Duco James

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Everything posted by Duco James

  1. ''Penmanship is the technique of writing with the hand using a writing instrument'' - wiki Very healthy for your brain and there are many other benefits. It is taking your handwriting a bit more serious ;-).
  2. Sounds cool, will you be utilising penmanship?
  3. Follow your excitement.
  4. https://www.amazon.com/Medical-Medium-Secrets-Chronic-Mystery/dp/1401948294
  5. Isn't it the other way around, or supposed to be? I have been guilty of this for some time. And this is exactly what happened. Thank you for your response @charlie2dogs.
  6. @Adam D Alright! Thank you for your reply. Happy to hear you've made the right move! Hmm interesting choice, how come you have chosen to go to Budapest? Is there anything you would like to share more about on that? Thanks again.
  7. Farnamstreetblog has a course on this. Recommended!
  8. Spirulina is awesome preferable Hawaiian! Chia seeds, Turmeric! (with pepper for better absorption). Next to that check ph balance, magnesium, salt (himalayan), oils (coconut etc), high ph water (muy importante), saturated fats check "cereal killers" documentary. Good luck!
  9. Check "Gall Ups Theme Thursdays" on youtube. They go more in depth on each Strength, with real people who have your Strength as well and how they apply them in their daily lives. Recommended!
  10. @Adam D Holy shit, you've just described my life at the moment in that post! Although I'm half way, at the intersection of follow the money, or following my excitement, joy, bliss, integrity. More and more I'm finding out what's real and what's not. Health, relationships, fun, feeling alive, happiness, being the best version of myself, improving, self-awareness and so on. Thanks for your comment Adam!
  11. @ZenDog Jim Carrey found it meaningful when he found out what his purpose was all along with his zone of genius. (on 00.24) It's possible to be a "self-development coach" and comedian at the same time. Its already been done, his name is Kyle Cease, a great guy, funny as hell (in my opinion) and comes with a lot of wisdom!
  12. @GodelEscherBach There are several ways to become more smarter as you say. I'll share one of them with you. It's about what Rito mentioned earlier. The "Left" and the "Right" brain. They are connected by what's called the "Corpus Callosum". This is literally a bridge, that connects the both hemispheres and is responsible for the communication between both the left and the right side of your brain. Training this cable by training both hands equally and doing exercises using both hands simultaneously like juggling will improve the communication between both hemispheres, which results in development and use of both hemispheres of the brain, more brain power, more smart? The theory goes like this. The hands grow the brain. Normally the left hand is wired to the right brain and the right hand is wired to the left brain (for some people this is the opposite). To keep it simple, the left brain is dominant for logic and the right brain is dominant for intuitiveness, creativity (the artist). Now what do Michael Jordan, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael Nadal, Tiger Woods and many more all have in common? They are all ambidextrous (two handedness) which makes them whole brain thinkers. This is not only to say I can use both hands equally (naturally or forced), this also means ambidextrous thinking now that's interesting because now your using both sides of your brain, your logic and your creativity. Instead of only one of the both, which is often the case with people who are only dominant right handed or only dominant left handed. (This doesn't explain all their genius, but it played for sure a big part). Doing exercises like hammer drills, memory drills, Palmer penmanship and Da Vinci mirror-image handwriting, juggling, both left and right and simultaneously. Is massive active stress for your brain which keeps it young and strong. If you want to read more on it. Cheers. Sources: http://www.amazon.com/Whole-Brain-Power-Fountain-Youth/dp/0557005140 http://www.wholebrainpowercoaching.com/
  13. @Neuroticon What excites you the most? What gives you the best feeling? The most enthusiasm? The most aliveness? At this moment? Act on that. And watch this: