Pacific Sage

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Everything posted by Pacific Sage

  1. Chris Mann is definitely the man!? What a beautiful song!♥️
  2. @RevoCulture You have had a deep journey my friend ? a path walked by a few. Deep respect to you? @VeganAwake Couldn't get this out of the message. Pls ignore.
  3. State of no thought, just experiencing the entire body with with no uncomfortableness which is bliss. I don't know it's personal, maybe that's why there are a lot of explanation. I just have a sense of good feeling. Respect to Nihilism too! I always connected Nihilism to a low vibration state but I guess everything has a truth to it . But I misunderstood your post! Why fear freedom? Why do we not deserve freedom? Why aren't we worthy? Why is it barbaric?
  4. If you are aware that the body is conditioned, and if you think it's bad why don't you do something to reverse it since you already have the awareness that it's conditioned?
  5. That is very true. The ego is a made for survival, once you master survival you don't need your ego anymore. Everything is an illusion! But what's true is the observer, there is an observer in you. When you think to yourself there is a transmitter and a receiver. Maybe one may find more solace in trying to observe the receiver.
  6. @VeganAwake What did you mean by this? Am sorry I did not get this.
  7. So true! I don't think any detailed description can do any justice to stillness. It can only be known through direct experience.
  8. Yes totally! You should check out this book, power of now by Eckhart tolle. New earth is also a great book. The entire book is on the gap and ego ( voices).
  9. Caterpillar to Puss Moth, beautiful process.
  10. @isabel You are exactly right here. If you resent that someone stole from you, that, to simplify is victim mentality as you will always, in your mind, be blaming some one else or something else for the situation you are in which is of not much comfort. So the thief has not only stolen something personal from you but also stolen something which is much more valuable, your mental peace. Forgive the thief but draw a boundary. If the perpetrator is a thief then better security system for the next time around, if the perpetrator is a toxic friend then the appropriate boundary for that circumstance. If there no boundaries or solutions to the situation then surrender is the only way to get the situation to not bother you. Only when it stops bothering you, will you find a better way to deal with it.
  11. @Anna1this one dedicated to you and all the heroes in the medical field all around the world! Also everyone else taking part in serving in these tough times.
  12. Don't you worry child - Swedish house Mafia Save the world - Swedish house mafia
  13. @Prevailer This is fine too! Everything is good?
  14. ?? Presenting to you, nothingness ?
  15. @Prevailer Thank you for giving me an opportunity to go through one of my favorite videos of Leo. Map is not the territory.
  16. Oh man! This is intense. Hope the lockdown successfully plays it's part in god speed. There have been reports that HC, AZ and zinc sulphate has been an effective combination for Covid-19.
  17. ??? Feeling the being! @Prevailer don't get me wrong. Learning has a major impact on one's life. Majority of one's life in a day should be spent In being rather than spending with the monkey mind. The monkey mind when focused plays a big role while writing exams, coming up with strategies survival. But when ones not doing anything it should be in being.
  18. A majority of my learning has been from Leo. So Leo in one of his videos ?