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Everything posted by whoareyou

  1. That's right, it all depends weather you are doing it consciously or unconsciously. Just like with anything else in life. TAADA!
  2. You clearly have not experienced deep and intimate (spiritual) relationships. Majority of yogis and monks don't go celebate for this reason. If you yourself are a loner and don't have any human connections, it doesn't mean that it's optimal. In fact it's the opposite - so imo this is very dangerous advice that you should not be giving here and this is part of your life that you still didn't get handled. "Consciousness work" and connections with humans (including sex) are not mutually exclusive, in fact they go hand in hand. Just doing "consciousness work" and ignoring all other aspects of life is not healthy, and will lead to a lot of problems. And vice versa. You should be doing both.
  3. @Serotoninluv ~40% is still a lot of people. If you want to say less than half, that is fine, but you are making it sound like it's a tiny fraction. In my opinion, passionate but smaller base is far more valuable than large support base. Those people are willing to stick with him no matter what, vs a large support base that can switch sides at any point. The same principle applies in business - retaining existing customers who would be willing to continue to come back many times are far more valuable than 1 timers.
  4. It is not the reason why he won though, as many people like to think. He actually worked his ass of in the states in which the other candidate didn't bother to put as much effort in. If you want to change the system, that is fine, but once the rules are there - there is no reason to blame the rules of the game to which you agreed to play by. I agree that the electoral system is not the most optimal. But if people are that upset by it or think it's "unfair", they should work on changing it or not partake in the election at all. Hillary, instead of admitting her mistakes and shortcomings - blamed everything else but herself in her book "What Happened". The attitude of the left is a huge turn off for me in general - instead of making excuses, they should actually work on their mistakes and create a more attractive offer to people. So far they haven't done any of that.
  5. Why does it matter if he lost the popular vote? The US presidential election is not decided by the popular vote. He won in states that mattered - and it wasn't by luck, he actually worked his ass off for it. I don't think before 2016 you and others called it "biased electoral system". But now, of course you call it biased, when it doesn't fit your narrative.
  6. Go back to 2016 election and see what Trump's biggest talking point was - economy. He managed very well in this area - in a sense he can say to the voters that he kept that promise. Majority of people care more about their financial situation than any other issues that were discussed here. It's all about survival. Put Trump to the debates against any of the candidates - and he will crush them, as you witnessed in the last election. It's not about what you say, but how you say it. And Trump is pretty damn good at it. Non-verbal communication plays a huge role - around 50% or even more. Like I said, don't let your personal dislike, or bias get in the way of seeing things for what they are.
  7. That is not what I said! I said that once you have a deep enough of awakening, you transcend "spirituality" all together. It doesn't mean going back to the same place where you were not into spirituality.
  8. Once you have a deep "awakening", you will see that there is no need to be "religious" or "spiritual". Spirituality and religion is for the egos - if you know that you are God you will see that there is no need for any of that.
  9. Yes and that's a big factor, is it not? Moodey's model has been accurate in every year but 2016. The track record speaks for itself.
  10. You couldn't get it up due to anxiety of having it for first time. Don't worry, a lot of guys get that. If being a "virgin" bothers you, try finding a higher quality escort and be up-front about yourself. Tell her the truth, not only this will decrease your anxiety(or may eliminate it all together), but it will help her give you a better experience as well. Sex makes up at least 50% of the relationship - so yes being good in bed does matter. Your advantage is that you are young and that you have quite a bit of time to learn that.
  11. Trump is fine, according to Moody's election model - he will win easily! https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/15/moodys-trump-on-his-way-to-an-easy-2020-win-if-economy-holds-up.html My intuition says the same. Don't let your personal dislike of Trump get in the way of seeing things for what they are.
  12. It's not that you are attracted to the "money", but you are attracted to the traits/qualities that those men have. Could you find the same traits in the men that are financially not well off? You can, but it's very unlikely, and if you do find - sooner or later they will be financially well off anyways. Also, the men that are financially well off on average have higher level of intelligence as well. There is nothing wrong with your desire - spiritual growth and wealth are not mutually exclusive. Don't listen to those that are calling it "shallow" or "superficial" - they simply don't know enough about female psychology, and how attraction works.
  13. Balance at times can be radical, but radical does not always mean that it is balanced. I agree with you about slavery, but that again is just one individual example. My point was far deeper than that, of course I did not mean to take a mid-point of any given two positions. Balance is your entire approach on a long term scale, not just individual situations. If you are balanced, in some cases you may take a very "radical" solution, and at other times favor a more "conservative" seeming one. Yet your approach is free of political identity.
  14. That is NOT what I mean by "middle ground". I meant that you need a non-biased, balanced approach. An approach that is not identity based (liberal/progressive/conservative/left/right,centrist/etc). Your worldview is a bit delusional, because you believe that radical always means more conscious. Radical =/ more conscious. You need a balanced approach. Balanced approach requires you to see all the angles and to take many factors into account. Balance is the key to pretty much everything in life, not just in politics. You are bringing Nazi Germany as an example here because it fits your narrative. You can find other examples where the opposite is the key. The more conscious I became, the more I realized that both sides have things that I genuinely agree with. If more people came to this understanding - there would be less fighting/demonization of each other, and instead more unity, and in turn a better society for all.
  15. @Robi Steel For that reason the middle ground is the sweet spot. Balance is the key - you need both
  16. What about the media? The media is corrupt as well, it will be a tough battle for Bernie to win.
  17. If Biden is not corrupt and has nothing to hide, then wouldn't he just come out and clear himself? The focus shouldn't be on Trump asking for a political investigation, but on the fact that a potential candidate who is running for president, should NOT be running, since he is a criminal! A criminal is a criminal, doesn't matter weather he is your political opponent or not, Of course the Democrats want to shift the focus away from Biden's corruption to Trump's apparent breaking of the law? The double standards are beyond hilarious,.
  18. In that case, we certainly have different definitions of "charisma". Not only that, but just like in the last elections the DNC did not allow Bernie to be the nominated candidate, the same will happen in this election. Nothing has changed, DNC is as corrupt as they come. Because the focus is on Trump's corruption, it takes the focus away from the corruption of DNC.
  19. You have missed what I was trying to say. A lot of the time, it's not what you say that matters, but how you say it. Non-verbal communication signals play a big role as well. When it comes to non-verbal communication, Trump is a master at it. I suggest to study this subject in-depth, and start paying more attention to this aspect, than the logical arguments politicians try to make.
  20. For those thinking that Sanders would beat Trump are very delusional imo. Trump is full of charisma, while Sanders doesn't have any comparing to him. I tried to watch Sanders interview and almost fell asleep. You may dislike Trump, but one thing you can't say is that he is boring . Go back and watch the old debates from 2016 - it's not even close. With the current attention of span of your average viewer, I don't think Sanders has a chance, just for that reason alone. If the Dems had the answer to Trump or how to beat him - you would not see the Russia gate stuff, along with the leftist media attacking him 24/7 right from the get-go. To also say that Trump is a bigger devil than other candidates is a stretch as well. FYI: I am not a Trump fan, and would vote for Bernie if i had to choose between these candidates. Speaking of corruption, the DNC is as corrupt as they come and I would not vote for any other candidate (other than Bernie)
  21. Have you considered that besides Trump, there are a lot of other people who have committed crimes in the government? Including some of the candidates running for the next presidential election? What about the crimes that the past presidents have committed? If Biden is indeed corrupt, he should be investigated, regardless if Trump has committed crimes or not
  22. You totally nailed it I have noticed all of this in my direct experience.
  23. Based on my observation, I have noticed that a lot of people with big "spiritual" egos who start doing powerful psychedelics, very frequently delude themselves during the trips. What happens? The ego sneaks through the backdoor and starts to overtake the narrative. People report "channeling", talking with "entities", - not recognizing what they experience during the trip is just part of divine imagination. Of course the EGO loves to feel like it's special and actually accomplishing something. Because of this, a lot of people including LEO, believe that they have "directly" experienced something, when it was just their ego operating. (example: Channeling God, keyword "channeling" ). It is a huge trap (one of many), and a serious issue, because even the creator of this platform LEO is not immune to and has not become conscious of this. This is coming from somebody who has done a lot of psychedelics (including 20 5-MEO DMT trips and 40+ N, N-DMT), 25+ mushrooms, etc. No, you are NOT channeling, talking with actual "entities", or unlocking the secrets of the universe. This is just all EGO. My claim is radical, and I don't ask you to take my word for it. Next time you trip, really just observe, and drop the need for chasing insights, or doing anything for that matter. The ego-mechanism is very sophisticated, and once you are really be able to detect it, you will see the underlying commonality among all ego narratives in the trip reports. Recently a user on here even created a thread that he "totally awakened" by living in different dimensions, getting bored, and want to "unawaken" now. This is all just EGO as well.
  24. @Nahm @remember Read again my opening post, and the post which addresses an occultist here. In the examples that I have given - channeling, talking to entities, etc is an illusion - a narrative created by the ego. It is also a huge distraction from doing non-dual energetic work with psychedelics - it will be a huge obstacle from liberating yourself. Learning to work with energy authentically, without being carried away in the stories created by your false sense of self is a big part of this work. Drop the need to understand everything intellectually, drop the chasing, and drop the need to gain insights during your trips. Less is more. Believe it or not, but some of us here have even outgrown Leo's teachings. We didn't do it by intellectually trying to understand everything, sitting on a forum all day, mentally conceptualizing things, etc. Direct experience is the key - and psychedelics if used right (especially smoking 5-MEO DMT) can be a very efficient way to do it. But ONLY, if you are using them the right way, and if you understand how to use them. A lot of people continue to be stuck for years, continuing to trip, thinking they are getting somewhere, when in fact the opposite is the case. Learning to understand how your own ego mechanism works, differentiate truth vs egoic projections, etc is very crucial. What do you desire the most? Liberation or to partake in ego games? The choice is yours.
  25. It's ironic how much you preach about devilry, and open-mindness, yet you are not aware of your own devilry and blind spots. You call other people's attitude arrogant - yet the same could be said about yours. I warned you about the devilry when it comes to tripping on psychedelics but you just ignored it, like the devil would. The problem is that you don't embody your own teachings Leo.