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Everything posted by Chumbimba

  1. @Preety_India you too
  2. @Preety_India I sent you a pm one time and it said you never read it or responded so I feel like you were giving me the cold shoulder too LOL No seriously your post have helped me out tremendously!!! I have just been reserved on my responses because a part of me is still a bit shy, but I am breaking out of my shell more and more every day. Also this forum tends to have a lot of group think going on so I try to stay off it as much as possible unless I need something from you guys (Blame my ego )
  3. @Average InvestorI forgot that I live in the entertainment capital of the world LA I am hella scared, what if I get bood off stage and embarassed.
  4. Read this book
  5. I was a red-pill guy.. then I turned 16 @Leo Gura you're right I am not very photogenic so I am terrible at online dating, but I thrive in person because my personality gets to shine
  6. Thank you all for your answers. I really don't want to finance my car. It is more of a pressure from my mom to do it because she says I need to build credit and that America is a credit-based country. I'm really not the most financially literate person. I just know I would like a car and I hate debt so I really do not want to finance.
  7. I did shamanic breathing today and it was profound. I didn't know really how much past shit I have to work through before doing this technique. Really my whole life has just been a daily battle of bullshit. Start: Set timer for 15 minutes (Only finished 7), laid down on my mattress fully relaxed and stated the technique. Middle: I kept Gagging/Dry heaving for the duration. I believe it is a type of purging, but I am not completely sure. My body started to shake violently especially my legs, like a kid having a tantrum. I pushed through that, but then as I continued the technique, I kept gagging/dry heaving and almost threw up. I had to stop because I did not have a bucket near. End: After I got up, I went back down to the floor and was in a type of prayer cradle position, then started shaking even more and making crying sounds and weird noises. After that passed, I lifted my head and started laughing hysterically about just how crazy this work is and how powerful it is. Insights: I have wounds from the past that have t due with various women I have interacted with. Rejections, abandonment, teasing, guilt etc. Especially my recent Ex. Girlfriend The most important one is growing up my mom made me feel guilty and bad for asking people for things and favors when I needed them and that seemed to disconnect me from the part of myself that needs help and needs to ask for help. I am going to due this technique again tomorrow to see how it goes.Thank you for reading
  8. I have seen Leos video on Strategic Thinking about three times and I was wondering if anybody knows more exercises or things I can do to be more strategic in my life/ I know the Pre-mortem but what are some other things I can do ?
  9. This hit home for me right here. Because it feels like my goals are life or death. I beat myself up a lot when I dont accomplish what I said I am going to. Me getting motivated is litterally like kicking a deadmule or hourse to move. Its terrible.
  10. When it comes to my goals at times I feel overwhemed when I try to work on too many things at once, my mind can barely handle it.
  11. The Everything Store Jeff Bezos
  12. @Average Investor is robinhood a good place to start small investments. My whole family wants to get started.
  13. @Raptorsin7Also the balls on you man are massive and I am glad you followed your heart. You inspire me to do the same Super proud of you
  14. @Leo Gura Could you be fully enlightened and still go to bars and clubs and do pickup ? Like would you even have the desire to do something like that at that level of consciousness
  15. To answer your question though: I have had more contentment in my life lately. I have been going to therapy and healing past traumas. I feel happier. I also realized I have had ADHD for a long time that has gone untreated so I am currently trying to create a treatment plan that works best for me.
  16. Sometimes I feel as if this channel has fucked my life up more than fixed it. I feel this channel was best when leo was doing basic self-help shit. The insight that you are god I have not experienced myself. People tend to throw that around on here and haven't even had basic self-help success. They think they can escape suffering and hard work with spirituality and thats false. I fell into that trap myself and now I am more motivated than ever to hit life in the fucking face. I am not saying spirituality is unimportant but get the basics in order. Like right now I am working on productivity, becoming a software engineer, money managing habits, my deep shame and getting more sexual experience. I probably will do this from now(22) until 30 and then go back into spirituality deeply. You cant escape suffering, Life is unpredictable af and anyone who sells you that you can escape from suffering is a charlatan. The laws of the universe are way more powerful than every human on this planets power combined, so if the universe wants you to suffer, you will. No avoiding it you might as well embrace it. So these people who preach love and shit on here just copying leo and probably dont love themselves as much they say they do. That shit takes work !! Not one youtube video. Years and years of it.
  17. @The Don I feel you on a spiritual level. I hate it. I am far from lazy and I am really smart. It feels when I am not on Medication that a pile of bricks are on my head all the time, I have jittery energy in my solar plaexus area and I cant sit still. I want to be successful with my Life Purpose too and some days I have 0 hope. I also have been suicidal, but ever since I have taken the medicine I have been feeling 100 times better
  18. It has improved mine a little and I read every. My problem with reading is retaining and understanding what I am reading and applying it to my life practically. I also get monkey mind when I read and think about women a lot
  19. @Javfly33 I know deep down I am very intelligent but my focus is terrible. I am currently double majoring in psychology and software engineering. Off medicine I have terrible brain fog, sexual cravings that distract me, thoughts about failure etc. while on medicine all my wisdom and genius comes up and I am super effective. I just sat and did math for 6 hours. @kieranperez I feel you that it won’t last an I know you say let go of the need to get rid of ADHD but my lack of focus is really bad. I have jittery all the time and can’t even do my job properly. I had a very traumatic childhood with physical and verbal abuse. Also academic traumas like failing classes, graduating high school in 5 years instead of 4. I know academics don’t judge intelligence, but lately I have so in my head with consciousness, enlightenment and spirituality. It’s nice to do something more practical for once
  20. @Javfly33 I have been diagnosed since the second grade. Its really crippling to the point where I feel really dumb most of the time.
  21. No fap has completely changed my life. Have been on it since November 2017. The last time I watched porn was February 2018. Its totally worth it. Just keep your hands away from your dick and fantasize mindfully until it stops.
  22. I get a lot more done and have more fluidity of thought when I am on it. My genius really shines. Its like Steve Jobs vs. Kevin from the office when I am not on vyvanse. I really need help with this
  23. I have ADHD and started taking vyvanse last week, should I stop ?
  24. @docs20 His LPC marketing video