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Everything posted by Nivsch

  1. Yes. Or when contradict how one thought Israelis "should" behave, what is natural to think about a society you don't know or especially very far geographically from to which the mind default position is negativity.
  2. @Yousif See for me it wasn't so much that way. My elementary school stage Blue years (secular school, secular family) when I still didn't have the "success" drive (thats why I see this as still stage Blue) I liked be with my family a lot and with my only one friend who was my neighbor we have met every single day. I remeber at the end of elementary school when I was in a party of our 6th grade classes, and I felt so "behind" and unloved and jealous and from that moment I switched like 180 degress overnight from "familiy and one friend" person to "be the #1 in social relationships" and show all those people they were wrong about me, and my life just changed forever in one night. This was like an Orange awakening on steroids. Problems? Yes. But I would not call it inner contradictions. I had significant social difficulties and insecures in school yes. But in the other hand I wasn't anxious, in contrary to orange and especially more green years from my mid 20s in which I felt more alone and individual. Today though I feel much less alone and in a better place. I guess every person has a different stage Blue story. This is mine.
  3. That can be an interesting reason yes. Specifically I meant to an inner harmony that stage blue person may have more in comparison to the average orange person. I meant in the individual level.
  4. Of course my emotions are with Israel. I was born here, this is my home and I have a 36 years long experience on Israel. And I am surprised (in a good way of course) you seperated successfuly my first name (Niv) from my last name 😊
  5. Every isolated case being shown here about problematic things IDF soldiers do that are indeed bad, has still to be taken in a proportional broad view if you want your critisism to be fair and taken seriously. After all there are thousands of Israeli soldiers in Gaza these days and when in such numbers there will necessarily always be such cases statistically unless you have a tier 2 angel like military. It doesn't mean IDF doesnt have problems in it but every critisism has to be taken in a broad, statistically grounded and comparable to other western militaries wars against terror perspective.
  6. @BlessedLion Correct me if I am wrong but I feel from your messages that you don't so much like Israel (; @Karmadhi , I think that @Vrubel has great points and insights and mostly I tend to agree with him but there is never 100% because every one has his unique angle. About @Gennadiy1981 I have significant disagreements with him but I see in his messages sometimes interesting and beautiful points too that worth thinking about. @Hatfort You have to add proofs when your claims are so far reaching.
  7. Sometimes stage blue seems to me more harmonious and better to mental health at least in average in comparison to orange. I don't know if this is true but that is my feeling from my personal experience. And when you see the problems of orange I don't know if they are less harsh than those of blue. I understand development may, by certain perspectives, be measured not by happines but by complexity alone. But at least for me, without more happiness/fulfillment what is the point of going up at all? Though I suspect that from Yellow and above one necessarily starts to see dividents in the form of mental health and happiness too anyway. But before that, I am not sure.
  8. After that you loose the chance any Israeli here will give any weight to your claims because you show from what matter and interests they are really built.
  9. Gadi Eisenkot: Netanyahu ordered things that went against the war cabinet decisions.
  10. +1 ❤️ And yeah, too safe apparently. That is part of the problem. And @Vrubel this evening I am in the port again and I want to upload here your surreal sunset photo you tooked we have talked about it was stunning. Of course you will get a credit
  11. @Ross Idealy every stage keeps the healthy principles of the perior stages in his mind, but in reality what often happens is transcend include and forget. The result of this is shortcuted, intoxicated versions of all the tear one stages what we can see clearer than ever in Blue Orange and Green these days. Whenever the integration goes smoothly you will necessarily see an improvement up the spiral, unfortunately though this is the minority of cases from what I have personally impressed. Before one starts to conquer stage Yellow, healing and fixing is mostly blocked for most of us, honestly.
  12. This is one of the reasons you have to go towards two state solution.
  13. @Gennadiy1981 If you followed them more seriously it would be obvious to you they are genuinely for two state solution. They have explained many times how an annexation of 2 million more Palestinians will be a disaster and that we must seperate ourselves from the Palestinians. That was the mantra of all the center and left parties to their Israeli voters in Israeli channels for years. You only convince yourself here.
  14. @Gennadiy1981 I don't know what you are talking about but Netanyahu's Likud party reduced from 31 members to 21 in the polls roughly 33% of its power is gone by now. Lapid's party which defines itself as centrist (even not in the left) is 100% for two state solution during all the years of their existence I follow them daily since 2017. Let alone the more leftist parties. Gantz is pretty much the same.
  15. @Gennadiy1981 You are wrong. Netanyahu is definitly less popular than before the war. Even in the last elections his coalition got just a drop more than 50% and even that was because a leftist small party was erased because was below the critical %. I am not feeling guilty about anything and I will keep defending whatever I feel is right as I do here all the time, but I will critisize what I thing is wrong and show the beauty of Israel and the sane majority and the real broader picture going on within Israel's brain which is the aim of the twitter posts. Netanyahu is the most dangerous kind of leaders because of his charisma he turns against his own society and country and the reason his charisma is so dense it precisely because he believes the things he says and believes the country and him are the same thing.
  16. Former senior commander within Israeli Air Force during 90s and 00s and now one of the biggest activists against Netanyahu, Amir Haskel. In this video he distributes flyers about the demonstrations in the train.
  17. What I am saying again is it doesn't matter. Oct 7th events are horrific enough no matter how you will look at it. An argument on details will only cheapen it.
  18. Mochash = An acronymed word in hebrew means the exit/end of saturday, saturday in the evening and night before the new week.
  19. And families that burned alive in their homes you will also doubt? Isn't it outrageous enough already? I really don't understand your motivation here.
  20. So too US and Europe whenever had to fight against guerilla.
  21. *Some five Arab countries. This is the equation you see in front of your eyes in 1967.