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Everything posted by whoareyou

  1. You totally nailed it, I have noticed the same. Seeking is a hard trap to get out of. It really does seem like a form of addiction, which ironically is what is keeping him back from the "deeper" which he is seeking
  2. @Shaun This is what happens when you watch LEO's videos, conceptualize all day, and sit on a forum - no wonder life sucks for you. As people stated, if you are feeling this way - clearly something is really off. Take a break - get off the forum and do something else. Come back and re-evaluate. The issue is that LEO derives his concepts from 5-MEO - and the vast majority of people here do not use 5-MEO. All they do is some meditation - and a LOT OF conceptualizing - which is no good. Life is there to be enjoyed, and not for you to spend all day on a forum - thinking solipsistic thoughts (which are ultimately false).
  3. https://gurumag.com/becoming-god-inside-moojis-portugal-cult/ Do not be sheep people. Too many of you here blindly follow and worship Gurus. (including LEO). For those too lazy to read, here are some important things from the article written by an investigative journalist: - Abuses his position to have sex with his students (and cheating on his partners while having sex with them) -Using abusive tactics such as shaming, humiliating, controlling behavior, pairing and breaking up couples, brainwashing/ mind control, coercing people from leaving, gaslighting, etc -His followers refer to him as “my Lord,” “my Master” and “my Father.” Regularly kiss his “holy” feet and bowing to him. - Smuggling over €200,000 of unreported cash, and having his followers smuggle money for him - another red flag -Sells “Sahaja Dust” labeled as “earth Mooji may have walked on.” It’s dirt from their retreat center. Mala beads blessed by Mooji sell for up to 25 Euros. Pictures of Mooji’s feet sell for 1.5 Euros. And he sells blankets that he has personally used. - People walk around on eggshells fearing him and wanting to outdo others to show how devoted they are. Videos alone are enough of evidence to see the insanity that is going. There is a lot more, this is just the appetizer. Consider this as a good case study, to not end up following somebody like that.
  4. I would agree with this, as I noticed some of this. It seems like the ego likes to hi-jack experiences and then likes to talk about how deep, etc it went and how it's the special one(like nobody ever experienced this before, etc). Happens especially with people who take psychedelics. You see, for the EGO, it's very radical and crazy, but for GOD - it is the norm. When you integrate the things and become more GODlike - it will be something that is normal and you won't have any need to talk about how "crazy" it was, etc. Martin Ball talks about it in his book as well. At some point I think LEO will come to realize this
  5. Remember, it is not necessary to retain any insights in order to get something out of the trip. Regardless if you retain insights or not, you will feel way different (in an amazing way) for days to come. 5-MEO continues to work with you well after the trip is over.
  6. @MezzoAria If it's freebase, then it is designed for vaping. Do not snort it or or do anything else. If you can't vape it, then it's not real 5-MEO
  7. I don't disagree with you on this. Yes you ARE the Buddha, you ARE God. I was just using different wording (dualistic) and trying to make a different point. Usually when other people refer to "enlightenment", or "liberation" they refer to what happens afterwards as well. This matters, because this effects your entire day to day experience. Example A: You have a realization, you return to your day to day life and nothing changes. Example B: You have a realization, you return to your day to day life, and you notice some changes. Example C: You have a realization (after many other realizations) and you notice a permanent shift. You are embodying what you have realized in your day to day life. With Example A and B - people refer to them as "enlightenment experiences" or "nondual experiences". Of course all of those lead up to Example C, and are important, but I am saying this to be clear. With Example C - people refer to "enlightenment", or to "enlightened" individuals. At that point, you would stop taking psychedelics, like Martin W Ball did. He also made a clear distinction between "nondual experience" and "liberation". And of course it all happens NOW in the present moment, and I am describing it right now in dualistic terminology.
  8. I did. Hitting a breakthrough with N,N-DMT is significantly harder, which is why majority of people are unable to. It requires to have a good theoretical foundation and understanding of non-duality. Why? Because it is not strong enough to simply overpower the EGO, like 5-MEO can. When you vape 5-MEO, you can either surrender or resist it. If you surrender into experience(considering you have the right dosage), you will have a breakthrough, even if you lack that solid theoretical foundation of non-duality. I can confirm this not only from my own experience, but other people who I know - who couldn't get a breakthrough with N-DMT, but got it through vaping 5-MEO. The difference is day and night. If you have the option to do 5-MEO, I would advice people to just go straight to 5-MEO.
  9. This is not true. I vaped both 5-MEO and N-DMT - 5-MEO blows N-DMT out of the water. It is not even close. Also, 5-MEO is considered to be 4x as strong as N-DMT
  10. Then you are simply not conscious enough of what I am pointing out. If you read his last book carefully and become directly conscious of the things he talks about through direct experience - you will see the significant difference in Martin's approach.
  11. I did not say there is contradiction between learning and unlearning. Read again what I said - I said that your approaches to liberation using 5-MEO DMT are contradictory. You are not familiar with his works, you would have to read to understand the significance of what I am saying.
  12. Learning is clearly a part of your identity that you constructed for yourself. What Umar_uk is saying, goes in line with Martin W Ball's opinion - hence why I said it was a huge contradiction in your approaches.
  13. You vape 5-MEO and your trips are only 2/3 minutes? You must be doing something wrong. When I vape, the trips are between 20-30 minutes. Time-wise it may be shorter than plugging it, but it is far more intense and more potent.
  14. I wasn't trying to say that you had a dogma for vaping. I inserted vaping here, but that was besides the point. The point was, that you may have another awakening tomorrow and change your opinion totally, where it could very much be in line with Martin's. I have vaped both freebase and Bufo, and I can tell you already that they are identical.
  15. This is clearly not the case. There is a huge difference in your approach to using 5-MEO DMT/Liberation and Martin's. The approaches contradict each other very much. You don't seem to be familiar with his books, so I recommend to read the latest one, as I can't type it all here. Who says that there is such a thing as a "path"? Why not kill the "path" after you kill the Buddha? I don't think we can make this assumption just because it is very documented in history. This is something that you simply have not questioned/contemplated enough, maybe in your trips. I would not be surprised if you come tomorrow after another awakening and change your opinion. Again, I am not saying that you are wrong, but you seem to be too convinced that it's true, when it may be not.
  16. Watch out for your own projections here. I never said it was "wrong" or "bad". I simply pointed out a huge contradiction between your approach and Martin W Balls' approach to liberation and usage of 5-MEO DMT. If you can kill the Buddha, then you can also kill the "spiritual path", right? Who said that was the point? Again, I think this is where you and Martin W Ball disagree. Could you allow the possibility, that tomorrow you will vape 5-MEO DMT, come back here and say exact same thing as Martin is saying? Of course.
  17. It's a bigger contradiction than you think, if you look closely enough. According to him, ego wants to understand and know everything, and that is not necessary at all, when it comes to liberation. Even the title of the chapter is "Liberation through unknowing". He specifically stated that gathering understanding and insights is not needed when it comes to using 5-MEO - it's a desire of the ego. It's a HUGE contradiction. And this is also one of the reasons why you don't prefer to vaping it, because you would not be able to have as many insights after the trip. It's a clear as a day to me.
  18. I didn't say that you contradicted them here, but your definition of "enlightenment" is certainly different from them. You didn't say "increase", but you stated that there is no correlation between "immoral actions" and "enlightenment". This is a very big nuance.
  19. @Leo Gura There is a huge contradiction to how you and Martin W Ball use 5-MEO DMT: (What he is describing is a lot of what you are doing here. It is also one of the reasons why you prefer to plugging it, instead of vaping it. Not saying that you are wrong or that he is right, but it is important to note this, because he used 5-MEO and you do consider him to be liberated.) Taken from Entheogenic Liberation: Unraveling The Enigma of Nonduality with 5-mEO-DMT Energetic Therapy
  20. Do you understand that the people who you consider to be enlightened frame it this way? One of whom took 10x more 5-MEO than you have. Martin W Ball makes it very clear and that is how he described his own process. He had many "non-dual experiences" until he totally liberated himself. Eckhart Tolle who you also consider to be enlightened, defines enlightenment as the end of suffering (psychological), and full awakeness, always having non-dual awareness in the background, and in the present moment. This is again where other people who you consider to be "enlightened" would disagree. Guys like Eckhart Tolle, and Rupert Spira would tell you that morals are there to limit the EGO, and once the person becomes conscious, morals are no longer needed. They are saying that actions that you consider "immoral" are usually very egoic by nature, so it doesn't make any sense for an enlightened being to go around murdering people. Also based from my own "awakenings", I noticed what they are saying is true - the desire to commit "immoral" actions reduces tenfold automatically. Which makes me doubt some of the things that you are saying, it reminds me of "zen delivery" very much.
  21. A country where 5-MEO is legal would be by far better. It is the best place, because 5-MEO is really all you need.
  22. There is absolutely nothing wrong with cosmetic surgery. Just be honest with yourself as to why you do it and get it done. Is it wrong that women everyday put on makeup? Is it wrong that people choose to wear nice clothes? If not, then there is nothing wrong with this either.
  23. This is not true, I have explained myself over 10 times, go back and read what I wrote. Even another user provided you a perfect analogy. It is not my problem that your English language comprehension is so poor, or that you are just too stubborn to see what I said. I will not continue to waste anymore of my time on you.