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Everything posted by roopepa

  1. I've had problems with alcohol and cannabis too. I get what you mean. The hungovers, the horrible fucking mess you feel after days of drinking. I feel ya. I recognize the same thought patterns I had not too long ago. It's good to stay away from psychedelics for now, trust me. This is a belief/narrative and can be let go. You can live without substances. Don't lose hope. There will be moments of clarity where you'll see how good letting this thought go feels. How good it feels to realize you are not a slave to your narratives. Step by step brother. One better thought at a time. One breath at a time. There is no line between now and enlightenment. Start each day by listening to your favourite music. Get pumped up and energized. Make a dreamboard. Start wearing a crystal. You can have the life you really want. Your wellbeing is the most important thing. Take some time at least once in a while when you center and bring to mind your wishes and your dreams.
  2. This is actually really good advice. Thank you. The thoughts try to grasp on something. They try to find something to "stand on". It's so weird. I keep finding myself trying to explain reality, explain why I am here and why this world exists. But every time it somehow collapses and the only thing "left" is just breathing, silence. I'm starting to get what meditation is all about.
  3. The most important subject in politics should be ecology. This is because humanity is a part of the ecosystem. We are the planet, the soil, the organic matter walking, talking and breathing. This is an alive planet. Everything else builds on the ecosystem.
  4. Beautifully said. Greatly appreciated. It truly seems like breathing is the only "way" to go.
  5. So many distinctions and concepts ? What you're looking for is opening up emotionally. Allowing feeling rather than suppressing it. Make a dreamboard, start wearing a crystal, pray, meditate, connect to a guru/master. Listen to music, dance, watch drama or comedy, have a good laugh with friends. Stuff like that works for me. Isn't that the best? Simply having a good time?
  6. It's good to keep away from them, at least until you're actually doing great and steady psychologically and emotionally. Take this from a dude who actually got in serious psychological trouble using psychedelics. You don't need psychedelics. Don't get hung up with certain pressure you may experience about using them. That seems to be quite common in this community. Meditation, prayer, dreamboard, crystals, emotional awareness, art etc. are all great and can show that clarity, joy and peace you're looking for. This stuff might actually be even better than just tripping.
  7. ? Taking a look at his posts, this seems to me once again the same conceptual jungle and emotional suppression that is widespread in this community. Is it just me, or are you too seeing more people committing suicide than waking up on this forum?
  8. Take a moment to think if you would actually want that. Think about how radically it would change your life and thought patterns if Consilience would actually demonstrate that here and now. What comes to telepathy, reincarnation and such... It's a total game changer. When you actually remember your past life, just as you remember your childhood right now, and when you actually glimpse psychic phenomena directly, beyond any doubt, it's not a joke. It's real. Not some debate subject on the internet.
  9. This might sound kind of weird advice, but try the Nahms dreamboard thing, and crystals. Write down what you want on the board and start wearing a crystal around your neck. Why I'm recommending this is because you can't grasp neither with mind and sense-making. It's reeaaally subtle, but it works.
  10. I'm not gonna blame the world. Not when it leads to drug addiction and mental health crisis.
  11. I don't have much experience, though enough to say that this past life stuff is not arbitrarily made-up. You actually remember, just as you remember your childhood right now. It is just as authentic memory, and it truly changes how you see life.
  12. What?!?? What do they use for shaving? Obsidian?
  13. Weirdly clean cuts and shaved faces
  14. One infinite mind would mean no restriction and no boundary. Literally absolute, complete freedom. It would be no problem creating togetherness. Though I know nothing about infinite minds and such.
  15. I'm gonna throw a god damn temper tantrum if it's not
  16. What media and culture often portrays as pedophilia is not the actual paraphilia. The actual definition of pedophilia is sexual desire towards children before the age of sexual maturity. So I don't think you can explain it by evolution and biological survival. Pedophilia is more like a psycho-sexual disorder.
  17. 2 is my lucky number. Been seeing it a lot for a long time. For me, 2 is freedom and unconditional joy. Happy 2022!
  18. Would be good that both 'sides' acknowledge what 'a side' serves, which is fear and projection.
  19. Fear of death is actually allure of death. It's just something what fear (which is avoiding life) is projected on, and as. There is no need whatsoever for holding beliefs and narratives about death and falsehood. But many do, because they're running from life and feeling. Often feelings such as unworthiness, quilt, etc.
  20. What do you mean with "middle" and "way"?
  21. How I sense it, "faith" has a bit different connotation than "belief". Faith is joyful, loving, free thought. Belief is holding on to thought.
  22. This is for two reasons, one is because I have some physical/mental/emotional weirdness going on and another is that I'm interested in this energy stuff. I've been having arrhythmia for about three weeks. It's not that unusual for me, it's quite normal for me to have some arrythmia every now and then. But now it's been going on for unusually long. Basically every time I lie down my hearbeat goes weird. It's happening right now as I'm writing, there is out-of-rhythm beats almost constantly. Some emotions seem to be linked to the arrhythmia: frustration, fear, and feeling a bit 'disconnected' from life. There are thoughts as if the heart could stop at any second, and it feels kind of disorienting. Yesterday as I was going to sleep, there was a sudden pain in my chest right between wakefulness and falling asleep. I don't think it was physcal pain, it felt more like energy. It lasted for like a second, it made me alert, and some panicy thoughts followed. I started experiencing thoughts that made it seem like I was going to die that night, like at some point the heart will fail. It felt very acute, as if it was going to happen right there and then. It was almost like some near-death experience. I could imagine myself dead in clarity, I could see my heart stopping, me floating above my dead body. It felt a bit like a mystical experience. But I managed to calm down, focus on breathing and letting the thoughts go. Yet, the arrythmia continues this morning. This arrhythmia is quite likely not any dangerous type, but I will see a doctor if it will not get better. I'm not asking any diagnosis or miracles from you, just curious to see what you get from this. If you can do a distant energy reading, see my aura or something like that, I'd be super interested to hear what you see. What could this arrythmia be about, emotionally/energetically speaking?
  23. This is one of those things that keeps coming back to mind, and it keeps me 'stuck'. So basically I don't see what I want to do for a living, and I don't even see any hobbies or things that truly inspire me. I believe I need to do something in order to live, I need to have a job. But I can't find any carreer options that feels right to me. I could do pretty much anything. I could become a doctor, a lawyer, a politician, a philosopher, a journalist, a musician or a freakin energy healer if I wanted to. But none of those truly makes me want to give what I got. I envy people who has clear interests and passions. I'd like to have a thing what my life is about, a thing I'm passionate about and what everything else would build on. Like music, poetry, stuff like that. All these people building their carreers and living their passions. And I'm stuck here. The only thing that comes close would be some kind of communal living. I'd like to simply hang out somewhere in beautiful nature and have fun with people. Like a monastery for beauty and fun times. But that seems too far away, I don't know where to even begin. As of right now, the only thing I really enjoy doing, is watching movies, listening to music and walking around the city. But that won't pay the bills. I'm probably running from something to these thoughts. What am I running from?