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About MezzoAria

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  1. @Leo Gura Leo, honestly though, with all I have heard from your recent spiritual YouTube videos, I thought you would be more accepting of whatever this reality manifests. You seem caught up in your own self-bias and seem very judgemental of Alex Jones. I mean, there are 7+ billion people on the earth and hundreds of billions that have lived before. One happened to be who Alex Jones is. Why can't you let Alex Jones be Alex Jones and "Let it go" as you have described in your last video? Why all the disparaging statements/opinions about him? You seem to preach one thing about spirituality but in reality you are very much of the ego. Go smoke some more 5-MEO-DMT and realise again that all is love.
  2. Wishing you the best of luck on your journey and that you gain a wealth of knowledge and experience.
  3. @How to be wise These laws are man made and a lot of them are not there to protected but to control people. We know for instance that 5-MEO-DMT, if taken in low dosages, as most people do, is very low risk. Yet, there are laws preventing the sale and use of it. Yet, hundreds of thousands of people a year die from smoking, prescription medications, alcohol but these things are legal. So, never mind what's legal and what's not, to a certain extent. I personally let me conscience govern my actions. If @outlandish has done enough research into 5-MeO-DPT and has found it low-risk and safe to use and he wants to experiment with it then it is up to him to make that decision whether or not he wants to. He should be responsible enough to also know what the current legal status is around the substance and so the risk he is taking by seeking out and using this substance.
  4. @Truth Addict That's your opinion, which is not necessarily the truth.
  5. @Truth Addict I must disagree that the rules of this reality cannot be broken and we must play by it. What do you, and others, have to say about some magicians that we see that have literally broken every rule of this "physical" reality? I believe that they have some higher insights than most if not all of us on this forum. They have tapped into the true nature of reality, and somehow, have become Gods on earth. Take for instance the video below. Yif Magic生麵團變法式麵包 [官方HD] French Breakfast It would be good if @Leo Gura could one day delve into the topic. I would love to hear his views on this.
  6. @cetus56 Awesome! @Nahm That was my thought originally, and why I decided to use simple lighter afterwards. But even that seems to be too much. Going to try snorting it this weekend and see how that goes.
  7. @ElvisN If after insufflating doesn't work, that could be the next step. Thanks.
  8. I wish I could get some mushrooms where I live.
  9. @whoareyou True. Someone recommended this service to me on Reddit. I'm thinking of using them before I continue.
  10. I have not yet touched the oxalate. From what I have read it is great if insufflated and that was my intention. How could you go wrong in vaping this stuff with indirect heat? Anyways, I thinking to try again this weekend, first the freebase but this time with lighter indirect heat and then the oxalate if unsuccessful and if I can get over the anxiety of taking things up the nose. If I'm successful I'll be sure to leave a report here. Thanks.
  11. Greetings to all! About a month ago, I sourced some of the God Molecule from an online research chemical company here in Canada. I purchased 1 250mg of it oxalate and another 250mg freebase. One night, I measure approximately 15mg of the freebase and heated it indirectly in a glass pipe with a blow torch. The substance vaporised and I inhaled as much of the white smoke as I could and held it in for as long as was possibly until I had to cough. I had no reaction from this other than the cough, a slight feeling of weakness and a burning sensation in my throat. My thought was that the heat, though indirect, may have been too intense and because of this the substance was destroyed. So, after about 10 minutes, I measure this time 20mg on my scale, scraped it onto a mesh screen that was placed in the same pipe. This time I decided to heat the substance directly but with a butane lighter. The substance vaporised as it did before. I inhaled and held my breath until, again, I had to cough. I lied with my face down as the feeling of weakness was more intense. I could also feel my heart rate increasing and the burning sensation in my throat was even stronger. I laid there for about 10 minutes or so until I felt I was back to myself. Now I am wondering what did I do wrong or if the chemical that I sourced is not what I thought it was. I'm wondering if anyone has had an experience like this with synthetic God Module. If not, what do you think I may have done wrong? Any help would be appreciated. PS: I am a total NOOB to drugs, smoking and psychedelics.
  12. If your body is deliberately finding a way to get rid of excess sperm doesn't that tell you something about 'nofap'? Maybe it's not the best approach to whatever the reason why you initiated 'nofap'.
  13. @ElvisN I have had a similar experience with 5-MEO-DMT sourced from a research chemical company here in Canada. I've tried 15mg and then the same night 20mg, freebase. I was affected by it but I didn't have an experience nowhere near what I had expected.
  14. @Gabriel Antonio Explain your position and reasoning, please.