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Everything posted by Nivsch

  1. Former Head of IDF (2002-2005) and Minister of Defense (2013-2016) Moshe Ya'alon.
  2. Agree Not to mention how US and Europe attacks on Isis resulted in far worse outcome (equivalent to 10 twitter linktrees a day of @Raze) but the anti Israeli movement will never admit that.
  3. Probably because the religion Identity is uniquely important in this area to preserve liberal values system, what isn't necessary in most of the world, and pesonally I am not attached to my religion not nearly as much I am attached to our values system.
  4. One hundred percent correct. From all I have seen in the last 9 months this is crystal clear.
  5. What do you mean here exactly? This government is very blue I won't deny that, but it is far from expressing the spiral picture of Israel this is why I like to add twitts from orange-green opposition parties people's talkings and opinions. It is difficult for me to see how the tale controls the dog with our parliament problematic method and affects the way my country is seen in an unfair way.
  6. I am all into agreeing with the problems of this Netanyahu government I personally hate but the issue is too broad thats why I asked for examples. I will give an example from myself. The illusion of "total victory" that can take years when meanwhile the hostages are suffering and Netanyahu damages the chances for a deal purposely.
  7. I feel the same comes from the anti-Israeli side not any less. If you have examples I would like to hear to understand you better.
  8. @Karmadhi There was a civil war. There was no one side who decided to kick them all out this is a cartoonish oversimplification.
  9. 67 aren't secure borders physically, let alone that it is unrealistic to evacuate the settlements at this point. The western third part of WB has to stay under Israel control.
  10. @Gennadiy1981 The root of the argument is the unfamiliarity with our society and a sense of strangerness due to, among the rest, the more different and less common religion it has, what in turn creates a very significant negativity bias in how Israelis are seen to some people, and everything it does is automatically being examined through those negative to begin with lenses. While the other side because being grasped as "poor, simple, childish, uneducated" is automatically being exempted from responsibility under an opposite positivity filter everything he does being soften and twisted to the other side fault much more easily. What makes even the same stage (for example blue) to be seen as much more guilty when it comes to one side, and much more victim when it comes to the other side. In this way reality can never be reached.
  11. The real picture is more complicated and bi directional.
  12. @Rafael Thundercat Jews were the majority here for centuries before they became minority for more centuries.
  13. @Rafael Thundercat Israel is not any less the place Jews has returned to and is theirs just in the same way is for the Palestinians.
  14. @Rafael Thundercat Because the issue is not as simplistic as you want it to be.
  15. Member of the "Democrats" Israeli party.
  16. What a naiveness. Without IDF they can't sleep clamly at night let alone to talk about high values. Part of the terror is rooted in religious aspirations, just at the same way the far right wing here want all the land. Not everything is because of an occupation of a Jordanian land taken in 1967. This hypocritical nonsense does not hold water anymore.
  17. @Raze This is the result of both sides actions and responsibility during 100 years. Enough with this one side BS.
  18. And more than 1,000,000 Israelis are traumatized and suffer more daily because of this war. I can show the outer layers of the onion of my side too.
  19. No I am just tired of answering every strech or reality engineering trials like that. The helicopters perhaps in couple of times has mistakenly shot our people instead of hamas but those were negligible in amount in comparison to the murdered by hamas.
  20. Former Prime Minister (1999-2001) and Head of IDF (1991-1995) Ehud Barak (translated)
  21. I understand what you are saying, but I feel I am already say what I really think. I have no simpler way to say what I think and that reflects the way I feel I want to say it. At least not for now. I try to be as authentic as I can. From my two hours walk in Bat-Yam beach today.