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About Seththomas

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  1. Hi all, New to the site and really loving the content. Thanks to Leo and all the forum members. I am currently reading "The Six Pillars of Self Esteem" and also just watched Leo's video on "High vs Low Consciousness" but I'm having trouble putting a finger on what it is. At the beginning of his video, Leo says it's the journey toward having a more accurate perception of reality. At the end he says that becoming more conscious is essentially what all of his other self improvement videos are about (which is why it's hard to distill in one vid). In contrast Nathaniel Brandon describes consciousness as being "aware of some aspect of reality" or using our power of choice to bring better consciousness to everything we do. So it sounds like Brandon is saying that consciousness is kind of a focused decision to have our minds "engaged" as we go through life. Realizing that we have power to understand or not understand, think or not think. Leo's definition sounds like improving the quality of our consciousness is essentially a catch-all term for the sum of the work we do in self-improvement, i.e., learning how to stop people pleasing, becoming enlightened, etc. The latter definition leaves me wondering "Why bother giving it a name at all? It's just the work we're already doing." Am I missing something? Seth