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Posts posted by Nivsch

  1. 11 hours ago, louhad said:

    I have realized this in my personal life. As I have blossomed to have more yellow in my spread, I have been much more successful in planting green seeds into many of my orange friends and family members. 

    Could you tell what you did?

    I'm interested to know because me myself struggle with this issue and want to influence people.

    11 hours ago, louhad said:

     It reinforces in their mind that it is actually stage green values that are the devil

    Thats an interesting point!

  2. 23 minutes ago, louhad said:

    Yes, but a yellow leader would be able to mobilize the society to green in a cleaner way than a pure green leader would. 

    But even if He will be more smooth in his attitude. How it will make our society go greener faster than what green will do?

    Maybe we NEED conflicts to make our society grow up in the tough ways and yellow's bridging tries will just hinder us?

  3. 14 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    The progressive worldview is not "truth", as progressives assume. It is a relative fabrication. But of course, to understand this means transcending stage Green.

    Assuming absolute truth is not communicable. 

    When we speak about the relative trute in society and politics: What is more true than green?

    For example: Equal humen rights. What can be "more" true than that? Equal rights only to 98%? gay rights only 99% as straights?

    I mean, it feels to me that green is a hugh leap above orange, but above green there can be only cosmetic improvements and thats it (in society and politics!) At least today, yellow have almost nothing to offer in politics. maybe in the future when green becomes dominant - we will need yellow. but today, green is still the tiny guy in town, therefore we need only more and more of green by now and the more is the better.

    Yellow in politics today seems to me almost useless because even the yellow guy will say that today the system needs more green, and after that we talk.

  4. @SageModeAustin Ok great.

    Also reconnect to nature to heal your brain thats my project this year. Regular sunlight exposure, walking outside, walk in nature, eating at least 7-9 organic vegetables and fruits. Next month I'll start 80-90% of 801010 diet. I read people say it saved their life from severe mental illnesses and physical too.

    Coming back to nature is a must do to heal our brain that has been damaged from the modern lifestyle and the results are ocd, anxiety disorders, depression etc. Of course do your own journy, I just put it here. Good luck and update!

  5. 1 hour ago, SageModeAustin said:

    @Nivsch 1. carnivore diet
    2. on and off

    3. just started again.

    Can you commit yourself to 15-20 minutes of mindfulness EVERY day?

    My psychiatrist ask me do to that daily and it kind of saved me. You don't have to sit down. you can do it as you walk with cup of tea and eyes opened. I don't like to sit when I practice it is anoying to me so I just walk and observe thoughs.

    What medication you take and what dose?

    What was the previous medication you have taken and how long have been you taking medications so far?

    Did you see the video "How to meditate deeper"?


    And "Do Nothing" method?


  6. On 3.4.2020 at 8:53 PM, Leo Gura said:

    So-called Western values do have some advantages. In developed countries people are taught how to think more independently and skeptically. The education systems of each color are very different. A stage Blue Islamic school is not the same as a stage Green Montessori school. The first one indoctrinates, the second one teaches students how to think for themselves. Of course it's not perfect, Green can still have lots of indoctrination, but it's way better than Blue, which basically just enslaves your mind.

    Ok now I understand. its actually imprinting the way of thinking (and neurological patterns) into students minds through education rather than just tell a story.

  7. On 3.4.2020 at 7:27 PM, hamedsf said:

    but all in all, we could say that stage green person has more open-mindedness than the others below him/her who could break out and think outside the mind/intellectual boxes.



    On 3.4.2020 at 7:34 PM, Serotoninluv said:

    @Nivsch I wouldn’t use the term “cognitively superior”. I think a better term would be “cognitive development”. 

    For example, we wouldn’t say a professor that understands calculus is “cognitively superior” to a 12 y.o. student learning algebra. The professor has a higher level of cognitive development, yet I wouldn’t call him “superior”.

    Yes developed is more accurate you are right

  8. @Leo Gura but if I grew in a realively green city and family, and cause of this - I'm very green. How does it makes me more neurologically sophisticated than blue?

    I didnt developed my brain flexibilty independently more than blue had. I just absorb a story (content) of flexible values, but didnt necessarily developed structural flexibility 

    And if I did, how?


  9. Lets say we have two persons - one is (mainly) blue and one is green.

    On average, their values of the both are a result of their family, environment and education, and were given to them with a spoon directly to their mouth.

    So, Why that the green one will be superior cognetively? He is not. He has not built by himself any more complex neurological pathways because of his values, he was not sweating more, he just has given its values as a content or as a story.

    Yes, in both sides there are people who are more autodidact and may have superiority in cognition because they develop their brain by themselves, but than can happen pretty equally (statistically) with the both colors, so this parameter offsets itself.

  10. On 31.1.2020 at 8:37 PM, Commodent said:

    In middle school I would be walking my dog every day after school. While walking I would be looking at the trees, and after some time it was as if I become one with the experience and completely merged with the trees and the sound of rustling leaves. I would have these experiences nearly ever day, but I didn't really think much about it at the time. It wasn't until about a decade later that I found out that it had a name; samadhi.

    I don't really think anything is more blissful than going for long walks in nature with my dog, and I think I can attribute most of my spiritual growth to those moments.

    Sounds very interesting. 

    Walking can be a great spiritual practice in my opinion.

  11. How was your awakening experience, and What did you think at those moments?

    If you can share even only it - great.

    If you remember more, the question is - What were the levels of realization that built what you think today?

    For example:

    1.Last year I firstly felt in my direct experience that I have no control of my thinking and for me it was kind of basic or newbie form of awakening.

    2. After three months I had an additional realization that when I try to accept my feeling, I'm still not fully accept because of the trying Itself (awakening 1.1.2).

    3. ...

    4. ...

    5. And thats why I realized we are god (Me personally not there yet. Also maybe it happened to you only in stage 11. it just an example).

    Why is it important?

    The vast majority of awakening shares mention almost only the end point of the process ("I realized I am god") and because of that, it is very difficult and not much helpful for people to be motivated because its all high above their head.

    I feel that I really want to know if other people also realized what I realized, because it will strength the validity (sense of realness) of what I felt and may encourage me. Thats MY personal motivation for this thread. But maybe it will be helpful to you too for another reasons. 

    If people will share all the tiers of their awakening process, we gonna have a spiritual MAP that can be super helfull to people to know approximately were they are.

    Of course, NOT to replace inner work, but to strength people in the process, motivate them, make them feel less alone, make their realizations feel more real to them (because other people realized it too) etc.

    But one important rule for this thread - Not psychedelics triggered awakenings. Only awakening that were spontaneous or during spiritual exercises. Why? Because Psychedelics moves you directly from A to F, and the whole point of this thread is to make ourselves see also the B, C and E.



  12. Everytime you have a tough thought - prepare yourself tea/chocolate drink/something simple to eat,  and drink it slowly, feel the taste, enjoy the taste, the warmth of it ☕?

    Tell yourself "Everything I think is OK. The thoughts just come. Everyone have crazy toughts! It just that the OCD make them FEEL more emotionally intense".

    And Treat yourself with love. 

    And keep drink slowly. Walk slowly inside the house/outside and look outside on the trees, flowers, birds as you keep drinking (slowly!!)??

    I struggle with OCD too for years and also pure O (almost only in my head) I know what I say.

    Also: therapist, friends, family. Tell someone you trust what you have. Dont lock it all in your stomach.

  13. On 13.1.2020 at 9:18 AM, Ry4n said:

    Honestly? None @Maxman

    Check out Mark Freeman's videos about ERP and ACT, that's your best bet for getting over this awful disorder.

    Had it myself a few years back, don't even recognise the symptoms now, a little bit of anxiety here and there but nothing close to what is once was. 

    How did you overcome OCD?

  14. You dont "deal", you just talk with them and listen to them and be interested in them.

    And B. You dont know if you are "above" someone in SD. You can only see one issue the person externalized (for example - conservativism).

    Since SD is stractural based model (and NOT content) you cannot know to what colors and how % of them the person has reached just using his head and his thoughts.

    Consevatism for example can hint you a center of gravity of him but you have to be very very careful cause you really dont know enough. He can still have 18% of yellow and 6% of turquoise for example (or even more).

    Only violent people or dictatorship leaders are more clear in their location on SD.

    Treat everyone as basically equal.

  15. On 12.1.2020 at 4:53 AM, purerogue said:

    I am not sure how you all come up with these ideas, is to much  media News , or just other people comments, Trump is not dumb, he is very smart and he has very smart team. 

    Sure he does not act like some royalty, he is being himself without acting politically correct, not putting up fake form of communication to   show himself.

    You might not like his ideas of what USA needs, but calling him dumb is rather pathetic  and makes you yourself look childish.

    Maybe you right, at least partially.

    This forum dehumanizes trump to the extreme. Be aware of that maybe trump with his mentality has larger chance to understand middle eastern thinking better than green and even than yellow people.

  16. Like one level up relative to my first experience last summer that was weaker and not as clear.

    What happened today is that I tried again to accept the negative feeling I had (I am in a negative phase this month), because I know that acceptance is the right way.

    So I tried to do the "Acceptance" on the current negative feeling I have.

    After couple of minutes I finished a small purchase in the supermarket, came out, and then I realized - OH, but if to be sincere, all I just did right now (to accept the negative feeling) was in the aim of feeling better.

    Which means, in a deeper level (?) I was resisting the feeling! I DID try to accept it, but it was from a desire to make the negative feeling go weaker and disappear. Even if there was acceptance its only a shallow version.

    And then I realized - There is nothing I can do to "accept", becuase everything I will ever try to do to "accept", will be in the aim of feeling better. in other words - hidden resistance to the bad feeling.

    When I realised it - I just released it. Ok. I Can't do nothing. I'll don't try nothing. In that moment I felt I have reached a new level of "releasing", and then the feeling became better!

    The interesting thing is that I quite knew about that principle in the content level even before, but I couldn't benefit from it. Only today I felt I reached it in the stractural level and convinced my subconsious mind. Like see the exact berrier as a content or story, is SO different than actually meet it stracturally in real time and passing it.


  17. Leo gives great hope in managing and reducing mental conditions and illnesses without medication. He challenges the mainstream thinking and thats gives strength to people. And to me too. And I really believe that medication will be needed less and less maybe until zero as you grow in your consciouseness during the years.

    Of course, generally speaking, i dont agree with everything Leo says and I always try to not just to adopt but think and if it doesnt fit to me I dont adopt it. But I try to keep an open mind.

  18. On 7.1.2020 at 1:48 AM, Angelite said:

    This is my actual Clear comment to @Nivsch


    In the relative sense, those who are better than you will think you're average. Those who are below you will think you're good. Regardless of where or what "you" are. 

    Do you mean "better in x", "above in y"?

    Just "I am above you" does not exist.

    "I am above you in x and in y" - 2 out of hundreds and thousands of parameters - does.