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Everything posted by Nivsch

  1. Because of tons of factors that worsen his situation much more than me or your situation.
  2. No, but can be an another layer of help in an holistic approach.
  3. We all have sometimes symptoms that remind a mild version of some mental condition, when the differences between us and the people we consider to have bpd/ocd/schizo etc are on degree and not on kind. Therefore when we seperare ourselves from such people and saying we can't touch them, we are in a sense betray the goal for which we are here in the first place that is to help ourselves (and others) conquer their most profound emotional challenges what spirituality is all about.
  4. Ok this anyway isn't supposed to replace therapy, but to just throw him or her away is not smart too. Spirituality and mental health heading the same direction fundamentally, and the seperation between the ones who "don't have" mental conditions to the ones who have them is a mistake, and also wrong.
  5. When in emergency or acute phase yes. In the long term you have to be as holistic as you can. When I reacted to you above I didn't talk about emergency but on chronic phase managment.
  6. Ok so throw them to the ocean to be dependent only on psychiatry without broadening their perspective. Very responsible.
  7. Great but most bpd are people who can and also need to get help from an advanced conscious community when regulated in special sub forums and done responsibly.
  8. 😂 The most toxic and cult-ish meme I have ever seen. @Vrubel If Andrew Tate was talking about Israel this is how it would sound. Exactly the toxicity you mention all the time Israelis need to face. Lucky I am in Tel Aviv port and have clean air to breath.
  9. @Danioover9000 No you just gaslight right now and do manipulations and say things I didn't say.
  10. @Danioover9000 Yes my views are like Vrubel but I didn't say to Leo anything like the things that you said because every one of us have our emotions and angle from where we see this issue so there is no need to mention this.
  11. I didn't say that. Don't know what you talking about.
  12. You are free to think whatever you want. It is hard to make a discussion without tangible points. Whatever you choose.
  13. @Danioover9000 You cannot be more mainstream then Al jazeera and the exposure it gets.
  14. @Danioover9000 Today the world is found on Instagram and Tiktok and the Palestinian propaganda reaches 100M people only in the Muslims world and from them to the rest of the world easily. The Israeli one is in a complete inferiority.
  15. I can totally feel it and be empathetic with this. When I do not deny that propaganda seems shallow from both sides, the partial falshood and demonization the other side do to Israel is very hard to handle emotionally, so I can understand why our propaganda needs to stand on its hind legs.
  16. I have heard it. Again Israel's messages are reductionistic but doesn't mean they don't have truth behind them. Propaganda is time limited. You have minutes to reduce a complicated picture down. And again you have to fight a counter propaganda which is 100 times stronger in volume, you have to be sharp and to prefer certain points above the others.
  17. If you give examples that you see as the most tangible to you I will try to answer what I think, but otherwise I can't understand you.
  18. You are overlooking WHY israel needed to become physically powerful, because without that power, Israel just would not survive here. Looking at the Israel-Palestine conflict without seeing simultaneously the bigger Israel-Arab World conflict picture, will always leave you with a highly skewed picture.
  19. But maybe it because Israelis feel almost negligible comparing the other side's 100M+ reaching propaganda? If you had such a low volume wouldn't you use a more strict words to compensate on this? When try to show a genuine message in such a tough conditions of course it will be showed reductionistic somehow, but it doesn't mean it isn't based on geunuine truths too. It again seems like Israel is the "stronger" one here but in reality it is complicated and not obvious at all.
  20. The thing with the land, though I am not justify the today's neverending building of settlements there and think it has to stop, I still think I understand from where it came. Back in 1967, Israel was under a serious existential threat knowing all the surrounding countries want its destruction and also saw operationally how those countries armies prepare themselves to an another trial in that direction. That is why the "six days war" in 1967 has started in the first place, as a preventive war. (There is a concern about the neutrality of this article I see now noted at the top, and I see some differences between this and the hebrew one, I add it too now to here and maybe you will see is an option to translate it, I tried and it workedמלחמת_ששת_הימים. ) Just from looking at the map we can see how narrow the land passage Israel has without the West Bank and how this might be a huge disadvantage to the ability to defend yourself, when you don't have this strategic mountains area. Though today this is no longer necessary to build more and more new neighborhoods there what isn't justified, the beginning of this project can be understandable when we enter the mind of a tiny fish surrounded by an ocean of sharks always planning how to wipe it away.
  21. @Raze I still see key differences. hamas always try to kill civilians directly. IDF try to kill terrorists and to maintain an order and stability in both areas, while in its way to do so it, in some cases, acts a bit too loose on the weapon when faces operational chaos, using the surviving and saturated from threats brain to help it justify being so when facing those operational difficulties and sense of threat, to shortcut its work, out of an excuse/assumption that it can't be done otherwise.
  22. Is skewed policy to the favor of the Jews in West Bank though not fair and need to change, comparable to 133 people being held in hamas tunnels might get murdered (many of them already) at any moment?
  23. The pink haired guy is great. Very calm, fair and reasonable. Emily (the Jewish one) has indeed for a moment attacked Hassan too much when wasn't necessary, but she is quite right in her claims and most of the time answered to the point. Hassan kept repeating buzz words without explaining them. I understand he tried to show points about the Palestinian's problems that are real, but didn't succeeded much with that and always regressed to false slogans. Piers was fair too.
  24. I guess this applies to cases when the person has zero motivation to improve. But when someone HAS motivation, and no matter how hard his situation is, if he is consistent, there is no reason he won't improve. After all, the degree is what seperates those people from the rest and not the kind. Almost every person has sometimes mild symptoms that remind a lite version of some mental condition, what shows those conditions originally stem from healthy humanly functions, but exaggerated due to many factors. And for what spirituality exists at all if not to conquer our most profound mental challenges and learn from those, what I feel personally developing me the most.