Pacific Sage

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Everything posted by Pacific Sage

  1. How important is intention in day to day activities and also with the long term Vision.
  2. The character from Hacksaw Ridge fits this strange mix of Blue and Green. Both Blue and Green are not ego centric so some commonality there.
  3. Can I pursue enlightenment and success? Together?
  4. Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people living for today Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people living life in peace You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people sharing all the world --John Lennon - Imagine
  5. Well this is bigger than a company and for a "democratic" country, people's opinion supposedly matters. I for one am sure than Trump has the best of the intentions for his country but if you look closely on his methodology am sure there are way better recourse to his ways. I strongly agree that immigrants have to stopped because it will lead to a big problem but will you go killing human lives for this reason? I agree, but what do you reckon the probability is? 50 percent? 80 percent? 95 percent? am sure its less than 3 percent. It may cost you your peace if this is anything. The outcome of being diplomatic is stronger than the outcome of being a shark. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Am all for tough love but if the intention is malice and not holistic then god help us with all your evil doing.
  6. Ofcourse! There is no better way. Every way of going out is beautiful.
  7. I Guess he has shades of all,
  8. Orange - its a Given he is green and Turquoise from what we know of him generally. He is trying to elevate human kind's consciousness and also he cares for nature. Yellow - To have built such a big organisation like Isha, its most likely he is a system thinker. You can check his videos on any topic, he has a good logical approach to it. Blue - At times, I guess, he has to be as he is interacting with a lot of stage Blue.
  9. Sadhguru - Blue, orange, green, yellow & turquoise?
  10. I'd like to be buried too. Give back all that I have back to mother nature. To maggots and to soil and everything else, and finally be back with mother Earth. In most Indian Hindu culture people are cremated but am from a different sect (who pray to consciousness and not idol worship) where luckily we are buried without coffins. The deceased are given bath, buried with legs folded and in seated position. Offered prayers and the favourite food of the deceased is kept at the place of burial for a crow to eat it. Apparently that's when the deceased is satisfied. Friends and family are fed twice, the day of burial and 11th day of passing away. The number of days for the second event usually varies.
  11. Could you be kind enough to share some of those experiences that you have had?
  12. Mystical experiences are as real as your ability to manipulate Adrenaline and I am telling this to you out of my personal experience, hope you can relate to my position as I am aware from your adrenaline experience that its tough to put this point across. Try psychedelics (magic mushrooms), am sure you will be mind blown . Its an amazing experience and will put life in perspective. I believe you. I have personally tried wim hof for three years+ and I know for a fact it works and I can only hope for you to believe that mystical experiences are real. Could you kindly go more into this and explain further what you are talking about? Has your experience led you else where to a place you didnt want to be? Doesn't Cyclops have both eyes and only two eyes, am sorry, I might have got the reference wrong but all X-men Cyclops I have come across have only two eyes. But Marvel is all fiction and is not direct experience, You can first hand experience sensation between your brows if you try Kriya Yoga. But that doesn't lead to any magical insight to the world, as far as I see it, its just another passing sensation. Most insights about the world come through contemplation.
  13. Hi @Leo Gura Reasons why I thought it was green : Desmond chooses not to kill anymore when he nearly kills his brother and then looks at the picture of the testament and then becomes religious but regardless of the reason he chooses non violence going forward. Desmond saves a kid's life who was working on a car by quick witted first aid and rushing him to hospital. Desmond on seeing his enemy suffer in pain gives him a shot of morphine to help relieve his condition regardless of how his actions had affected his friends in the army. Desmond saves a lot more people than that was demanded of him even when he could have gotten down the ridge at any time. Now that you have pointed out that it is Blue I can see why it is and I might have missed seeing it as blue initially. Desmond believes in a black and white testament which is authoritarian in nature. Desmond believes God will be in pain when a life is taken. Desmond could have been blindly following the religious bible while not knowing the true nature of God even though it seems like he was in a way touched by God when he miraculously saved a lot of lives against all odds. From yellow's point of view I can sense that the blue in Desmond gave rise to a good shade of Green. I am inclined to say he has more Green than Blue but after you pointed the blue in him and it being the source am unsure of the percentages of Blue and Green in Desmond but id like to conclude that there is both Blue and Green.
  14. @MAYA EL Spinal breathing is slow and long so there is no excess oxygen or decrease in Co2 from what I can analyse with long breaths, you need rapid breathing to pump in a lot of oxygen to eliminate CO2 and cause hyperventilation, hows it possible with slow long breaths where the body has sufficient time to process all oxygen and maintain CO2. Slow long breaths lead to heart rate variability which can have profound changes in consciousness states. Coming to the third eye, I think it is a different perception of the same reality once third eye is stimulated, similar to the - glass half full or half empty or full but the perception perceived in reference to altered state of consciousness is not completely describable in words unless you experience it. @SriBhagwanYogi Sounds like an amazing experience
  15. I'm gonna give this a go ? thanks! Taking decisions is always a drag for me
  16. I have been practicing this for a while now and has been working like a charm each time. How do I know it's working? - most times I am in a stressful situation and I apply this, I feel myself getting grounded amongst racing thoughts so am sharing this wonderful technique. It's a very simple way and nothing complex about it and here's what it is. ~Every inhale is a sacrifice to the exhale and every exhale is a sacrifice to the inhale. How it is in my body - I am in complete gratitude to the previous exhale while inhaling vice versa and that's it you are in the present moment
  17. Here's my typical duration for one cycle - Left nostril inhale - 9 to 10 seconds Hold - 3 seconds Right nostril exhale - 9 to 10 seconds Hold - 1 second Right nostril inhale - 9 to 10 seconds Hold - 3 seconds Left nostril exhale - 9 to 10 seconds Hold -1 second So a cycle of mine must take anywhere around 44 to 48 seconds.
  18. I feel he is quite open to different experiences and perception which puts him in good books for me personally. I loved the Anita Mooranji episode.
  19. Leo, books, forum, internet and Practice.
  20. In the context of raising consciousness meditation is the short cut as it allows you gain more awareness and Mark them red flags. Meditation then helps creating gaps or distance with the reaction to subsequent occurrences of the red flag thoughts and sensation. When it comes to socializing in context of consciousness I am reminded of this phrase by Jim Rohn, "You're The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With". What we can understand from this is the type of people you hang out with has an affect on your consciousness. If you socialize with people who are likes of Alan Watts or Leo or Sadhguru, you have a Possibility of raising your vibration but if you socialize with people who are into low conscious activity then it can go the other way.
  21. Dharma and Greg season 1 & 2 if you into Spiral Dynamics. This show shows Green and Orange coming together and making it work. Just Beautiful. ^^My bad I wouldn't put this under high consciousness but its an entertaining one related to SD.
  22. A Vipassana retreat would be perfect for equanimity. That's the essence of Vipassana.