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Everything posted by Nivsch

  1. Every forcefull interventions from the center-left sector here too (~45-50% of the population) to knock down Bibi during the last decade have failed and only strenghtened him. There were hard efforts almost all the time.
  2. @Karmadhi This will make Bibi to be extremely popular again because his base will surround around him to protect him. A bad idea in my opinion. The things have to happen organically in their time without any outside intervention. As much as I highly disagree with you on the context and intentions (that changes all) I admit Netanyahu manages this war badly and does a significant extra unjust damage to Gazans that isn't necessary even as a war outcome.
  3. And won't solve anything other than radicalizing the Israeli society, rather than to go to an elections, get rid of Netanyahu and go slowely back to the much more peacful and hopeful society before Netanyahu turned leftism into a disease. Of course it will be harder now after what happened.
  4. Come on. Like BBC don't critisize Israel to the cellular level when they want to. He is just a fair journalist and interviewer this is an option too.
  5. @Chadders I disagree. This is an hypocricy because though there was definitely an overreaction this time, the event has to be seen as the tip of 30 years long escalation process because this is the real picture and context. The heavy responsibility hamas and upper fundamentalist part of Palestinian society have too to the outcome in this war cannot be overlooked. Being stage red does not exempt you from responsibility in the same way violent settlers aren't exempted from responsiblity too to the fire they fuel. Aside with that, the meaning of fighting against guerilla when the outcomes in killed ratio were far worse when other western militaries did that too in the not-so-far past.
  6. Ok. it will be interesting to see what is the case this time, since now this is I think very different when hamas reports can from its pov make the difference between survival and elimination, what wasn't the case in previous rounds.
  7. 1. This is a bi-directional dynamic in which both sides react in ways that preserve the suspicioun and hatred between the sides. 2. West Bank is huge in its area in comparison to central Israel narrow corridor. I was actually surprised from how the difference is seen in Google Maps couple of weeks ago when I went to a small town in central Israel just next to the seperation wall. 3. Add the surface area of the mountainy landscape of WB in comparison to the mostly plane landscape of CI to this equation and you will see that the Palestinians in west bank sit in an incredibly huge area that isn't less than the populated area of Israel as a whole, plus a strategical height and depth, what makes at least the first phase or the beginning of the settlements project understandable.
  8. The responsibility and the occasionally foolish way our government deal with this sophisticated guerilla organization wasn't denied.
  9. A ratio of 1:1 or 1:1.5/1.7 and even an imaginary one happen in another war zone anywhere else as 1:4 are all still far light years away from genocide.
  10. I will try to follow this issue as analytically and rationaly as I can. Thanks. The problem is that Gaza (hamas) health ministry reports can't be just trusted as they are too. If you or other guys here know any meta-analysis done by a serious more neutral organization (not hamas nor UN nor, for the fairness, IDF too) I will be happy to read it carefully.
  11. True. The vast majority of journalists in Israel oppose to those clowns sadly came to power here thanks you Bibi's policy to surround himself by convenient people for him.
  12. 🤣🤣🤣 When I thought the hatred, envy and conspiracies cannot get any worse.
  13. Ok I understand 🙏 By the way the second comment I wrote to you about the weak music was about Nemo, just to be clear.
  14. You just pull air to the balloon as you want. The emerging evidences indicates something very different which is closer to 10-15K civilians and even this is right now, in front of 10-15K armed hamas people. The updated killed ratio is now much closer to 1:1
  15. This video worth 1000 words.
  16. @Merkabah Star Hasn't debunked at all. Even in your video it shown clearly that the real number is 10,000 less because NOW we know those 10,000 are "missing" according to hamas's health ministry. And since hamas people are 30%-40% of this number (according to the killed ratio of 1.5 to 1.7), then "10,000 missing" - say hamas reports are reliable at all at this point this is even more doubtful than before - is still very likely a slash of 50%.
  17. @Jannes The music in his song was kind of weak, but he is talented no doubt especially in the rap part.
  18. The myth undergoes forceful artificial respiration 😝
  19. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  20. How I see this is that western militaries still have not adapted to a war against guerilla because they are yet to appreciate their deffense mechanisms and highly underestimate them. Learning takes time and every judgment is extremely limited and one dimentional and far from explaining what is really happening here.
  21. @Merkabah Star Yes this is a definition of war.