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Everything posted by Nivsch

  1. Its not that, its that your explanations to my questions are still "Zionist killed, murdered, occupied, colonized". You didn't relate directly to my question but repeated your slogans. Hard to talk reasonably in this way.
  2. @Hatfort You keep repeating the same mantras like a machine gun and it hard to feel it is a conversation, so Ok think however you want. Good night 🌖
  3. So you took a civil war documentary and cutted half of its frames? Have you considered why Zionism has started in the first place? Well maybe because that area is ruled by a terror organization? I have impressed those marches of civilians near the border weren't innocent at all. What caused them to start? Fore example the operation in 2014 started after 3 Israeli teenagers were murdered.
  4. Biden looks like a totally different person in comparison to 2020 debate.
  5. I understand you are expert on Israeli society 🥰
  6. Former Head of IDF (2002-2005) and Minister of Defense (2013-2016) Moshe Ya'alon.
  7. True What is the main problem in your opinion? The damage to Gaza that was in excess (that I think too) or something else? Why? And the brutal violence from the other side and his responsibility in triggering the second side too? What about that? Right now this is true. They are in the opposition.
  8. @Hatfort only 10% to at most of Israelis interested in settling in Gaza which is the far right. Again you are talking about all of that like there is only one side here that just do things without any reason.
  9. @Hatfort You are displaying it in a very one-dimensional way when overlooking the reason why many Israelis see Gazans or Gaza this way, and generally the bi directional nature of this conflict and the escalation cycle in it both sides are responsible for, when both of them have a long history in this place for centuries.
  10. @Danioover9000 Netanyahu and the deep right wing sector is very problematic in genral and in this war I agree with this. Just that Israel is a much broader thing. So I have little than you think disagreement about our current right wing government and I appreciate you do this seperation. But many people don't do that.
  11. @Danioover9000 By that I mean that I am of course totally disagree with him but he still has the right to think the way he want about me or everyone else. I cannot control that apart saying what I think and feel.
  12. You can think whatever you want. His videos list is just very weird. Something obsessive/psychological/projectional with him is obviously going on here.
  13. @Hatfort No problem with this specific video or with the idea to interview a refugee this is fine. What that is dark is that this is the side he chose according to his videos list in his user timeline because he interviews people and publishes things from only the anti Israeli side.
  14. Ok I wasn't wrong, he is a total activist against Israel. The second side does not interesting for him to hear at all. Dark as hell.
  15. Oh... OK so lets see. So far I have seen only virtue signaling against one side, but never looked closer on his videos list so maybe I am wrong.
  16. @Hatfort Owen Jones does any interview with the other side too? Or that he just found his way to feel moral and comfortable enough with it?
  17. Its interesting. I have an assumption they are the rebels against the traditions but from below at the seam line between Blue and Red.
  18. @Raze But he is a man and he won in times when Iraq problems were at the peak.
  19. @Danioover9000 I don't know what slogans specifically he talked about but in general free speech is not a license for violent encouraging speech.
  20. Non-violent slogans can be just as harmful and dangerous long term as only physical violence, depend on the content of them.
  21. Gideon Levi is very radical. Its ok to listen to him too but take with a grain of salt.
  22. I want to make both my Omega 3 and Omega 6 to 3 ratio optimal through nutrition, but I can't rely on sardines long term because of the mercury they have. Also I have read that Omega 3 from plant sources is being converted only in small percents (10-15%) to EPA and DHA. What leaves us with supplements to the rest of our lives if we want to stay on optimal omega 3? Or there is another safe way after all? Thanks
  23. Eden Golan, the Israeli singer in Eurovision, interview.