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Everything posted by Chumbimba

  1. @StarStruck keep pushing. It gets easier after every relapse
  2. @GreenWoods never heard of Gabe dawg but I’m going based off my personal experience. Whenever I see a a hot girl i get horny and want to fuck her, but I suffer because I can’t fuck her right then and there. My mind then bombards me with sexual thoughts and feelings which makes my suffering even deeper and make me even hornier. It’s like starving yourself for days than going to an all you can eat buffet and staring at the food but can’t eat it. All you’re gonna do is leave hungrier and think about the food you couldn’t eat. You’re definitely gonna suffer. But if you go to an all you can eat buffet completely detached for the need for food you would be completely fine. Monks/Yogis don’t need any stimulation of any kind at all to be happy. That’s what I’m working towards. No problem at all having sexual thoughts if you can control them and not having them running your life to the point where you “need” sex or women to fulfill you. So I’m currently challenging my self to no sexual thoughts or fantasies whatsoever so I can see how it affects my happiness levels and to see if it reduces my suffering. I’m not trying to be totally abstinent. I’m going fuck when I want to. I just don’t want to be mind controlled by that chimp mechanism. People have children with people they hate because of this one mechanism. Causing more devilry and low consciousness which the world doesn’t need more of lol If buddha had a wife, i believe he would be completely detached from her so nah he wouldn’t suffer.
  3. @Justincredible76 Try not to touch yourself at all down there. I know urges will come up to do so, but you have to be strong. It gets easier day by day. Then start killing bad habits for healthier ones. Example: if you watch TV and play video games, unplug that shit buy a bunch of self help books and start reading. Even if you read one page a day it counts. Meditation is key too. Daily practice even if only for 10 minutes. Three Habits you need daily: 1. Journaling 2. Meditation 3. Reading Keep your eye on the prize and DONT RELAPSE NO MATTER WHAT !! Give it at least 30 days. Once you get a little hit of the energy you will never forget it and will never go back to porn ever again. It’s more addicting than the most hardcore porn on the internet. Right now I’m attempting monk mode so that means no sexual thoughts at all or fantasizing. I try to look at women only from the neck up. I know it sounds extreme but I can see the benefit of that in the long term. Uncontrollable Lust=Suffering Good luck boys let me know if y’all have anymore questions.
  4. Definitely worth it. I’m on day 33 of semen retention right now. Longest streak is 107 days semen retention. I haven’t watched porn in 1.5 years. I have women twice my age staring at me constantly as well as women my age. I only need about 4 hours of sleep per day and I can get through the day effortlessly. My meditation is phenomenal. I’m really passionate about semen retention because how much it has changed your life. Lol I kind of sound like a cult leader but fuck it. Trust me when I tell you being on no fap and cutting out porn is the best decision I have ever made in my life. I could talk for hours about the benefits I have experienced and the man I have become. Mind you I’m not perfect I still have lots of work to do but man I wish you could have saw me two years ago compared to now. Porn is shit compared to the energy and feelings you get from holding your nut. You only miss porn because you just weened off of it. Give it 90 days at least. I go weeks/months without thinking about that bullshit and if I do i just laugh lol. Don’t listen to those people who say “no fap is stupid” ,“no fap is a waste of time” or “it’s only pseudo benefits or pseudoscience” lmao people who say that haven’t done it for 90+ days and are desperately wishing they could cut out porn and are trying to impregnate a dell monitor. You got this bro. If you need anything pm me. peace
  5. I just had an extremely deep meditation session that I will never forget. I was doing Strong Determination sitting which for me, has given me some really amazing results and I have only been doing it for 4 days. My first day I went two hours without moving. Now I have been doing an hour a day eventually working up to two hours a day. All of a sudden I got the insight “Stop resisting”. After that my body relaxed a little bit. Then all of a sudden I felt the urge to cry because I was thinking about my mom and all of the times I have felt abandoned by her and how I feel like I have disappointed her. Then I started thinking about my father. Me and my dad don’t have a relationship currently and haven’t had one since my parents got divorced in 2012. If we ever talked is was just me asking him for money or some other selfish reason. I realized in that moment I have been resisting a relationship with my dad for pretty much my entire life and have been denying the deep need for him in my life and how important he is to me. Tears rolled down my face like a stream of water. After my sit, I decided to call my dad and see how he was doing. He is having back surgery on Wednesday, so I want to see him before hand. I asked him if he wanted to hang out this weekend and he accepted. So i am going to express how I feel and not leave anything out. I just wanted to share this because it shows the power of this work. I really want to thank @Leo Gura becuause without you man this wouldn’t have been possible. My Dad would have died and that resistance would have been buried even deeper and ruined my life even more. Anyway I hope everyone is doing the work because it can transform your entire life. Thank you for reading !
  6. Recently I have been having issues in my 15 month relationship. Before I went on a 10 day Vipassana retreat my girlfriend and I broke up. During the retreat I realized the reason of the issues in our relationship. Past issues with my mother. The entire relationship she was extremely loyal to me, but after the retreat shit hit the fan. When I got back from the retreat, it seems liked everything was fine and that we were going to get back together. On my birthday (May 25) she came over and we had physical interaction (kissing and foreplay) so it gave me the idea that we were really getting back together. Two days ago I saw her on campus and she said that she was there because she was at the library with another guy. Not only was she with another guy and didn’t tell me about it, She kept lying about it. It took me a few conversations to get it out of her. Her excuse was “I thought I was single so I moved on”... technically she was single but it’s the actions she took on my birthday and after the retreat t have me confused. The guy she is talking to is 32 and she is 19. I see it more as a distraction from the pain of the break up rather than her genuinely being interested in that person. She also told me she’s not into him but “she moves on fast after relationships”, but I was her first boyfriend. I want to work on the relationship and move on with it but there are a couple problems. 1. I am studying abroad in Spain from August-December. Her love language is physical touch so she said that four months without seeing me would make her really depressed 2. We can barely see each other this summer because she lives 45 mins away and we both don’t have the means of transportation. I also have a job that conflicts when she can actually sees me.
  7. @SFRL lol I feel you on that. But I don’t want it to come from a wounded place or it wouldn’t only cause damage to me, but the girls as well. Which in the end would make things a lot worse if I just feel this out.
  8. I’m not going to find anyone else until I get over this fully. I don’t want my next relationship to have this garbage with it.
  9. Thanks for the replies I broke it off this morning.
  10. @Gili Trawangan I still love her deep down inside and it is hard to let that go. The whole relationship she was loyal. It wasn’t until after we broke up she started acting funny. It’s like she is a different person
  11. Awareness. I’ve been on no fap for almost two years now and what I have found helpful is to know that I am not the cravings that arise. It helps me watch it as it comes up and not get sucked in by it. There’s nothing wrong with having sexual cravings for women, it’s natural shit. Women are my weakness too when it comes to purification of my mind. Just try not to get so sucked in by cravings that you start thinking and acting from your dick instead of your higher self.
  12. I recently came back from a 10 day Vipassana retreat and would like to share my experience and insights. If you have not done a ten day Vipassana retreat, I suggest you do so because it is very beneficial. The food was amazing ,andit really allowed me to do deep introspection and consciousness work for 10 days. Insights 1. Time is an illusion- I did not have a clock in my room so most of the retreat I did not know what time it was. This made me realize that there really is no such thing as time. There is only this moment right now. 2. Everything you do is a distraction from death- Literally everything including talking and thinking. Every second of your life, you are dying and your mind is working overtime to distract you from that fact. 3. Death is right here right now- You’re going to die in this moment because this is the only moment there is. Past and future are concepts I your mind. Another trick your mind plays to distract you. 4. Life is a dream. I got a small peak of this not a full blown insight, but after I woke up during a rest period, I realized there was really no difference between the dream I had and my experience right now. I want that insight to become more palpable. 5. Life has no meaning- meaning is another game your mind plays to get you into action and waste time. Success chasing is really pointless. There were very successful and rich people at this retreat and they were still very unhappy which was the reason they were doing Vipassana. 6. The pain body- This was a concept in the power of now that Eckhart Tolle talked about. Your various traumas and negative emotions are stored in your body. Repressed anger, shame, guilt and all that shit is in your body without you even knowing it. This is why people feel and behave in really terrible ways. One word of advice: This forum will not get you to enlightenment. Leo’s videos will not get you there either. His videos are very helpful about explaining the concept thoroughly so you can understand, but they won’t liberate you. Neither will asking questions on this forum. The answers people give aren’t truth. They are just words on a screen. YOU HAVE TO DO THE WORK. I’m saying this because I fell into this trap and I just got out of it after this retreat. All the answers are within you. You just have to look.
  13. @ValiantSalvatore Yes I released a lot. I was having Kriyas before the retreat, but now I don't have them anymore. A lot of childhood trauma came up like bullying, family problems, past rejections etc. I noticed a huge knot like sensation in my throat. That's where most of my pain is held. The first 3 days we focused on the breath. Then for the rest of the retreat we were taught to put our awareness on different parts of our body and scan from head to feet. It's a powerful technique but I like other forms of meditation a lot more.
  14. Hurt People...Hurt People. People want others to feel how they feel. I know this from personal experience because I devalue people sometimes because it helps me cope with pain temporarily. In the long term, this is toxic for your mind and body because it's a very ineffective way of coping with pain.
  15. @Leo Gura was yesterday your birthday? It says it on your profile. If so happy birthday!!
  16. @sausagehead I would rather snort it or plug it because I heard its a smoother experience and easier to integrate especially when plugging it. I would rather get hit with an SUV that a freight train lol.
  17. @Leo Gura I was asking for me. I am 21 turning 22 next month. I am currently in college. Planning to do 5 Meo in about 6 months once I can get some more Psychedelic trips under my belt and get a better understanding of non-duality and enlightenment.
  18. @Leo Gura is there an age limit to 5-Meo? and this is off topic have you taken Ayahuasca? If so do you recommend taking that before trying 5-Meo
  19. I recently just broke up with my girlfriend of 1 year and 3 months on Thursday and it’s been really hard. My mind keeps trying to trick me into going back to her with various emotions and thoughts. It’s also telling me to talk to girls and do pick up, but I know my minds various tricks. I know the solution is to face the loneliness and face myself head on and get over the need to have women in my life. My strategy is to do my 10 day Vipassana retreat and then do a 10-day solo retreat by myself right after that within a day or two span. Should I give more time after my Vipassana retreat to integrate or should I just say fuck it and go with my original strategy ? Thanks.
  20. @Anton_Pierre you're spot on about these techniques especially cold showers and semen retention. How long have you been doing semen retention? I also do the actuality technique on occasions and it grounds me in my actual experience more and more the longer I do it. Nice work!
  21. A couple of days ago during my meditation practice, I experienced violent shaking that I couldn't control but it passed. Now I can not meditate longer than 5 mins without my body jerking uncontrollably, speaking in tounges or other random movements. I do not know if it is kundalini or not but it is weird but at the same time fascinating. Anything I can do to stop, control or just purge it so I can get back to meditating longer?
  22. @FoxFoxFox where could I find a master? I am relatively new to spirituality and consciousness work
  23. @Leo Gura Is this a sign of possible awakening coming? That is what I am shooting for ultimately. this isn't only in meditation, for example, if I focus the energy to my arm or legs they will move uncontrollably. Or if I focus it on my spine, it will tense up and I will walk very upright. It's not painful just new lol.
  24. Hello, I am new to the forum and this is my first post. Background: I have been doing personal development for about a year and a half. I have been on nofap since November of 2017 and I also have cut out a lot of things that were dragging my life down (Cut out all forms of social media, negative friends, junk foods, etc.) and these have given me some amazing results. I am currently in University studying Psychology, reading various books on Leos book list, doing introspection every day and learning about the concept of enlightenment. The reason I want to do Psychedelics again is to get insights about my bad habits. Social anxiety, problems socializing with women, procrastination, perfectionism and not finishing things that I start often (inconsistent meditation habit, gym routine, work ethic, etc.). Experiences with Psychedelics: I have done LSD three times. The first two trips were amazing and life-changing. My last trip was horrific and gave me PTSD for a while due to being around the wrong people and taking too high of a dose. Pretty much doing everything Leo said not to do in his video on psychedelics. I have also done MDMA. I don’t know if it was real MDMA but I had the most profound experience my first time and it really opened my eyes to unconditional love and I experienced ego-death. It also helped me with the PTSD from my bad LSD trip. Pretty much got rid of it. Summary: I want to get back into psychedelics and try mushrooms for the first time. A small 1.5- 2g dose but I have fears. First, my grandfather was a paranoid schizophrenic, and I heard that if your family has a history of mental illness to stay far away. My biggest fear is breaking my brain and becoming schizophrenic, the fear of insanity. I also fear a bad trip like my last LSD trip. I have written my intentions down in a journal if I am able to trip but I just needed some advice if tripping again would be a good idea due to my families mental health history and my past bad trip. Can anyone give me guidance or advice? Thank you.