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Everything posted by Nivsch

  1. @Lila9 You came at the minute I must go to sleep 😆 I tagged you and comment you under the woke video of Teal.
  2. +1 ❤️ Indeed the religion component is one factor but a significant one that cannot be overlooked.
  3. @kenway I dont know what you are trying to do but I have nothing personal against you and I really don't know you, apart from the method widespreaded here to upload unchecked links every 6 hours that only distorts and brainwashes the crowd opinions, even if you didnt meant to it. Thats all that I am saying.
  4. @Karmadhi US treatment for terrorists is better? Probably worse. Terrorists in Israeli prison get Netflix and even can do a degree. Our court is too soft for the view of many people.
  5. Sounds like you do a manipulation right now.
  6. Great so check first their reliability because otherwise this is just a brainwhashing method.
  7. No Israeli here takes seriously those link trees that proved to be very agenda driven and vague in their ability to provide proofs.
  8. @kenway Don't mislead without checking first. From the video we cant see ANYTHING. And up until now the only side who proved to kill civilians asking for aid is hamas.
  9. @Karmadhi I mean I don't know about the case you talk about but I found myself articles now. Although IDF denies the claims about severe conditions, I could not understand many from that, because the wording is general and doesnt relate to the details Gazans claims about. I believe there is something in many claims but I can't say anything about specific conditions and the terror suspicion level of every one of those people. It sounds complicated. But, fair enough, from the articles seems to me that there are for sure problems in the arrests conditions and treatments. Every culture has its dark places, and if you want to critisize fairly you will compare every such claim to other parallel cases in another western countries. This doesn't exemp the Israeli system from responsibility to develop itself and improve, but your critisizm emotionality and sense of urgency is clearly a sign of an agenda, but you have a right to hold an agenda just as I do myself too.
  10. @Karmadhi You will have to add the link from where you think what you think.
  11. @Bandman I think the low quality and style of your message speaks by itself (Edit: you erased this part ok) with all that I think your hard emotions are in the best case based on evidence only in the far edge cases (we speak about intentions here. Not outcome of casualities), they are still legitimate, and if you were to express your fears without the personal attack (edit: that you erased and thanks) maybe we could discuss.
  12. You are keep ignoring that the main survival strategy of hamas is to make it impossible for Israel to attack hamas combatabts without attacking civilians too. The main cause (95-99%+) of civilians casualties is hamas strategy to maximize them as much as he can. And this is not aimed to convince you, but to the silent readers here anyway. You will keep thinking just as you do and nothing gonna change this, I know. @Lila9 The absurd festival is in its peak. Speaking of festivals, did you celebrated Tu Bishvat?
  13. There is no proof here. This is hard to understand from the article what happened here, and anyway no Israeli here will take seriously aljazeera's reliability. Please add another source and I will take a look again.
  14. Excuse me but you will have to translate to me the first sentence. I understand you are against the elimination of hamas and therefore you want Gazans to keep suffering for more generations. Ok fair this is your opinion. Don't project your subconscious terror supporting agenda onto me.
  15. @Karmadhi Where did you see I am justify something? There are of course problems with tactics IDF do, but how does it contradict the big picture goal? The fact you guys are judging a highly justified strategic goal and often in a very devilish way for your hypocrite everything-but-clean agenda, doesn't make me justify problematic tactics or to be a kind of person you want me to be in your mind to not have to listen to me and face your agenda flaws.
  16. Thank you this is a great video. Instead of judging mainly the virus and its highly devious strategy, they are disproportionally over judging the overreaction and overaggression of the immune system, without realizing who they are jadging, and what is its greater function. In this way, they are just being played by the virus like puppets on its strings.
  17. Yes I agree this is a really significant factor that will design their thinking. I think that makes the goal to be even more important now if we want a chance for them to utilize this trauma to healthier places and even to get a kind of treatment later in their life.
  18. Honestly I personaly can feel a sense of caring to them. They are purely victims. Many Israelis don't care about them especially when they only connect traumas from terror to the palestinians and thats it.
  19. @Merkabah Star In the short term of course.
  20. @Merkabah Star There are two main things here as I see it. On one hand Israel has to do everything to release them even if it means to cease the fire to even a year and keep a security belt all around Gaza. On the other hand, the long term goal of defeating hamas cannot be abandoned. If you care about the Gazans you have to know that if hamas stays there, Million of poor children will be under a cruel cult that will give them a gun from age 16 and posion their brains into the importance of killing and suicide, as it already happened and now probably be even worse. If you want Million of Gazan children to heal, you have to acknowledge the importance of defeating hamas. Otherwise they will end up killed inside in the psychological and spiritual sense. The second things is about Israel. If Israel's enemies see they can stop her, this can open a dangerous pandora box to them attacking Israel in the future in greater forces out of an improved self confidence and belief on their ability to defeat her. The whole reputation of Israel as a deterrent factor will be diminished.
  21. They block the trucks because they are worried about their loved ones who are held hostage and think that only humanitarian problem will put enough pressure on hamas. The way this articles titles are twisted is so hilarious and absolutely pathetic. But never mind, after three months I am kind of used to it 😉
  22. Some common sense and sanity 🙏 Great.
  23. One hundred percent devilish article. Unfairness is a compliment to this.
  24. A network of slogans filled mostly by N, O2 and CO2 🎈