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Everything posted by zeroISinfinity

  1. Teach me how to manifest, I want that hot witch girlfriend.
  2. Small self exists and seeks happiness that's why you are here. Only problem with self is that it seeks it in all wrong places. It Will even destroys itself to make you happy.
  3. Been there done that. Now when meditating make a leap and whatever arises start to accept as creation of that emptiness.
  4. It is tricky work. I Just said meditate on awareness and it Will show you all it's secrets. You have to do literally nothing Just stay with it as much as you can.
  5. Just stay in it and keep remembering. It Will disolve all your questions.
  6. It is projected /might use this term as feeling of Being a brain, sensations in chest, as focus. It is projected as everything in your envoirment. It is projected as your imagination etc. It gives itself to creates everything. That's why True Self is selfless in it's nature. And that is your true nature.
  7. It looks like exactly like Reality you live in including everybody and yourself.
  8. So basiclly at the same time we are Void in which everything appears all appearances inside the void including "body-mind". Nothing wrong in Being self it is tool of creation/transfiguration. Holly fuck it's amazing.
  9. Our True nature is without sense of Being. All embracing. Thanks Leo you helped so much.
  10. I am confused now. Does this creates duality between witness and phenomena aren't they one and the same?
  11. True light is light of awareness.Once you realize you are the light of the world you become love of it.It is so simple.