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About Nivsch

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  1. I get you here. Legumes and grains at least for me affect my mood negatively. I try then to stick to a 90% vegan diet but without them (except tiny amounts here and there).
  2. To some extent, much of this is what allows him to survive politically and legally, due to his ongoing legal trials. Over the past few years, he has been and continues to be mostly opportunistic.
  3. Official: Just now got elected to be Israel's representative in Eurovision 2025. (Won the competition)
  4. Nova survivor Yuval Raphael's new Gold performance.
  5. Yeah far right fanatics, and Bibi is being blackmailed by them.
  6. Former Head of IDF (2002-2005) and Minister of Defense (2013-2016) Moshe Ya'alon critisizes the pogrom the Messianic government do on Arabs in Judea and Samaria.
  7. He is in the Center. You can read about his political party and ideology in wikipedia. He has always talked about Two State Solution, but after Oct7 it is very difficult for any Israeli to empathize with Palestinians unless he is a stage turquoise saint.
  8. Head of Opposition, Lapid: Our goal isn't to return to war, but to return to life (translated from Hebrew, as always)
  9. I am familiar with that because I buy fresh dates every week. If you remeber the brands I can recomment unless you already know what you like more
  10. Buy them they are great they are from the Arava close to Eilat. From which company? I can say to you which is tastier.
  11. Our messianic government led by Bibi, Smotrich and Ben Gvir purposely refused to offer an alternative.
  12. It won't snap but there will be a value systems clash. Polls show most Israelis want to end the war.
  13. They are more than just religious radicals, they have sadistic and often psychopatic qualities. You can see this also in the way they regulary treat their own people. This is similar to Isis. This is much more than just Palestinians who got radicalized. Nothing Israel ever did can explain this or be barely enough to 'create' this.
  14. @Raze This is way too indirect. Not a honest accusation to my impression. In this way I can connect many countries to many things out of deterministic explanations. The responsibility of the attackers is always at the bottom of the list.