Cheers for the comment and for the suggestion. I've by now checked some of David Hawkins material online, it looks good, I'd be thankful If you do you could send me a specific video/book that I can look into.
Yes I do, I certainly believe in the Law of Attraction and that definitely contributed to her being in my orbit. I visualize everyday, however, what's gone a bit difficult doing so over the last days is that the scenery isn't as clear as before, now I need to actually make an effort visualizing this girl and I together. I think this comes from my frustration of loss, of why she act as she does these days and why the hell I didn't take a step back after the first date and could've preserved some kind of mystique and prevented this outcome by pushing it as I did. A valuable nonetheless an expensive lesson. I know that no doors are closed entirely and that I actively need to continue work on these kinds of things (i.e. personal development) in order to succeed. It's hard not to desire but I'm getting there, the first thing or challenge ahead is to actually reengage some sort of a dialogue again like mature beings. It can't continue like this when especially since we are in the same class, it affects everything in a negative way, it has to be resolved.
Thanks a lot for the response, I appreciate it. Yes, I tried to give you a clear perspective of where I'm at and where I'd like to be.
I share your view on how I'd like to pursue things onwards. I visualized it and today I'm almost sure I saw her from far away while sitting in a meeting with group work at the library, anxiety came up, thoughts of failure and awkwardness came up, it was overwhelming, I didn't allow myself to rise up and walk towards her, this was what I thought a great opportunity but I hesitated. 3-4 minutes later I finally mustered the courage to pursue her, I said fuck these thoughts I have to do this, but it was too late I looked around, she wasn't there, nothing. Damn, the disappointment but I know there will be another chance soon as it has to be resolved.
To answer your question, I didn't react as in I didn't answer anything since I naturally, from an egoistic perspective, was disappointed and felt that I was ruled out, in one perspective that's good since I wasn't displaying any negative emotion. However, If I could turn back the clock I'd definitely write, "sure, get back to me when you're free" or something in that manner.
When it comes to taking a walk again with her, no I haven't asked her since her distant/ignoring behavior. That is in itself communication and it's up to me to understand how to deal with illogical behaviour and tap into her view of the situation. So far I have accepted the rejection but not her behaviour, that's the hard part. That is what I'm working on.
Yes I will, I'll initiate a conversation with her and have in mind not to fall into a victim mode, instead I'll just catch up to see how things are going and if everything is alright showing that I actually care, and I really do care I can't deny it. That's it, I won't set a date at that moment unless we are already on our way home, then I'd suggest we take a walk. My intention is to show that I understand and do this slowly over time, If she's inviting and start showing signals of interest I'll set a date, if not well that's her loss, I move on somehow, even if it's painful just thinking about it, but at the same time I'll leave the door open.
Yes, I more and more do believe and imagine that she felt uncomfortable after seeing that text and therefore decided to act as she does the last days, that's why I'm just going to have, as you mentioned, a relaxed conversation with positive vibes her to start without any expectations, however, with clear intent.
Thanks for letting me know, yes you are absolutely right about the neediness, confidence and that I have one-itis. I'm a novice in this area considering the very few dating experiences I've gained over time.
It's hard for me to find women that I really like, my interest level develops over time, a combination of physical attractiveness with a great personality. It doesn't matter how beautiful she is if I don't like her personality then almost nothing can change my perspective, that's why I've deep down always disliked the meat market (clubs/bars etc.).
These women have been hard to find, I'm almost always surprised of how attraction develops over time, that I can develop affection and desires for a girl that I in the beginning didn't think of as a potential girlfriend. That's really strange, so before I can set myself straight I'm already intoxicated. That's a problem when I don't really know how to seduce or have the necessary confidence to pursue, I don't see it before it's too late. The girl sees me, likes my personality, decides to give direct and indirect signals. Shortly after emotions come, anxiety comes, I pursue without the necessary experience and here I am thinking of how I'm going to improve the situation that I'm in.
I love to focus on other women, I've so far gone out a few times to meet other people but she's there in the back of my head. Her case isn't resolved and until it isn't I have to have enough courage to handle it.
Thanks for the recommendations, yes I know about Corey Wayne, his book is excellent. I read it back in 2016 but unfortunately didn't have it in mind before this happened. Recently when've once again picked it up and intensively listened to the book a couple of times over I realized that I could've literary have changed the situation I'm in.
RSDMax has some pretty good advice but I haven't checked out RSDTodd . I've gone to a free seminar with to hear Julian talk 3 years ago. But overall Corey Wayne and James Marshall's TNL approach fits my personality better than the RSD approach.
I've looked in material like this ever since 'The Game' came out, I read a lot, checked out countless of videos etc., problem is I didn't take any real action. Yes, I agree cold approach is great for losing fear and to build my confidence and as you said to create abundance, something I want to develop, however, I need someone who can help me out.