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Everything posted by rush

  1. @Leo Gura does that mean that strong determination sits are more applicable to dealing with the different scenarios life can throw at you, compared to just blissing out in a meditation session?
  2. @Telepresent Hey, I guess I do have an objective of disidentifying with ego needs during meditation but I also just simply want to enjoy being.
  3. Hi guys, How do you deal with both envy and regret ? I find my ego always wanting what it hasn't really achieved to get which other people my age have, for example, doing great in my studies, relationships and having a social group. Due to this, I then start feeling regret as it's like a double edge.. Thanks.
  4. @quantum @Xpansion @Emerald Wilkins I have questioned beliefs in the past however nothing came of this and the same egoic beliefs about what you need resurfaced soon again. Would be interesting to hear your take on things such as Maslow hierarchy where you need certain needs to be fulfilled.
  5. @iago iriarte arhatha @Seyed @Jared Gregory If you cant fulfill needs, then how can you accept the present moment ? What you guys say makes sense but very hard to implement in reality !
  6. Hey guys, Would really appreciate some help on this topic. I feel as if their are many rules in place by which I have to live by in order to be fulfilled, for e.g achieving grades, getting the job, having a certain number of close friends..etc but I fail to live up to these. How can you change your "rules" if you can't change external circumstances for whatever reason ?
  7. @mgi0077 @mgi0077interesting video.. detachment definitely is the key to peace
  8. @Jonas yeah I will try self observation as a practice. Do you think this can just become part of a daily meditation habbit or would you see self observation as something different to meditation ?
  9. @Jonas @Jonasiv tried self observation in the past, however I feel as if the old thought patterns and core beliefs always seem to resurface anyway in the future.
  10. @John Flores Yeap, it's a bit of a weird situation because, even though logically it makes sense that the egoic desire won't provide long term happiness, deep down, we don't really believe that and will still pursue the desire. This causes suffering if your always chasing something your struggling to acquire.
  11. @FindingPeace Thanks for the response, how can you tell authentic desire from desire which you think is authentic ? Dont you think theirs a fine line between the two ?
  12. The channel has a lot of videos on different meditation practices, where you can be more fulfilled in life However, doesn't this contradict with the idea humans are social creatures ? And need each other to be fulfilled. How do you reconcile the 2 ?
  13. @Frogfucius hmm thats interesting. Would you say that people who socialize cant truly be happy then ?
  14. @Tancrede Pouyat Specifically, how did practicing meditation daily change your mindset ?
  15. If the self really is an illusion but people are happy with this illusion because it serves them, for example, they have successful business, a great career etc.. then what would motivate them to find out that the self is an illusion ? Surely they would prefer to live within the illusion if they have everything they think they "want".
  16. Although I practice meditation and watch the videos, it feels as if I am just gaining layer after layer of beliefs with this work. For example, when you hear things like "you create your own suffering" this might be true, but i still feel changing externals would benefit me more. How do you actually grasp whats being said rather than just adding another belief which doesn't really bring any results ?
  17. @Kacper Wielunski Hi mate. About 25 mins a day. I would like to see results in terms of less neurotic thoughts, calmer etc.. Did you notice any subtle results ? Or did you literally get benefits after a year ?
  18. I was interested to know how exactly meditation works, as its quite difficult to see how sitting doing nothing and letting your mind wander can have the benefits that are explained in the videos. I intend to make it a habbit but would be motivated to know by whats happening after a session and how it works exactly.
  19. @Emerald Wilkins hmm.. I see ! How comes the results take so long to notice ? I think 1-2 years before you notice any results was mentioned in the latest meditation video.
  20. Hi everyone, Is there not a risk with a life purpose that it becomes an obligation, like a job, which makes it less appealing to pursue ? For example, if you enjoyed something in your spare time as a hobby, which then becomes the purpose, it now becomes an obligation and makes it less appealing to pursue ? Should you keep enjoyable hobby's separate to the purpose ?
  21. Hi Guys, This video seemed like one of the most bitter pills to swallow especially as you would only achieve the fulfillment in 4-5 years down the road. Who is on board with the idea of lifestyle minimalism and if you are, what do you do to slow down your life and how are you so confident that its worthwhile ? It seems like a complete restructure of life and seems soo counter-intuitive that not having a life makes the best life possible. Seems like a very hard choice to make especially when no one else lives this kind of life !
  22. @Mal I think in the minimalism video itself, the time period of 4-5 years for results was mentioned. Did you get results that quickly ?
  23. @Corte Yeah I see what you mean, i guess its just difficult to cultivate "being" when everyone in society is always doing instead.
  24. @Saarah haha ! Full name is Rushil but rush for short !
  25. The hardest part of personal development is understanding that external things are not fulfilling, but why is it that everyone still chases these things. It seems as if people who have everything that they "want" are fulfilled and they dont need to take part in lifestyle minimalism, meditation etc.