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Everything posted by roopepa

  1. @Gesundheit Datura is a hallucinogen, yes, but it belongs to the class of deliriants. Deliriants differ massively from classic psychedelics, such as LSD or mushrooms in their effects. It would be foolish to call Datura a psychedelic in my opinion. You can call it whatever you like though. I'm just pointing out this because I'm sure Leo would never advice anyone to take Datura. Even though it's Love all the same.
  2. Infinitely Good. You are the ultimate reality. Why be neutral? How stupid do you think you are?
  3. There is no such thing as Being for you. You are Being. There is no separation. There is no Being somewhere and you elsewhere experiencing it. This is exactly what oneness means.
  4. "Eternal name" is not the eternal name either. Of course language is limited. Everyone here trying explain Love to you knows that.
  5. Plot twist: actually Leo is just some horny guy doing psychedelics, probably jerking off somewhere right now.
  6. How exactly can you be "closer" or "further" from God? How can you get to somewhere else from here right now? Please tell me, I have no idea how that's done.
  7. "That was crazy, dude. Trump got elected."
  8. I think I once had sex with an alien. That was pretty fucking weird.
  9. @zeroISinfinity Dude, you are one, not alone! You see, alone vs together is a duality. Never alone, always together. Write that on your wall. Think it like this: Reality is thoughts. Literally. Take a look at your hand. It's not matter, not even energy. It's a thought. The difference between a sensory experience and a thought is imagined by the mind itself! This is why awakening is not solipsism. I am right here with you. ?
  10. Guys, go download the TikTok app and check it out. It's like social media on fucking meth. It's nuts. What are we really dealing with here?
  11. Watch this:
  12. @Dutch guy You are literally creating "the white culture" out of thin air. You are creating it by dividing between yourself and other, white and black, this and that. There is no fucking white culture if you don't differentiate it from "other" cultures. If you truly love your culture, you should be as grateful for those other cultures for making this even possible for you. You actually love all cultures as much as you love your own, but you're just not conscious of it. Because of that, your love for your culture is showing up as a need to defend "your own" and blame "the other". Stop doing that. There is a better way to love yourself.
  13. @Dutch guy Big chunk of western culture is still based on a story of slaves in Egypt over 3000 years ago. Slavery in America happened almost yesterday compared to that. Do you seriously believe that it is not affecting peoples emotions anymore?
  14. All cultures willl eventually collide. You are holding onto nothing. Keep in mind that you only think that The West is best because you are born here. If you were asian, you would think that The East is the best.
  15. @Rilles It's not just a simple restructuring. Watch the video, it explains the situation pretty well.
  16. I am just trying to save your time. What you are thinking here is only holding you back. I was stating a fact. What you are talking here is literally nonsense. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I'll leave then.
  17. God, Self, Dao, Brahman, The Absolute... they all mean the same thing. God/Self/Dao/Brahman/Absolute is what Buddha found. Traditions don't mean shit. Go within. You are thinking nonsense.
  18. @Kalki Avatar Your question does not make sense. You won't get the kind of an answer you are looking for.
  19. In the upcoming years, clinical psychology will need more understanding of spiritual awakening in general. There will be a lot of people who take psychedelics irresponsibly. There will be a lot of people who become deluded in weird ways. Find a way to help these people to get through their awakening safely.
  20. @Nak Khid Dude, look. Forget about understanding Love. You won't get it by debating at the forum. You are not yet at the level of consciousness that makes it possible to understand why reality is Love. You still think that this is some philosophical idea that you can disprove by logical thinking. It is not. When you become conscious of Love, it will be as obvious as Oneness. There is nothing to debate about. It's just how things are. Go on with your life and keep doing the spiritual work. One day you will get it. I promise. ❤