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Everything posted by zeroISinfinity

  1. ➡️ @zeroISinfinity ⬅️ Prime example I love myself. Love my wisdom too.
  2. But will you have sex with him? Honest response please. Polar bear, human lie detector. How much peeps lie is just obscene.
  3. Sick of it. Put in line 10 random guys from jail and put 10 random unknown spiritual dudes. Find 10 random women and let 'em choose.
  4. You find him attractive as a man? Delete interest in Spirituality from list boyo. Better to be cave man then spiritual dude.
  5. Materialism. That's the main lense people have and they try to figure out pretty much pure Infinity of God. Infinity of God in almost every possible way.
  6. You can only Understand Consciousness through Being not through "figuring out". To really uderstand coffee table you must become coffee table to put it in metaphore. To really understand how it's all getting created you must become how it's all getting created.
  7. Key mistake you are making is looking through things with human lense. Will. Just say that. You are still doing it. Even desires for dream are just human. Is it no how no no no yes. Pure and effortless but beleive it or not you can discover.
  8. @allislove Could resolve 'em mystery but Realization of Love first. It' s so so counter intuitive yet very simple.
  9. Best song ever not joking. My secret pleasure No1. Now let me ubdress my barbie.
  10. Ocean of Pure Love it's actual. Reality is Love. So amazing. Just God stop killing ne was enough and allow me life too I want to experience it as this guy too.
  11. Yes it is. Right here. Reality is LOVE actually and it so felt. Relax calm down. Devils may laugh. Let 'em.
  12. Ok I get it don't feed dog be love. Roger that. Like I am inspector gadget. Even he is inloved with blonde and has dog. But I. Want meat. Just... Beleiving toughts creates emotions. Feelings =LOVE
  13. @zenviolet You are Amazing Infinite Love. You are so awesome. Self=no self=LOVE Body is you same as everything else. So Love it.
  14. Bowing to dog master. One day diogenes was at his quest searching for sollitude dissaoi ted in peeps and society and saw wondering yellow dog who was searching and following people in hope that someone will open his heart and take her. It was cold dog was shaking but it looked at Diogenes with loving eyes. Maybe thisstranger will pick me up. Diogenes figured out there must be something more to life then mindless grinding and rat race. Diogenes picked her up. She was only a month or two old dunno she was small puppy and under his arm Took her home. Eversince that day love still lasts.
  15. Repressed rage and anger. Oh boyo my journals. ? Meditation Radical honesty Alot of stuff to barf(what does this word Mean?) Feeding dog with bones and meat? Don't understand metaphore. Don't bark it barf it?! Release through meditation not verbal?!
  16. No it means you sold your soul to devil. You sold Infinity.
  17. It was infront of me whole time.
  18. Yeah I guess life is meant to be lived Deconstruct everything then force yourself back. Have no reason to keep this dream running. Why? Wish I have stage this and that questions.
  19. Well there is. Right now I am Just meditating basking in Love. There really Isn't any desire to live or dream. Should get new life. Pointless to continue. Loss of direction is evident and motivation to continue is gone even if it's all given.