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Everything posted by Nivsch

  1. This is Israel's fault who cause the palestinians to build this hospital in the first place because of their attacks on gaza
  2. @Karmadhi well, hamas uses them as human shield. But lets only accuse Israel and fall into hamas hands.
  3. @Tobia Oh... no matter what we do this is never good enough 😇
  4. @lina There are minority of settlers that really do terror and have to be putted in prison on murder.
  5. @Tobia And also as long as we give them too much independence 😉 as we saw in october 7th.
  6. @Lila9 And after what happened, and given the length of the borders around west bank, the inevitable conclusion is that we cannot defend those borders properly if hamas will grow there freely without Israel precence in the field. Now this is clear that an independent palestinian state in west bank is not an option anymore.
  7. If this isn't make your blood boil you are the problem. Edit: They FAKE their deads in this video the link doesn't work. They cover people and they are moving inside. #pallywood 🧕🎬📽📸
  8. @lina hamas uses civilians as human shield all the time. This is his #1 strategy. This is the every terror organizatiom #1 strategy because he knows he is weaker than military. This is in terror DNA to use civilians as human shield.
  9. @zazen There is zero chance I can convince you that those civilians are asked to leave 100 times and Israel is trying to target only terrorists as much as it possible. I know where your emotions are. This is not gonna change only because I say something. But try for even one minute to think what would you do if ISIS would invase your home town you grew up from childhood and kill and torture 1,200 people from YOUR childhood hometown families and friends.
  10. I prefer to believe it, but even then, I think Israel just couldn't believe hamas is capable to do that. We simplified the other side's thinking pattern, as we all do every day with our mind about other people.
  11. Yes there were few. Nobody thought hamas will get in 2000 terrorists. Almost everybody thought hamas is dettered and won't dare to do a massive attack and also not interested in an attack these days. This was a combination of a holiday with minimum alert level, and a wrong conception we had about the intention of the other side, especially after years of conflict that cause psychological habituation and grinding.
  12. It was a holiday in this day, and many soldiers are in vacation, which can explain the delay.
  13. 6 hours later (for the first forces). But still too long. I'm not expert at all but it feels to me that the whole system has to be a double-agent for hamas in order to this conspiracy to be true which is quite impossible.
  14. @Breakingthewall This was monitored and even seen every day by IDF observers near the border. They saw all the training hamas did near the border. But the commanders above them underestimated it and dissmised it as not so important. "hamas isn't capable of such things". Our conception and interpretation of what we have seen - were the problem.
  15. Only the far-right-wing of Ben Gvir and Bezal'el Smotritz. But even them are not comparatable to hamas.
  16. Sorry but this is just utterly absurd. Learn a bit about Israel seriously.
  17. @zazen The hellish conditions are because of hamas. Israel has left gaza in 2005. The occupation paradigm doesnt work anymore.
  18. @Leo Gura I heard yesterday in an interview of an Israeli commander that the terrorists were in a much lower level of fighting ability and he said that he think there is an opposite correlation between the bloodthirsty-ness of a person to its fighting ability and I though there is a lot in what he said. Israel is real professional what you can only achieve from orange and above when you are more strategical, technical, consistent and disciplined.
  19. Don't worry, some world corrupt organizations and BBCs will find a way to accuse Israel even if use those safe technology and only on the terrorists. They can only see morality up to their true subconscious level of morality, and their active efforts to find wrongs almost only in Israel's acts is an expression of their own (subconscious) pockets of support they have in their mind to the less moral side in this war. Thats why we should listen to anybody but ourselves after what we had in october 7th.
  20. Great link! Explains Israel's policy in gaza. Please guys see from 3:30 to 6:30 (the core explanation) but its interesting to keep listening also after that.
  21. The thing is that the much restrainted attitude has already been tried during the last 15 years.
  22. This conception has been tried and proven wrong and backfired again and again when it comes to the palestinians. You dont know how much work-permissions Israel gave them during last years. Thousands. It only did the opposite result.
  23. But what can Israel do differently? The main problem is that without do those carpet bombings to neutralize hamas's traps and hamas's strategical advantage, Israeli soldiers will be sitting ducks in the field.
  24. @Vrubel Even if I try hard, I really can't see another way Israel can go through if the goal is to eliminate hamas.