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Everything posted by Peter124

  1. Ego is just good and fine and perfect the way it is. Why seek to discard it? Let go of your desire to let go the ego. The act of desire is ego. Thought is the expression of desire.
  2. Humans are conscious expressions so must be all living creatures on earth. We must NOT alienate ourselves from creation.
  3. I fear that if I let go fully of that as a matter of fact we could together again. Which scares me. Because it feels like the choice can't fully ever be unselfish. So not fully sincere. Hence not fully let go of. Yet by holding on to desire, I have hope and realistic expectations. I hope because I also have my doubts. I hold on to her out of integrity and respect for her lack of desire for me. I don't think I'm capable of unloving her. It's like the piece of her that latched on to me turned into a combination of both of us. However in it I see myself. Im in her, she's in me spiritually still, I can feel it. Maybe I'm choosing to delude myself. It doesn't matter either way I'm self aware of my own feelings of being insane. As well as my true self, Aurora the daughter of heaven. Beloved by the the almighty creator.. . So there's no harm in that, most of the time she's not even on my mind . But I have these intense moments of missing her and feeling like a part of me is missing inspite of enlightenment itself.
  4. Taking part in forum is divinity speaking with divinity but different bodies. So I find joy in putting conscious and self aware conscious word when I type. I simply type and allow the words to flow it is written spirit lead teachings. 1. Form is temporariness 2. There is no Identity. 3. Desire causes suffering 4. Suffering and the need to desire is caused by unconsciousness. 5. Increasing consciousness is the cure to suffering. Life is Alchemy Construction deconstruction deconstruction. De-construction is simply rearrangement of construct. Construct is form abstract is formlessness. Order and chaos. Divinity is synthesis. It is within synthesis that construct and abstract become a spectrum. The sleep state is the death state. 1. Death does not exist in heaven 2. Heaven is reserved for the awakened.
  5. Love Hope and Peace. I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me. I am the vine am who at disconnected from me shall wither and perish and the branch that grows good fruit shall prosper and not perish like the dying branch on the grownd. To that branch has nothing. There is no truth or life in the branch. But the branch that bears good fruit shall bear a seed to become the root to become the vine. To bring light and life and hope peace and joy to the world.
  6. @isabel All conflicts at mind understanding. Cooperation and self sacrifice is key.
  7. @Nahm @Nahm The Dawn rises each day regardless of the conditions. Reincarnation implies that I an truly just the observer not the doing being happening saying thinking. I have thoughts and I create thoughts. All thoughts are predicted on language system and filtered in some sense. So Aurora must be indefinable, iconic, unique, that means adaptation and change. Aurora is the Maya expression of the silent conscious presents that is me speaking through the vessel of Aurora. That is what Nahm is as well all a character played by consciousness or me. Me-ness is not-two. For there to be a me there must be an other. So really there's only we or us. Aurora does not exist independently of Nahm nor does Nahm, Aurora when communication is happening. It is an act of self-communion in the realest sense as it encompasses and acknowledges you and me. Us. It's just non-dual. Soul=mind me=mental construct to grasp the me experience. Humans are just God being as humans fighting against an imagined other. Out of lack of realization of their deeper sameness which creates solidarity mutual understanding wisdom and love.
  8. 1 What is enlightenment? 2 Awakening to the truth? 1 What is truth in one word? 2 Non-dual. 1 Is non-dual one word or two? 2 They are a two words that form one word. 1Is-this-one-word? 2 No. 1 Why not? 2 That's a sentence. 1 Why? 2 Because it has more than one word that conveys a message. 1 What is the truth in only one word? 2 Consciousness. 1 What is consciousness? 2 Nothing. 1 What is nothing? 2 Lack. 1 No. 2 Emptiness? 1 No. 2 Nothingness. 1 That's a redundancy. 2 Me. The answer is me. 1 Who are you? 2 What do you mean? 1 Answer the question. 2 I'm just myself. 1 What's that? 2 Whats what? 1 You. That which you are. 2 I'm still figuring myself out. 1 How? 2 I experiment try to see what feels right. 1 Examples? 2 My whole life I've been trying to find life conditions that feel right. 1 Based on what? 2 Survival. 1 Who's survival? 2 You're waiting for me to say "me" 1 Who am I? 2 Why are you asking me that? 1 Who am I? 2 Actually who are you? 1 Why are you actually? 2 What game is this? 1 Who said we are playing a game? 2 Pfft... Whatever. 1 You're losing focus. Who are you what am I and what is truth? 2 I don't know to be honest, I just create ways to try to gain an understanding of it. Science, material analasys. So forth 1 Do you conduct existence science? 2 What that? 1 When you try to create ways to grasp the truth. 2 Yeah..That's called spirituality, when you try to get enlightened. 1 What is enlightenment? 2 Only Enlightened people know. 1 Who is a people? 2 Us. 1 Who's us? 2 You and me? 1 Is US a sentence or just a word? 2 It's a word. 1 Us references a you and a me united as an us. 2 Lol that last part of what you texted me sounds like anus. 1 Pfft! 2 Hahahahaa 1 Lol. What did you first say truth was? 2 Non-dual. 1 No. 2 Why? 1 Because it's not me thats playing the game you're playing yourself! 2 Ummm. So are you like an atheist? 1 No, I believe there is just the infinate play of form we are all unique and we are all part of the non-dual nature of reality. It's like a movie but we are in the movie. An IRL movie that never ends. God goddesses any ways to describe nothingness. Doesn't do nothingness justice. I'd like to say nothing is everything and everything is nothing. It's the same. Consciousnesses is the universe, the universe itself is the play of form. Always changing. So consciousness is like the synthesis. Form the thesis and void the antithesis. If I we're to describe it in the Hegelian dialectic. I think therefore I exist is a reflection of the I- the created and personality void plays as a role as each of us in our own bodies. Is created by the thought. The mind is like the Internet bringing form out of void. An early stage, the seed or mental image. Everybody has a web domain and an IP address. Everyone has a corner of the internet to personalize. As Jesus said, what you reap, you sow. So reap good stuff to see good stuff happen. The mental content you create you add to a larger structure that is a mental prison that causes suffering in it's need to cling to it out of fear. Fear comes from lack of understanding. I do believe radical and mystical feelings of being one with everything as a whole is possible. Through mental expansion of understanding. Do your science. Life is the science of life. You are YOUR world. The flower. The mental is the seed. What is truth? 2 Us. 1 Are we non dual? 2 Yes. 1 Yes!❤
  9. Am I allowed to end the physical existence of me? Commit physical suicide? Aught I?
  10. @Nahm my ambitions and desires are fading my motivation to live is going away FAST my mind is becoming more empty things are going incredibly well in my life heck even got the assurance I need that death is just the next adventure and there's hope that me and my ex ex gf can get back together in the next life and even the possibility of me and her being together RN in an alternate timeline. I dumped my ex boyfriend it was the right thing to do yet it feels like it's too good to be allowed. I'm a virgin and I even stopped caring that much about sex. Because of the implications of awakening. Yet I resist dying because I'm not ready to let go and join the grownd and become dirt again. Yet. I want to die later. But somthimg is etching me towards R.I.P ing ASAP. Like what the heck!? And I know it's for the best possible most selfless reason. I'm just being selfish.
  11. @Nahm It's just filtered through thought. Just tryna send out posters. No need to clarify it's just a thought. I'm facing a dillema, I feel death approaching me. And I'm experiencing an intense ego freakout. I feel tooo out of my body, out of my comfort zone realizing my identity isn't limited to this body,LITERALLY and I'm still clinging because I am unable to fully let go as much as awakening is hitting me like a rocket blaster.
  12. @LfcCharlie4 Divinity does not desire Desire creates the basis for suffering, it comes from lack not wholeness.
  13. What is the highest degree to which the ego can be dissolved? Is completely living life ego free attainable? Or will a little spiritualized ego always be spawned for as long as these human bodies continue to be the vehicles of higher degrees of Consciousness than animals? Or is the constitution of ego just identification with thought+ pain body influence on thought? Or something else?
  14. Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? 2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. 3 He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. 4 Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. 5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. 6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. 7 He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. 8 By oppression[a] and judgment he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was punished. 9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth. 10 Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the Lord makes[c] his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand. 11 After he has suffered, he will see the light of life[d] and be satisfied[e]; by his knowledge[f] my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities. 12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,[g] and he will divide the spoils with the strong,[h] because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
  15. @Leo Gura is Leo enlightenment NPC bot? Haha. Leo spelled backwards is Oel which sounds very similar to all when you say it. It's a blessing. Bless you! Bless ALL!
  16. @AminB501 youre tricking yourself into thinking you are tricking yourself. You are tricking yourself. You devil.
  17. I don't know not form so how can I ever really be certain that no form is a state that can be experienced? There is no form in that space so who is to say WHAT THAT space is? It's just void. It's simply the fear that the form of this temoral body will no longer be in the play of form. This body seeks immortality. This body TRULY WANTS AND DESIRES to never age to never get ugly. Never be poor to not be ridiculed beaten and cast out To simply exist pretending to be this body form for ever. It desires eternal bodily life. It desires to mantain the human relationships that have been built. Many will be devastated if I die. Friends family co workers. And that is a terrifying thought. I wish for the unattainable. I do devilry to survive. I am a devil because it breaks my heart knowing my others will be devastated by my death. That is why is why I do devilry. When everyone does devilry we are Darwinist. I am a hypocrite a liar I've cheated in my mind with my first GF and done many many things to hurt others to my satisfaction in their hurt. Satisfaction in the suffering of others. I feel deserving of terrible punsihmeng yet I can not die because imagined a scenario in which they will wourn my death. Because I am twisted and evil and dark. Not a friend not an ally a devil. I only care for my own existence for MY own sake. I am Lucifer Satan devil call me what you want. My punishment is eternal in hell for the "divine" sentenced me to die. So I devil inspite of god and spread myself so all can worship me and me alone. The lone dictator over everyone! I wish to enslave all life to the will of this bodily form. I Me EGO! I AM EGO! I am an egoist an egomaniac egotistical. Megalomaniac a tyrant a devil. Ego is the fascism of the flesh. Darwinism is an ego projection onto the beautifulness that is evolution. Evolution is simply immateriality and temporality of God into higher complex forms. The game never ends. The play never ends. Become conscious become aware of the eternal moment. The eternal now. Nowness is the way the truth and the life. No one comes to divinity except through now ness. Let go of the I.
  18. 1. In Life the Life body is a seed and the flower and the blooming and maturing beauty growing pain and competition. It is life unconscious of what life is. Life is I am. Breath is the DIVINE SOURCE. Breath is life. Breath is consciousness. The human body was made by the divine to be one with divinity in creation. Ego saughy to be like God or above, to kill what can not be killed in our foolishness. Ego surrendures itself as a fantasy. All is fantasy. The human body houses many many many life forms within it. All which house smaller life forms. There are life forms in everything. Breath penetrates all so does life bodies. The skin is made up of life bodies. Atoms and matter are life bodies. Bodies of divine. Bodies of breath. So I extend my consciousnesses to EVERY life body that's currently alive until it dies. Death: The mother is pregnant and dies in childbirth the mother lives on in the child for the child came from the mother. These bodies die and a universe dies. And returns to breath and is exploded into the divine womb. So life explodes all over again in new expressions of life, the spirit the breath lives on. All life bodies become conscious of this NOW! Be in presentness with divinity. 2. Rebirth A baby comes into the world an orphan it is given parents when the birther and the seed giver adopt him or her in the family. To be one in a family. A living human ecosystem. Yet is born unconscious. From now all all babes shall be born more conscious! Amen! Darwinism Life is seen as competition as a result of blindness to truth. All eyes awaken! Awaken.
  19. Advice, testimonies, guidenace, anything would help. I feel stuck still in moralism and am seeking help to get me out.
  20. I'm taking a break from this Forum to sort things out. Apparently, There is no-body as in the body is party of temporary or Maya. There is no-self only awareness Awareness is emptiness. Identification and desire causes suffering Awareness is completion peace. However, there is still alot of identification and desire I need to be purified from. As well as I feel there is still more to learn beyond that. To understand the full implications of awakening and how to derive pure dharmic meaning for me personally. Realizing personal identity is subjective not objective. Awareness is objective. It is in it's essence, objectivity. My hope is to write a graphic novel bible. Not a Christian bible, simply a graphic novel of teachings. Cohans, myths from the ages, things like that. A collection of stories. To portray the teachings.
  21. @Bill W just needed a break to go into solitude. I'm back lol.
  22. @Meta-Man I am desiring exploration, the synthesis of hide and seek. The found and exploring. Now the TRUE REAL JOURNEY AND FUN STARTS!