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Everything posted by Nivsch

  1. Not justifying the use of an AI to attack, but this is perhaps only in signed no-enter zones to begin with. Nauncy is important. I don't buy those unproportional poison reports and trend of dehumanization in a big part of the media driven with agenda from down to top. It is also honest to think what is the cost for standing a living soldier for months when he is under inferiority position in front of an organization with an home-field advantage and tunnels he can run back to and go out from every time in surprise.
  3. With you in this. It is hard to understand a situation of a tiny country tries to survive in a giant Jungle unless you live in it.
  4. @Bobby_2021 I can't talk with you with this generalizationist approach. I Don't know how to deal with it.
  5. Rather than be so judgy ask Israelis what made them to be more suspicous of the other side in the last 30 years and why it is being dehumanized. Hint: Fear Both sides - Palestinian terror groups and Israeli sub-culture of troops units in west bank are equally to blame in this positive feedback with their actions.
  6. There is a camp of ~45% that totally wanted two state solution and don't want the west bank land at all. Do some research.
  7. The far right is tiny. The right wing is ~55% but some of that is soft and wanted compromises. The method here make the more extremists forces to be in more control on the government direction.
  8. Seems to me you already decided what you want to see so I don't feel It worth my energy to try to show you what I see in our society.
  9. Me too. But we are also under a very right wing government from 2009 until today. Our method is problematic because 3 extremist members can decide to collapse the government if they want to, so in some way the tail controls the dog here.
  10. And in other hand Israel (not Bibi) has tried to come to an agreement that would stop what you mentioned (which is not fair to do as a policy I acknowledge).
  11. This is just not true! And not fair. Jews an Arabs were here together for centuries before Israel has established. 2. Most palestinians came here as work immigrants for the Ottoman rule just a while before Israel has established. This land own both.
  12. Diversity 🧕🤵‍♂️👳👩‍🎤👩‍🍳👩🏻‍🦱👩🏿‍🦱
  13. @Bobby_2021 OK. The morality is big time on your side. You can relax now.
  14. Yes, and the children are 100% innocent. And they are close to half there.
  15. @Karmadhi I saw this video couple of days ago. Yes garbage soldiers in it. A service in this tough west bank area will, I think, maybe unavoidably accompanied by spiral devolvement and many times in an unhealthy way, but there have to be a way to change many things there to the better. Tel Aviv port where I was an hour ago.
  16. @Karmadhi Hostages are the no1 sufferers in this war with a huge gap above everyone else. Not to underestimate anyone's else suffering, but this isn't fair to overlook them.
  17. Its ok, neither side talks from an "objective" position. Euqally the pro and the anti Israelis.
  18. This just shows you how diverse is Israel and how significant is the progressive liberal sector here too. Last year, the liberal protests against Bibi's plan to reform the courte were huge, with tens and sometimes hundreds of thousands of people every saturday.
  19. You do an untrue generalization. Look at the relative number of knesset member in every party you can easily find it on Wiki. And I don't need to tell you how the right wing is getting stronger in Europe too this days and sometimes it sounds even more tough there, at least to me.
  20. In the level of society and values Israel is much much better. The education I went trough, which defined as the formal one, was peace oriented and never dehumanized anyone. In practice though still there is a wide dehumanization because of decades of terror attacks, but again, not in education. But, in deep right wing sectors and maybe some of their education too, and in IDF actions in West Bank and Gaza, there are huge problems that are routine for years that help fuel the other side's hate. The hard core troops units I would carefully say have a sub culture and thinking bubbles of their own.