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Everything posted by Zak

  1. I am making this thread under the topic of cult. Of course it includes all topics related to it, cult psychology, cult leaders, cult examples and cult escape stories. Here is a really good video about cult to begin with. What other cults do you know?
  2. @AdeptusPsychonautica I have been watching Leo's work since 2016, and to be fairly honest he has helped me a lot over the course of these 4 to 5 years. He has helped me In almost all domains of my life. His early videos are gold — I must say. But what he recently got into is something really delusional and unaccepted, maybe it is good for some people [Kudos], but speaking of myself... I certainly won't buy it. No matter what. Call me whatever. I never accepted his teaching 100 percent, but looking back, It was kinda sucking me into his dogma and ideology. It just did not make sense to me. I was very vulnerable and gullible back then. I completely gave up on my social life, left my family and friends. I literally was at the darkest phase of my life. I had no other option but to find some meaning in my life. This is when I found out about Leo and all of a sudden found something that just made me feel good. But at the same time, his teaching worked my mind and made me more of an isolated kid who thought he was God but in reality, a piece of shit. I personally thank you @AdeptusPsychonautica for making me more conscious of the fact that I am not God. I am human. I perhaps will still be watching his work every now and then but will be more skeptical and critical of what he teaches. I am deciding to finally no longer be a member of this forum, although the forum members here and Leo somehow helped me. Thanks. I will still choose to get out of this package. Thanks to all of you. Bye.
  3. And what do you guys think of this video? I think I am bombarded by these videos now. I see it everywhere on my YT. And what about this. guys. . This is interesting. Why is everyone having a problem with Leo saying he is god. Is he the first one saying that? I think him calling himself a god is a problem.
  4. Damn, I am learning so much from this discussion here. Thanks to Adaptus for raising his concerns here. I actually always wanted to see critics of Leo's work. But I think Leo is not doing a bad job defending his position here. Kudos to Leo. Continue your work, my buddy. You do you. Love.
  5. I searched for and stumbled up this video which caught my attention and immediately made me click on it and watch. What is going on with this guy? He seems really sick to me, the way he talks and acts in the video. Here is the link to the video, and let me know what your take is on this one. It is crazy. I am particularly interested to see what @Leo Gura says about this one.
  6. yeah man, 100 percent. I hate parroting. A very immature Leo lol
  7. How would you differentiate shadow from ego?
  8. Interesting. Just found this video in my feed about shadow work which I thought would be nice to share here for a better understanding of how shadow works.
  9. You may all have had this realization of you not being able to act or respond in a very well-mannered and mature way to different situations. How many good quality friends have you turned off by not being able to be mature? Not being able to be mature in relationships, work and where you get to interact with other fellow humans. How can someone get to the level of maturity of his/her age? How? What can he/she do to grow the fk up?
  10. What's the whole issue with Leo looking for a girlfriend? I am late. Can someome please explain?
  11. Leo

    Video about Leo
  12. Leo do a collab with this channel.
  13. Disconnection from parents to child in early childhood leads that child to ditch on family later. Living with disconnected parents is a living hell. I can relate to your Taj Mahal experience. Your mental well-being is important than anything. Living with your family is a disservice to yourself. Your parents (almost all) already had their lives. Now it is your turn. Make it run by your terms.
  14. Thanks for sharing. I actually needed this. Good sources.
  15. I recently got conscious that I feel bad when I give advice or motivate people and then see them implementing my advice and succeed. (Especially my close friends/people). ITS STRANGE, I hate it I now feel like, who the hell I am to teach people how to live and give advice when they don't even ask for. Does some here feel the same way or is it just me? I want to know how to gid rid of this awful feeling.
  16. @bejapuskas Thanks. This is what I am trying to do. To actualize. I appreciate your advice.
  17. Ahh yeah. Let me tell my mom she doesn't exist. Or she is me and I am her.
  18. Yeah. This is one of the reasons why I shared this on here. I wanted multiple perspectives figure it out. Basically I gave too much advices to multiple people around me. (My friend and members of my family). For example I told my friend to read books. I literally gave a lecture about the importance of books. And I told him to use some software, and he is finding it cool. Same again, I gave a lecture about this software. The other day I thought... that the whole time I was with him. I was his life coach not his friend. I wasted too much energy. When I came back home the night I regret giving all these advices. Now Everytime he talks about those books and software. I am like, I shouldn't have gave those advices. We should be talking about funny stuff now and all we talk is advice+motivation. it's boring. And everyone I advised, when they meet me they talk about those things. Not what a normal friends should be talking about. I just don't want to be someone who gives advices. And when they need me I will be there. Nah. Hope you got it.
  19. Nope. Not seeing myself as highly regarded from the other person. To me regard is nothing. I never wished for it. If I help someone, I do it for good.
  20. Yeah that all make sense. And it also depends on how charitable a person is. I recently decided not to be unnecessary charitable. I give when some ask for it. Your right when you said, " sharing can help yall both create a closer bond and grow. ". But I tend not to share it that much based on my experience and what I heard from people when it comes to specifically giving advice.
  21. Yes. It is very narcissistic, I know. But only if I am the cause of their success. Because of my charitable advice or help. (I am talking about unsolicited advice/help)