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About Nivsch

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  1. The IDF is a mandatory service for all Israeli citizens and therefore reflects the diversity of Israeli society. However, it is an arm of the elected government and must carry out the orders it receives from it. Technically soldiers can refuse when the order opposes their compass but another soldiers will replace them. Given that the current government is exceptionally corrupt, this will also be reflected in the field.
  2. Tel Aviv is a one giant traffic jam because of the protest so I decided to stay and join today.
  3. @Raze The protestors represent the part of the population who is anti the government, so the government tries to provoke the protests and to scare people with local viscious acts.
  4. I didn't understand. The government is the one in control.
  5. Israel is extremely polarized between conflicting value systems.
  6. Jerusalem Institude is the channel so maybe it is the source. You don't have to believe it but just listen and decide for yourself how it sounds to you, and then cross reference your intuition with Google, Chatgpt etc.
  7. I saw in the past a video on Youtube which says that the UN has started as a more neutral organization but gradually has been taken over mostly by Muslim and communist countries.
  8. And the Courte, the media, the Shin Bet, the Left, the Elite, the Deep State...
  9. Come here to Israel and you can criticize now the war how much you want and you will get quite a good support (No cynicism, this is true today).
  10. Luckily we have 11,12 and 13 who are distinctly Anti-Netanyahu (especially 12 and 13).
  11. Yes Channel 14 is just as horrible to my opinion.
  12. For me its Spiral Dynamics. I remeber I was so amazed from it just from the first 5 minutes when I understood what the videos are about, that I binged the whole series at free time at work and then when driving home and to work again... what took me like one day to finish most of the series.
  13. Or that you are not an Israeli Arab and you have false beliefs on how it is to be an Arab inside Israeli cities.
  14. He doesn't lie at all. Nas has good points from an Israeli Arab perspective. He a bit simplifies it for his crowd but you can understand more about what he means if you think further about it. His video here: