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Everything posted by Nivsch

  1. It could be that their regime is deterring enough that the citizens are too scared to really uprise against it. As I understand roughly 20-30% of the Iranian are pro the regime but most of them against it. Israel is just many things combining together and is extremely diverse and polarized. The group which is as developed as western or northern Europe here is just not big enough to win the elections. These are the anti Netanyahu camp.
  2. Its interesting to see how your people have much more appreciation to the west's good sides when aren't for granted and can really see what for example many Europeens already can't.
  3. The tensions and polarization are big yes. Especially between pro and anti Netanyahu today.
  4. @Spiritual Warfare Read a bit about Israeli society. Most of whom aren't different then yours.
  5. What happens to those women in these cases usually?
  6. The real argument here is one's personal psychology being projected on the issue against the other's personal psychology being projected on the issue. So lets put the issue aside and just talk about daily life.
  7. That was a gradual escalation of both sides since 1920s.
  8. For 300 years and they have a right to be part of Israel if they feel connection.
  9. The fact you respond so cynically only strenghtening my point. You overlook half of the equation. I can also say that most of the Palesinians who live here are offsprings of work immigrants who came here only decades before Israel, but I choose to not dismiss the Palestinians roots here.
  10. Jews were majority for many centuries before became minority.
  11. Jews lived here for Millenia and than deportated to an another Millenia and a half.
  12. But how I can know how to destroy nuclear facilities? 🤷‍♂️🏔🏭🇮🇷 It is only possible with Israel and US together.
  13. Because this regime's ideology and set of values from them Israel seen to him as a total stranger that contradicts their religous perception for the region. At a similar way to ISIS that everyone who aren't soonies stand in the way of their religious vision.
  14. This isn't to defend Right Wingers that their ideology isn't interesting me, but to keep a dangerous entity away from such abilities.
  15. @zazen If neutralizing nuclear capabilities of a stage red-blue regime that offers to its citizens nothing but oppression and terror is still seen as a problem, it proves that the issue was never solely about Palestinians or Civilians from any specific nation, but rather mainly a deeper psychological or spiritual perceptions against Israel and the West in general, regardless of what the latter may or may not have done.
  16. @Karmadhi Golan Heights are a quite different story but on most of the West Bank territory I can agree with you.
  17. @Hatfort Using force isn't automatically a bad thing. The question is whether you use force as a part of a bigger holistic plan or not, and there is a large scale in between. Most likely the current Israeli system with all the security consultants who play a role right now too, is somewhere in the middle of this scale, what can still provide fruitful outcomes in the long run.
  18. Why? They still didn't enrich the Uranium to 90%.
  19. @PurpleTree As an Israeli I feel that it can be very good, IF Israel will behave smart and use this gold opportunity to remove this nuclear threat and in that sense this war can have purpose, beside the tangible purpose in Lebanon.
  20. The Iranians themselves (most) are great, but the regime and his nuclear plan need to be treated.
  21. @zurew I put here my view as I wrote in the abandoned thread: If Orange thought about progress in a more linear mannar like to climb a mountain, Yellow feels life is like a great maze. You progress, when always have to do compromises, but many steps "back" are actually insightful too anyway. The trajectory isn't always clear but you have a clear general direction that getting slightly updated all the time. You can much more enjoy the process than Orange could in his neurotic way. What is the problem though? That most of the time you can still get lost in the process and feel frustration when you realize that at least part of the progress was either delusional - because you were so in love with this notion - or true but still not fulfilling enough. Turquoise starts to doubt the progress paradigm, and seeks to break this glass ceiling when standing on the current point he found on in the maze, looking at the flowers growing at the side of the walk, and see much more potential and opportunity in his current place. He starts to apply Love and deeper appreciation to his current position and from this gains more insights.
  22. The goal in Lebanon as I see it is to bring back the North's residents to their homes safely and to utilize the gold opportunity to now neurtralize Iran's 'chocking belt' it has build for years around Israel.
  23. You can. This depends on personal preferences. For you it may be the more direct way.
  24. Fair. The settlements ever expansion is a problem. The other things with Lebanon for example might be necessary though and they are more complicated in this regard.