Pacific Sage

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Everything posted by Pacific Sage

  1. I like this saying - Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water You are on point with addictions though, I feel you?
  2. @Pacific Sage @Applegarden Apologies ? You are right I was projecting myself, I don't know I always found it funny when I see people post similar things on Facebook saying "Guys am quitting social media". I too have stopped viewing this forum for a while in the past, because I was uncomfortable with myself and things that were happening around me but I always came back. So maybe it would be wise to take a few days break before actually announcing that you are quitting so you would be sure of your feelings and plans. Maybe that would work? Id hate to see someone make this statement and be right back and feel wierd about it atleast I didn't want that for myself. Apologies again! ?♥️ All the best! Yes forum members and Leo have been a great influence.
  3. @Applegarden I have worked on few of those levels and I try not getting sucked in to validation. If the entire world is me then might as well start with pleasing myself rather than trying to please others check out Julien Blanc's video on these layers. He speaks about these layers and how to let go to come into being. Why don't you just stop journaling if it's a hassle, let go do what comforts you and investigate what doesn't comfort you.
  4. Letting go is an under rated topic here. Letting go of control is the biggest of the biggest amongst all other things to let go of in life.
  5. In an open forum like this you are bound to find healthy and toxic critics. I personally try to not let them affect me, which is in and itself bettering myself ? I weigh if the ciritc has a perspective where I might have assumed wrong then I see it as an opportunity to grow. Otherwise you can always vibe out of that situation. Well if you have decided to leave the forum then don't you think this post is counter productive to what you have set your mind on? All I can say is we find good and bad in almost every aspect of life it's only up to us to take only the thing that elevate us and elevate above the things which bother our peace. Either way hope you elevate on your path?
  6. @Consilience @Esoteric so glad ? Eye if the needle - streaming on 25th April. This must be interesting. 2020 truly has been crazy so far.
  7. This one is good.
  8. New work as in post the media scam of his. I have been following his work too for quite a long time. I see most of his work on inner transformation and working on deep child hood traumas which pretty much control our sub conscious. Love how Julien is so carefree with the attitude of nothing affecting him.
  9. Awesome ??? Julien is quite woke! Love how he explains ego backlash in this one.
  10. Haha interesting click bait. This is awesome ?
  11. Haha there are plenty of these which around in a couple of my family whatsapp groups. These things are very tricky?
  12. Well, each shoe is 5, the coach is 3 and the whistle is 2. The last one, the coach doesn't have his whistle on and according to BODMAS or what ever it is that you have learnt in your education system, puts multiplication first so, 3*2 +5 = 11. I am DMing you?
  13. Am sure the home health care you are in is a wonderful place because of your high vibe the people there should count themselves lucky
  14. ??? All the mods here are awesome! Very well put Also all the lovely people here, who make the forum an inspiration to stay on the path ???
  15. Thank you @Nahm. The time you put in to this forum's member's betterment is just unbelievable. I am still very curious to know of your psychic powers that I have read somewhere in the forum. I salute you for the bright energy you have! ?♥️
  16. You are in the right profession! Just the loving vibe you have in s hospital can have ten fold effects? and ofcourse being a mod in the forum needs a special shoutout ?♥️?
  17. Much Love to you for taking time to help others ♥️??
  18. This is awesome Fav part starts from 2:50