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Everything posted by zeroISinfinity

  1. @Someone here This stuff is not really like there is no self ? thing at all. Maybe I am just pointing to lets say highest state of Consciousness you can be. Don't dismiss.
  2. Question is will my grandpa remember this and forgive me my sins once again. ? We will see how big ❤️ he has actually. ? (emotional blackmail using spirituality OMG ?)
  3. It's not really about observing. More about complete surrender during meditation. Thoughts who gives a fuck. Just be. You are such a big love that your body can't hold it. Trust me on this. Better to experience what you really are then all this talk.
  4. Love is so brutal i beleive I will just die from it. Who can bare this thing. Ecstasy nobody knows. This stuff is real deal. Ok teach. How? It’s better to let go of judging this stuff and let go. Your Love is already these thing you are "trying to Love". Remove middle man.
  5. @Someone here More actual spiritual practises. Less "no me" "voice" "universe". Friendly advice. Go for actual.
  6. One heck of an ending. Will give ya that.
  7. @Mikael89 There is good friend of mine who told something along this lines. All thoughts are fear of nothingness. It's your job to discover what you really are and nothingness that you are. Who am I? is not really conceptually answered it is rather felt. You are actual Love.