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Everything posted by Rokazulu

  1. Anything is possible, not everything is probable. I assume if you haven't experienced that state now, it is because something in you— doesn't want the immediate experience, despite what is in you that does. Some call this a necessary gradual ascension. In other words, the body needs to prepare itself by building up the necessary conscious energy to take on the enormous vibration, of which you speak. Then the probability of an instant shift becomes much more likely.
  2. I don't emphasize that as much. But yes, that idea definitely has to be accepted as well.
  3. Of course, I have to admit this is true. But, one assumption is more integrative, expansive, and empowering to human potential. The other is limited in scope. As though we are forever slaves to the circumstances. Dis-empowering to our potential. It is easy to see which belief has the greater probability of ascending our consciousness. I would say your choice does have substance. All that has to be understood is that everything is impermanent. Anything can change. Nothing stays the same in life. Everything evolves to garner the energy they need. Since all is mental. All that is needed is a will to change. The intention to change. Or at the very least, an entertainment of this idea as being possible. Taking the very least further, people have proven that a plant-based diet is quite viable.
  4. Life reflects life. Behavior a consequence of life. Anything can be changed in any domain. It all begins with choice.
  5. A very opulent suggestion. I believe I will do this exact thing.
  6. Hello. Health? What is it? Is health found in pills or shots? I have found that no. No, it isn't even close to that. That is a way for a corporation to sell you a thing. If you had perfect health, you could save a whole lot of money and resources and rise to turquoise (possibly even coral) levels of magnitude. 1) Food Health is not what you eat. Not in the slightest. It is more accurate to say: Disease is what you eat. If you could survive as a light-being (no food) you would be perfectly healthy. However, you will find that some foods contain more toxins than others. Generally speaking, plant-based foods are healthier. And anything containing GMO's or pesticides will be less healthy. Many countries, as an example, have banned ingredients that countries such as America, would rather keep FDA-approved so that they can make a profit. If you have desire for a specific nutrient found in highly toxic foods (such as meat or dairy) do your best to find the plant-based alternative. 2) Exercise When the human body moves around, blood will be able to flow more easily to where it needs to go. The brain will more easily produce the necessary chemicals to allow you feel good. A significant increase of heart-rate, in of itself, triggers the immune response (which allows the immune system to function properly). Stretching muscles relieves sores and pains and also further allows circulation. Intense heat or cold is actually quite healthy for the body. Sweat helps detoxify the system as well. But, never take exercise too far (unless you make money off of it or want to impress a friend.) 3) Meditation Meditation, like a plant-based diet, is something doctors are more readily accepting as essential to a healthy immune system. Not only does it create reduced stress, improved memory, increased attention, enhanced will power, better sleep, less pain, lower blood pressure, less anxiety, less depression, and a greater compassion for others. But, you have a chance at unexcelled, and unsurpassed Enlightenment! The key to linking health with meditation is how you are feeling in the moment. If you feel distressed, or as they say, dis-ease in your body— then you are paving a road for a distressed or dis-eased immune system. Do your best to transmute that energy through meditation. Ask your employer for a break, if needed, so you can meditate your stress away. 4) Breath Rich clean oxygen is necessary for a healthier body. Unfortunately, our oxygen is not usually so clean. Yet, it is still better to breathe in oxygen than any other element as it is most conducive for the natural human physiology. Long deep rhythmic breathes are good to detoxify the system. Breathing through the nose while the throat is wide open so that it sounds very raspy. You can actually get high from doing this, but just a few of these breathing exercises a day is sufficient. Remember, if you are in an enclosed area or your mouth is blocked by something— you may be ingesting too much C02 levels (carbon dioxide) which is not healthy for the body to do. You want as much oxygen as you can, unless you require the blockage to paint, to perform surgery, to spray chemicals on food, or because the air is filled with large amounts of immediate pollution anyways. 5) Trust God; Trust Yourself Last (and probably the least), is to trust in God as you would yourself. This ties into meditation as it will relieve the nervous system from further stress. Paranoia, fear, worry, and anger (especially anger tied to new information that goes against current beliefs) will all lead to a very unhealthy lifestyle. So relax! You are in good hands.
  7. This is the whole of ancient Zen lineages. I ask the same, and I see no one with any answer. There are those that will say, "You can't skip any steps". Gradual Enlightenment. Yet, others will point to how you could sit on a cushion and meditate for aeons, and receive nothing positive as a result. Sudden Enlightenment. This emphasizes something very important to the subjective condition. The idea is that even if someone came along and gave it to you. You may not be able to take it. Like a car that zooms pass your window, before you can even glimpse the make. If you ever come across some sort of technique, you will have done what mystics have only dreamed of accomplishing, since the beginning of our divide.
  8. Dreaming of the elder gods is never fun. Dystopian nightmares and so on... Putting that to the side, I have had some amazing mystical dreams. From impossible sexual fantasies being lived, to worlds straight out of fantasy stories. Sometimes I even receive messages. Here is one of my favorite dreams, that I happened to log in my dream journal: The System 9/11/19: I have a very lucid astral dream experience. One of my guides speaks to me in whispers as I feel a great pressure in my spine. She whispers to me reassurance and speaks about the “mysteries of the universe”, while saying that I will live in an ecstatic and wonderfully detailed world. I feel her rubbing my feet and grounding me. I tell her “It sucks I have to be in the system”, she then says “Your true will has spoken”.
  9. Here is another bonus journal entry for the Tomes of the Phoenix It is interesting that I am writing here, for my entry. I could be writing on a number of spiritual forums, or on a number of writing websites. It seems I desire for my work to be more well known. But, luckily I had a good conversation with my friend Raffael of Austria that reminded me of where real truth lies, within what is usually defined as the 'subjective nature of reality.' You will have to listen to the talk to get more insight, but what I found is that I have been treating my skills in expanding intuitive knowledge as a subtle game of either right or wrong. However, through our talk, I was reminded how nuance the process is. Wrong is a matter of perspective when all things work on a certain timing. In life, it seems rather useful to honor the timing of synchronicity. Not everyone is ready to be wrong. Not everyone is ready to be right. Listening to a randomized song today, "End of An Empire" by Turisas (some fringe folk metal band from Finland). I recalled the interesting lyrics I have heard many times before: You look back in time No one heard the bells chime You wonder how How could they this allow? Exactly the same Are the questions aimed your way When looking back on today Open your eyes! Yourself apprise! All empires find their demise... Which was rather synchronistic, as just yesterday I was listening to a podcast that was titled "The End of the American Empire Is Here" which quite convincingly was foretelling a likely disruption in how our society operates, due to the rampant fueling of war, wealth disparity, and fact that people still believe that either Republicans or Democrats are going to do anything about it. A type of political theater on display for the rare statesmen or women that may tell a bit of the truth. And unfortunately the only ones that do get the opportunity to tell the truth or act in just ways are still proto-fasicists in other ways. Not a very light-hearted thing to listen to. Nonetheless, perhaps this is the only way for change to occur? I am always optimistic about human potential to grow in awareness, but perhaps the only way for us to make any action towards that effect, is through a major collapse of all our institutions. I wouldn't wish it, but that seems to be the choice I see everyone taking at the moment. Myself included. As an example, Robert A.F. Thurman started to follow me back on twitter. I enjoy this man's lectures on Tibetan Buddhism very much, since he is knowledgeable on that front, but his politics are as dangerous as anyone else's. Some of his posts are less than encouraging, such as sending more money to help Nancy Pelosi, "hold" seats for Democrats. "Hold" is really the only word Democrats can use to justify their cause while still taking donations from companies like Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and a number of oil and union-busting companies. So what is this world where a Buddhist, who preaches compassion and love, still believes it is good to donate to a party that unanimously voted for a 40 billion dollar weapons package to Ukraine? That kind of funding could solve homeless in America, but instead we send it straight to the hands of weapons companies so that we can use the Ukrainian people as cannon fodder for a proxy war against a nuclear power? And no one thinks this is at all strange? This I can all see, and yet there is no fear of what is to come. If this is how it plays out, then this is how it must play out. Circling back around to the podcast I had with my friend. It is the idea of being aware of negativity without being effected by it. A challenge in our times, but very possible. Likely, it will be the people of high vibration (mystical philosophers) who lead the way with trust and cooperation in the real world, if things really do dissolve in the next three or so years. I still believe, that these... lightworkers, if you will, can maintain the energy to work compassionately with whomever, no matter if they voted left or right. They will be seen as community leaders, beacons of light during the darkness. They will emerge as heroes in our time of need. From there, it is possible that we will create an entirely new society. This is how I see it now. No prediction can be made of the future, but as I notice how people are in the moment. How else could it be? Always, I seek to stay in balance, waiting for a time when my work will be required the most. Latest animation: Latest articles:
  10. I have begun recording my journey of Enlightenment in audio and writing format. You can find my writings here: I have decided to post my journal in this forum as well. To paraphrase what I have written so far, I expound what I find useful information in my self-knowledge journey and what I have discovered to be of service in life. When I discovered this type of information it was understood that following one's passion is the point of existence. People's passion's vary, and most individuals do not follow their passion because of the pressure of society or others. For me, I always had an enjoyment of video games so I felt that perhaps I could pursue that as my passion. I created one such game titled "Path of Vidya" which I felt was good because it was a game that focused on non-violence, communication, and Enlightenment. The story is closely tied to my "awakening" experience into what I usually call "the greater reality", that had me in states of negative mystical experiences (sometimes labeled as schizophrenia). I had expectations that my work was going to allow me to earn a living and be self-sufficient, but I soon discovered that this was a misalignment to have any expectations at all, because it creates a desire that may be better left unfulfilled. This has shifted me away from lofty material goals and rooted firmly in the energy of self-realization. In addition to creating two video games, I have written two books, created animations, comics, digital art, music, and a podcast. Perhaps, one day I will find something that helps me become self-sufficient, but luckily through this external work I can realize that self-realization is before everything else, and what work I do feel personally guided to do, comes with the bliss of having zero expectations for its material success. So this means in every moment I focus on the energy field within my body, away from trivial thoughts, or even creative thoughts. Naturally, if I need to create, it comes through without the need for the incessant banter, and this allows my life to flow with relative ease and conviction. Though, only if I can focus on that, and not get swept up in the idea that I have to force myself to become better than what I already know I am capable of. The idea is that if I were to know I could be better now, I would have already decided to do so, instead of think about the possibility. In 2019, I became more heavily focused on politics than I ever had before. It is the single most dividing factor in our lives, and is a topic I am endeavoring to keep within its own domain because I discovered I received very little in allowing someone to represent my views and direct my life. While this may assume Anarchy or Apathy, it does not. I just know there is a path that goes right through the dividing lines, and meets with everyone's needs within the realm of free will. As well, as the free will for individuals to vote for a representative if they choose. Grasping these multiplicity of views (whether spiritual, scientific, political or otherwise) is definitely the whole of it, from my perspective. It made me go completely insane on a number of occasion. I have only recently been able to balance it to a rather stable degree. So many assume the objectivity of their reality without connecting to the expansiveness within their own potential. And so, I find my biggest challenge is often with the words I am using. Our words have to follow one after the other, and so much is left out or not focused upon because they have to appear to have a coherent trajectory in their logic or will be left open to being more easily misinterpreted and can then cause others to feel disempowered in their potential. (This is not an ideal expression, since all of us are capable of great conscious power, whether or not they presently appear to be misaligned in their endeavor to Enlightenment) When I was younger, I was completely imbalanced in my perception. Yet, during this most unusual experience, there was a small child who simply looked at me and said "He is a spiritual teacher". Certainly, that idea is quite attractive to me, and at the same time seems far away. I would not like to sound as if I know something more than what another already knows for themself, because truly the individual grows in awareness through their own volition and not through anything outside their own self. So it is probably something for the distant future, perhaps another life? There is still this matter of Enlightenment that continues to itch at my sense of total well-being. Which brings me back to the path of which contains a multiplicity of understanding. Often I find myself quitting all endeavors and just sitting down meditating. I make it an enjoyment to meditate for 1-4 hours a day, rarely, though sometimes, it is longer than that. Doing so has brought me far more peace and expansive experiences than anything else. And yet, I can understand that some have pointed out; meditation itself being a trap. Still, I can say that it is my passion to do so, and a passion to speak about matters that involve higher consciousness. I find myself constantly wondering if I am qualified to speak on such matters, since I myself, haven't fully realized how these principles are interacting in my personal life. For those who know channeled material, they will often point out that this does not matter. The exploration of these ideas, and the discussing of them, and understanding of them are one of the same. So one might as well speak with God realization now, because that is the truth of the matter in the present moment. I endeavor to embody that ideal more and more, and trust the process unfolds as it needs to. I will post more entries as needed. I only wish for humanity to find itself better adapted towards more enlightened endeavors in the future. And I do see, that this begins with how we interact with one another by way of the amount of bliss, love, and wisdom we allow our self to receive.
  11. Will we be able to protect anyone from their own culture, for very long? These themes are rampant everywhere. If we valued a more harmonious culture, we would start creating, promoting, and becoming interested in art of that kind. Educating people on a variety of perspectives, and allowing them to make their own choice of what they desire to listen to, with full clarity of what they are getting into. For example, I wouldn't ban Call of Duty because it has violent themes, but I would make anyone aware, that by playing this game, you are psychologically involving yourself with a type of military propaganda against an enemy, where the only solution is kill or be killed. Not to mention the competitive, hierarchical and divisive aspects cloaked in a very limited scope of camaraderie. Censorship remains a lazy shortcut, that perhaps temporarily slaps a band-aid on the situation, but fundamentally solves very little. Often it creates the opposite of the desired effect. Energy doesn't need to be focused on a fruitless game of whack-a-mole. People will continue to be influenced by behavior that mimics control if we continue to control in the same manner (e.g. rebellion against culture), which continues the programming that they believe works. Good vs Evil. Victory vs Defeat.
  12. The difference between education and indoctrination is a fine line, and has been a philosophical debate for thousands of years. It is no coincidence your acquaintance is a historian.
  13. "Should" is conditional. It exists as fear. I can only suggest highlighting the source of our fear, instead of bypassing it by censoring.
  14. They don't seem to have a better track record, in that regard. Laws are cheap filters for blood. A fellow human, feeling so powerless as to create violence in some way, is the necessity to self-actualize— to find compassion for all.
  15. Well, I would relieve yourself from that burden. Having hate in your heart towards anyone, is only allowing those individuals to strike pain in you a second time. Deny them the pleasure.
  16. Always relevant to point out. This perspective isn't at all highlighted in the corporate media, because they have unfortunately become mouth pieces for the weapons and oil industry. It would be a good idea for those who identify as left, to self-examine who they are placing their trust in. Just as I would say the same for those on the right. Also, I don't want to make another thread, but what about those "kids in cages" we heard so much about during the previous administration? Why is that no longer an issue? And why are left-wingers being labeled as "right-wingers" and being censored for mentioning it? Misinformation? Or information that is just inconvenient for the current flow of power?
  17. Since we are consciousness, we can do anything in imagination. Our ultimate potential would be in a realm beyond our imagination.
  18. I usually put a hand in the air.
  19. Agree or disagree. Yes, discussion is the point. That is also science. What is reviewed is reviewed. Light is shed on differences. More experiments, peer reviews, and research is done as a result of anyone deciding what is true and false within studies. Collective opinion grows out of that virtue. Actions out of those opinions. That would be ideal to have that kind of honesty, and ideally you wouldn't get banned either, someone would simply point out as to why they don't know it to be true. To ensure fairness.
  20. Consciousness is inherently subjective. Who therefore, subjectively decides "false"? Up to you. How about the rest of what I mentioned?
  21. We have to understand that we live in a heavily propagandized culture. "Misinformation" is subjective until you can prove it to everyone as misinformation. Which is why freedom of speech is important. If something is misinformation, you have to discuss the points as to why. Saying the words "it is false" can convince anyone of anything, given the source. But, if someone doesn't trust the source, then they at least deserve the reasons as to why you believe it to be false. And the reasons must hold up to every scrutiny. If you don't provide the reasons as to why you believe something is false, how are we to trust your judgement? The state disinformation board was recently shut down, because groups from the right and the left (such as the ACLU) saw the absolute danger of limiting freedom of speech. We dodged a totalitarian bullet. Let's keep in mind all the people who were censored for providing "misinformation" or obscene truths -Galileo -Albert Einstein -Copernicus -Socrates -Mark Twain -J.D. Salinger -James Joyce -Anne Frank -William Shakespeare Even if you really are factual, and really are looking at information that would be more positive for society to know. The ends do not justify the means. And the end means of censorship, is often prison or execution.
  22. Anti-censorship party? Education is better than censorship. Discernment, better than avoidance. People are only concerned with censorship when they are the ones being censored. They have yet to understand that 'no censorship' has to apply as a standard for all, for it to have any meaning. Some still believe it is "right" to punch fascists. But, they need to make a distinction. Or they end up as hypocrites. Revealed as serving a limited version of self. Blinded by a perceived virtue. Their method— no different from fascists.
  23. The anti-war party?
  24. Moral truths are clearly not eternal. But, the compassion to express them, definitely is. It is only if you want a better life for humanity, you would consider the implications of every action. This body will pass on, there is nothing to gain in virtue signaling. But, the endeavor for more compassion is what will remain, and is what will remove all our struggle.
  25. This is an assumption. Though, if assumed it is correct.