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Everything posted by Nivsch

  1. @Nabd There was no state here to begin with. Jews came here to a semi-vaccum. 2. Jews have an historical connections that you just decide to wash out.
  2. Then from this logic the terror is justified from the very fact that Israel exists.
  3. These are slogans surrounded by warm air. This is language manipulation. You are invited to break down those high (and also misleading) words if you want to discuss seriously.
  4. But nobody kicked anyone before the Palestinians decided to start a war and almost won (wikipedia). Only when the Jews were cornered and almost killed, only then they started to play dirty occasionaly but at this point this is a jungle. And in the jungle everyone will do anything. This is an uttetly CIVIL war. The whole thinking process is being shut down by the ancient brain.
  5. But they got countless offers to have a sorverign state.
  6. I agreed that it has to stop but does it really a physical opression? It is not like we settled in their villages and cities, but only couple of km around them in parts of the open area. I am still not convinced they are "opressed", not even close to the level someone will want to kill women and children because of that, but I do agree there is an unfairness that has to stop.
  7. But that is the thing. Nobody did that before the Arabs decided to start the war and almost won. Only than, the Jews started to play more dirty and occasionaly. Not as a method. The ones who started the chain of trauma were the Palestinians.
  8. Can you give example(s) to this oppresion? A really tangible one. Because really what I hear in this thread is never a clear explanation but rather always something very vague like an aljazeera's soundtruck.
  9. A friend of mine who is serving in Gaza say to me right now that every home and every building he entered to was turned out to be a terror infrustracture that included tunnels gates and holes served to store weapon.
  10. In 1948 the Arabs started the war when the Jews were mostly in deffense and after almost lost it all and only then changed tactic in which neither of the sides was an angel in this Jungle conditions. I understand that the terror today is because of Israel and the terror before Israel is just a natural course of a conflict. Ok. Doesnt make so much sense to me but everyone can think whatever they want. Not gonna push anything.
  11. @Leo Gura I thought about violence of forceful stealing in those years and searched for it but could not find it yet. If you or someone else knows about this you can share.
  12. In the other hand, serious terror activities against the Jews here were also in the 1920s and 1930s, Israel went highly towards the Palestinians five time with five different agreements in the 1990s and the answer was the 2nd Intifada, and couple of more times with peace proposals during the 2000s which every one of those deals means automatically stopping settlements expansion forever, but the Palestinians refused, and refused, and refused.
  13. @Danioover9000 I agree with most of your things you wrote here. The problem though as I see it, is that, hezbollah can still attack on the ground with dozens of Israeli killed (even if IDF is well spreaded there already) and also and maybe the main problem now, to shoot an anti tank missiles against civilians which proved to be a well known tactic of him. This is why I don't know if anything but a preventive attack on him can remove this threat to the residents who want to live there safely.
  14. So now to attack Hezbollah is also evil? Radwan force in the south of Lebanon was aimed (and still can) do the same thing hamas did in oct 7th to the northern Israel residents, and it must be pushed from to borders to the Litani river. If it won't happen diplomaticly it will happen in force what probably will happen. I knew from the beginning this is not about the people in the other side not nearly as much as it is about Israel, and if you are against this attack you prove my point.
  15. Shabbat Shalom ๐Ÿž๐Ÿท @Lila9 Did you also see the Shkedia?
  16. I think Thomas was frustrated from the misleading view of the interviewer and the world crowd opinion that just can't see what we see every day here and he was just so desperate from the opacity of everyone that are hijacked by the anti-Israel propaganda, including the relation to Arabs that is better here in many facets even in comparison to many Arab states around, and the world just don't understand this and keep parroting these nonesense slogans. So he felt he has no choice but to somehow "explode" on him here and it was great he just nailed it. He spoke what every Israeli feels inside him.
  17. hamas wants all the time to get control in the West Bank too, and most of the daily activities of IDF there during all the years are against hamas.
  18. Paid? ๐Ÿ˜‚ The last time I was "paid" by IDF was in 2009 when I got 100$ a month for the shoppings in the market in my base.
  19. UNICF, similar to UNRWA is a totally co operator with terror supporters. I am not an expert on that at all but I have read many evidents to that I will try to find a post I saw just couple of days ago. In meanwhile:
  20. @kenway Yes before the war too it was indeed the most dangerous place to be a child in ๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ—ก๐Ÿงจ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ
  21. A great achievement to Israel. EU demands the releasing of the hostages as a mandatory condition to a ceasefire. Some saneness and a fresh air Israel is so needed to.
  22. I though about it today, and I think there is a problem in the assumption that just because the palestinians are stage red and therefore allegedly more "stupid" (or something similar) they are not responsible for what is happening. Because development is anyway always a relative notion and Israel is also underdeveloped relative to a tier 2 society for example, and we can continue this forever. I am talking about my thinking and not trying to say I am more or less right, but what I think is that even a stage red person still has its infinite brain resources and intelligence to promote its goals. His body for example is still magically incomprehensibly intelligent. So too his brain and mind in the same way. What I am trying to say is that the thought that hamas are just stupid suicial organization is far from the truth. They just aren't developed morally and in their consciousness to themselves and others essense and value, but with their ability to manipulate their way to survive they can still be genius. And they are in a sense. Look how clever their deffense mechanism is in the way thay act physically and getting mixed with civilians and, also (many will argue but) in how they make the crowd opinion be twisted against their enemy. I am not saying Israel doesn't have part in this, but the distance between the accustions against Israel and reality is enormous to my opinion. If we extrapulate this out to the whole conflict, then we cannot any more see the palestinians as just "reactants" to Israel policies, but an active participant in this tango has equal reaponsibility to initiate trust building actions by itself too and not just to cry about things the other side is doing. By the way, they cry, or complain (if to be fair and use a neutral word) equaly and even harder just after revolutionary agreements, what proves that the core of the problem is an inner problem with their mind that try always to preserve his bad homeostasis state (for example the 2nd Intifada after the large series of agreements in the 90's). Every one has equal responsibility to challenge himself and get himself out of an unfunctional disordered situation, be it an inner within him or an outer disorder. Because the truth is, no one can help the palestinians out their disfunctional thinking patterns but themselves. And for the protocol, yes, the Jews, like every other group, have their own weaknesses too, but they are found in another areas.
  23. +1 ๐Ÿงก For everybody who is saying Israel can just get in without a very broad scale air phase first.