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Everything posted by Nivsch

  1. Do you think that the truth is the solipsism in its "naive" version (the first thing we think/read in the internet/wiki when we hear about this notion) that you are literally alone and nobody else has experience beside you InIiytened1, OR that is something a bit different and a bit more nuanced that just can't be communicated?
  2. ?? But everyone choose the side of the equation they more appeal to!
  3. Dream is always relative to the next stage. So you are right but partially.
  4. EVERY stage FEELS he has the absolute! and it feels SO REAL and so complete every time. There is always another stage behind the corner that will, a least partially, contradict what you think right now. And of course you will deny this is a stage becasue it happens every time.
  5. Not true because SD IS a part of reality because non dual includes also dualities and relative truts which is As real as the absolute!
  6. Because you claim to have the absolute truth. That you can teach me this and so on. There is nothing different here from a subconscious stage blue backlash whitin the mind of yellow-turquoise consciousness.
  7. Sounds like a stage blue statement to me. Too rigid and not open. "You must", "You deluded", "one and only"...
  8. @Spiral Wizard So the solipsism (grasped as the absolute) eventually destroying itself in a circle, doesnt it?
  9. @Vynce That doesnt change anything I wrote above. Again everyone will reach a little different conclusion influenced (also) by his desires ? Have a good luck.
  10. @Vynce Yes but the desire affects the fine tuning of the picture after the experience. There is no way to be fully objective. This doesnt reduce anything from what you had of course and doesnt contradict your consciousness degree which is relatively high. But the distance between "we are all one and infinitely together in this" and "I am the only one and imagine all others" in the matter of direct experience tends to be almost zero, and your emotions will make you want to believe and emphsize only one of them, even though the practical difference between the two is very large. I personally think that everybody have their own experience but in the absolute we all merge to one giant organism (the 'together' version). Even science knows this theoretically but cant really understand and see its significance.
  11. Do you like the realization? Did you want to realize this thing before you reached it?
  12. @Vynce Did psychedelics (mainly) made you conclude this or your own meditation/spiritual practices?
  13. You creates all your ideas about other people and also the seperation between 'you' and 'others'. You are not creating their raw existance.
  14. Great explanation. I will take the "together" version of this thread.
  15. I tried it ? Then the anxiety got worse.
  16. I struggle with this question a lot - Am I suppose to add more love to the technique, or that from some point, more "love" will just be a compensation mechanism and will reduce the effectiveness of the method? But in the other hand, doing the meditation without love at all can be very hard or maybe not effective at all. Say I do the "Do nothing" meditation but I do it only technically. Like "just face your fears and all other thoughts". Do you think it can work at all if we do this under this attitude? I assume that no. But I am interested to know what do you think? love = How you interpret the word from your intuition in your current developmental stage.
  17. @kbone Thank you very much! Can you explain what do you think about the seperate self belief, and instead what is real, and why do you think that? And if you want, I am interested to know what made you think that from your direct experience.
  18. Or we are mostly not in control of ourselves? OR - 3. Maybe foundationally we ARE, and our beliefs about our amount of self-control fullfill itself accurately? OR - 4. Not really, 3 is a fantasy, because there are more factors which affected your self control like diet, heavy metals in your brain and more. Why I am asking this? Because my OCD sometimes makes me so anxious that I feel I just must to do some rituals to solve the current issue my brain drops on me. For example there is a fear that some motion with my body will lead to something dangerous (mostly i know its completely irrational) but the fear is so strong that I feel there is no other way but to do the ritual to calm myself "Now you see you cannot harm your own body with a movement of only the body itself" and I get calm. But 2 months ago I had an insight that "the intensity of the problem will always be what i believe it to be". And then, the following weeks were much better with much less rituals because I believed that the only one who does all of that, is always only ME (and the other voice who forces me to do rituals actually doesnt exists). But last month my belief changed again after I read dr.zwig posts on instagram when he says there are two (or more) voices you have to integrate and make them communicate better. And then when they start to communicate, your psychy transforms, and thats healing actually. These days I really try to love all my thoughs amd feelings and I do it in the framework of the "do nothing technique" for 20 minutes, couple of times every day, and also give love to the scary thought when it pops up. It helps! But they are always come back and I still feel stuck in that problem "matrix", feel NOT in enough control, and fear that one day one of the rituals will harm my body. Classic ERP/cbt attitude just want you to resist the rituals. I tried it many times in the past and It didnt work. This attitude of fighting with yourself sounds to me not less than outrageous and dark. I really struggle with this, and I want to know what do you think about that? Thanks
  19. @mw711 Thank you!! What do you mean by entitlement? The sentence "I deserve more", or something beyond that, that I hold? And what do you mean by "do not act althought you get a treat"?
  20. Today I really think we can be more than this. In the past I have thought we are only observers but no more. Thank you for your detailed explanation. I feel today there is definitely something beyond that. I dont want to live in a daily panic attacks and i will not be in peace with that. I deserve more.
  21. @itachi uchiha I understand but thats not what I asked.
  22. I wish to know better the root cause.
  23. I got to a conclusion that even this doesnt work if you think about it only technically. Because even to think about this method will bring you ocd thought. And I got to understand that the seperation between thoughts is also artificial and an illusion, and that without more Love you cannot never overcome fear. But still when I have ocd attack I bring love to it and then it goes away but always comes back. So maybe the problem is that when I do that i still creating a split between me and a part of myself. But how NOT to do it?? Whats the alternative? Only with MORE Love&consciousness that will come in the future? Still struggle. Edit: My intuition now tells me to dettached from even the notion of "love". I tried this, and suddenly felt a higher form of it. I know that the dettachment wouldnt possible without practicing more love in the first place. Its like an ever fullfiling loop. So maybe nevertheless Im in the right track... I hope
  24. Do you also sometimes find more value in a random self-reflection done loosely throughout the day? In a calm way. Without trying hard. Although I did time-framed mindfulness for 4 years and I think it has its value, the problems as I see it: 1. The very fact you know its an exercise distorts the observation because the whole field you observe on will be different. 2. Pressure to see results within the time frame which will be counterproductive. 3. Your mind knows you want to "hack" him and will turn on his defense mechanisms. But when you do it loosely, I think there is more chance you will able to surprise your mind, when unprepared, with an more authentic and pure self-reflection. Actually I think I had more "OH" moments with significant perspective shifts (about myself, my anxiety and more) when the observation was spontaneous. But I think I have not did it enough and I want to really go more serious with self-reflection and do it more in this way. What do you think? I don't know exactly why I write this question, maybe I want a motivation/validation to this way of observation, or also I have a fear that this way won't be considered as "valid" way by people here or something. But it is also genuinely interesting to me what do you think and what is your experience with that.