggest you do the same
  17. I am currently developing myself to talk to more people and just lose my mental filter when it comes to socializing. I have run into being ignored, conversations kept short and this hurts my feelings. It seems like I get this more often than positive responses. I feel like its something I am doing wrong but generally I dont really say anything out of pocket or out of the ordinary but I still get negative reactions.. Any Tips ?
  18. The thought of approaching a girl makes me want to vomit
  19. @Meetjoeblack definetly not a virgin I have a lot of experience with women. I just keep getting the ones who approach me, not the ones I want and they end up being hoes.
  20. @Deezeetho It would be nice to meet girls and talk to them, but I get scared shit less every time a girl even looks at me or walks my direction. Like where the fuck does that shit come from. They are human beings just like me but I treat them as if they are more than that
  21. yeah its hard. I feel like people dont like me very much because I am ugly
  22. @exhale What I mean is the present moment is the only thing that exists. So whatever is RIGHT NOW is all that is true. So "The journey" is just a bunch of memories that you constructed and labeled it a spiritual journey. IM NOT saying that there is no work to do or don't do practices and you're already awakened there's nothing to do. All I am saying is everyone is trying to get to the same destination. Here and now. it really does not matter how or what method. Like if you want to get to Texas from Arizona, you can either drive or fly. It makes no difference because we are all going to end up in Texas, and when you get there you won't really think about how you go there as much as the fact that you made it safely to your destination.@PenguinPablo
  23. @exhale There isn't actually a journey because everything leads to now. Everything is now whether you're doing 5-meo or meditation
  24. @Leo Gura damn that really put it in perspective
  25. @Endangered-EGO I have taken LSD 3 times but its almost been 3 years and had no preparation or personal development knowledge. I want to take shrooms the last day of my solo retreat in May. only 2 grams but I don't want to trigger shit like this guy.