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Everything posted by jerrypua

  1. Lmao imagine Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk with a net worth of only 10 million for the amount of value they've created, the complex systems they've created, and the new future they're creating for humanity. .. Well, the guy who works in the hot sun picking strawberries all day long for $20/day put himself in that position, so yes, poor him lol. On the other hand, doing that shit is way easier than risking it all and sacrificing a lot of things not knowing you're going to succeed in the long term or not even knowing you're going to become a Billionaire. Also the mental and emotional labor that comes with creating something valuable far exceeds the physical pain of doing some boring and repetitive shit and not having to use your brain... You talked about this here (Great video btw) And certainly being an entrepreneur creates way more value in the world than a guy in the hot sun picking strawberries and therefore the entrepreneur should be rewarded as such. And if he's rewarded in the billions, great for him. Pd: Just sharing what I think, not hating you, nothing personal against you Leo haha, just a few differences in respect to this topic.
  2. "How long will you lie there, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep?" "If a man will not work, he shall not eat." - The Bible I'm not religious but I find this "deadly sin" (sloth) incredibly dangerous to our personal/financial/spiritual growth. And if you really go deep into this you'll realize it can even cause death, hence it belongs to one of the "7 deadly sins" in Christian Religion. "Sloth does not simply mean that one suffers from an overall laziness in their life. From the sin of sloth emanates a whole world of despair, depression, boredom and restlessness, and spiritual indifference, culminating in one giant shrug when it comes to practically all aspects of life. On a spiritual level, this is the road to disaster. The brutal drone of despair that is one of the fruits of sloth is akin to suffering a slow death. Faith and love dwindles ever-increasingly, and the soul begins to become indifferent to its own enlightenment." If found these 2 very insightful videos that might interest you and make you realize how self-destructive and disgusting laziness is. Some of it is bullshit obviously due to religious bias but regardless, it contains some wisdom!
  3. Sup y'all, Just posted my first YouTube video and feel good but at the same time I didn't want exposure just because of the fear of critics and judgments lol, but fuck it, I have a clear vision of what I want and I just have to be okay with it otherwise I'm going to live a miserable life. If you have any feedback or advice for us new in content creation I'd appreciate it. Also if you're new to YouTube feel free to share your channel with us if you want, I'm sure we newbies can help each other out with feedback, advice, or whatever.
  4. @Preety_India Appreciate your support! @JonasVE12 Thank you brother!!! @RendHeaven Awesome brother, it's okay to be judged and criticized, we cannot please everybody... just do it and never overthink it because it will make you lose a lot of time, I'm talking from experience sadly but it was all a learning lesson!!
  5. First of all I want to thank Leo because the Life Purpose Course changed my life in an unthinkable way, and I actually believe that I wouldn't have been able to discover my life purpose without the program. I literally almost emptied a large notebook of 100 pages. Thanks Leo, you opened my eyes, you gave me an opportunity to see beyond my tunnel vision. What caught me by surprise though is that I didn't expect to feel so much resistance. I thought once I discover my LP everything was going to be roses, no resistance, no self-doubt, no distractions, and here I am, talking about it. These last few weeks resistance has been fucking me in the ass, violating me with all its power, and cumming in my face... I've been its little bitch and it's time to turn that around, it's time to take resistance by the neck, put it on all fours, slay that bitch and destroy its anus. Leo actually explained that we will feel that way but I didn't believe him, my self-deception was that everything, since the discovery of my LP, was going to be easy and effortless and what I found is that it takes twice (or even thrice) as the effort as you may think it would take you. The forms that resistance takes in my life is: - Perfectionism - I'm a massive perfectionist and while some people think that's good, it's the total opposite, it paralyzes me completely so I take little or no action. - Over-planning. - Facebook/Instagram scrolling. - Google Browsing. - Watching Youtube videos - This one is very tricky, it's clear that watching stupid prank or funny videos is just a waste of time and a distraction, but sometimes when we actually watch self-help, self-improvement, business, marketing, etc., videos is just a way of resistance and a way of not doing your work. I took a look at this shit in my life and what I did is I deleted Youtube from my phone and I'm only allowed to use YT on my laptop. I installed an app that hides suggested videos and comments so when I get into Youtube I have no way of distracting myself there, I only watch what I'm looking for. (The app is called "Unhook - Remove Youtube Recommended Videos." It's a Google Chrome Extension btw.) - Cryptocurrency - And a handful of many other things. The point I want to make is many times resistance will be obvious, but also, many times resistance will be very subtle. You may tell yourself "Oh by doing this, by watching this video, by reading this book, by browsing this thing on Google, by creating a perfect plan, by taking a walk in the park and clearing my mind I'm being productive," let me tell you, no you're not, you're just avoiding doing your work. Also Don't get me wrong, there might be occasions where you actually need to read that book, watch that video, take that walk and clear your mind, but make sure you're not self-deceiving telling yourself you're being productive when you're actually just avoiding doing what you need to be doing. I just want to say, I'm still dealing with resistance and trying to overcome it. If any of you guys want to share an insight, advice, or experience with resistance, please leave us a comment. I would love to hear from you, and I'm sure a few other people would too.
  6. I mean, you're allowed to be attracted to a huge and throbbing phallus, nobody will judge you for it.
  7. Ok guys, enough fun for today, it's time to go to bed
  8. Just saying cuz most of the time women will tell you what they think they want, but not what they really want. When they're giving you advice they're not looking out for you but them. They don't care about the truth in female attraction but their survival. They do not care about you little guy. That's why you have to be very careful who you listen to and I guess the first rule of the game should be: You do not listen to women's advice. Some girls (if they're sufficiently conscious to know what they really want which is few) may be honest enough to tell you the truth, but... here we're talking about the average Jane's advice when it comes to dating. On a different note, remember that all advice, insight or idea is pure hypothesis, and hypothesis without experience and feedback is just mental masturbation. So, whoever's advice you take, go out and take it to practice and see if that really works in the real world, otherwise you're your wasting your time.
  9. You don't need women's advice at all peasant. All the info you need to attract pieces of pussy is already outside... why reinvent the wheel?
  10. @BlackMaze Whatever you do forget about instant gratification or getting rich quick, it will backfire on you and you will probably even lose the little money you have now.
  11. I'll leave some useful ones: Taking the browns to the super bowl. Smashing pissers. Beat them guts in. Tongue punch your fart box Check the oil. Slap the salmon.
  12. @mmKay Thanks... I have that book, I'll read it for sure... just ended up reading The War of Art and it perfectly describes what's happening to me.. I thought I was the only one lol @Abdelghafar Yw man
  13. In the grand scheme of things it may be irrelevant but we still live in a physical world... Don't we? Appearance does matter, but also don't become neurotic about it. Going to extremes is what fucks with us. I remember almost a year ago I became so "spiritual" that appearance and style to me me was laughable and I started to look down at people who worried about these things. But if you want to function in this world as a social being your physical appearance matters. (Not as much as your communication skills but it does help)
  14. One of the things I realized is that no amount of money could make me happy. I've been imagining myself being a billionaire but not doing what I love... and finally understood that it wouldn't make me even 1% happier. I'd be still the same person, with the same fears, beliefs, and biases. Nothing would change in me. What makes me happy and fulfilled is doing my work, sharing my gifts with the world, and following my bliss. I wouldn't trade this for all the money in the world... I'm going to fucking die, some day, maybe tomorrow, who knows, life's unpredictable... I don't want to die with tons of regrets in my life... He'll no! And I'm not saying money is bad or is evil, in fact... I love money and one of my goals is to become a multi-millionaire, but... The key is to connect your life purpose, your life calling to your business so you can make money doing what you love. Your life might be different though, maybe you'll need to build a business that you don't enjoy doing it and make a couple bucks so you can have free time and money to invest into what you like doing, but... I decided not to go through that route... I enjoy doing what I'm doing and I'm learning so much about myself that I wouldn't trade it for anything. Plus, my life calling makes people's lives better, so... If by doing what I love, I can make money, I can grow as a person, and other people's lives can improve too... What else can I ask for? Like I said before, I still feel resistance like crazy, sometimes I don't feel like doing my work and cravings arise, but I'll keep pushing no matter what. Even if I don't achieve anything in my life I will die trying it. Don't sell yourself short! Don't let greed steal your happiness. "You have the right to work, but for the work's sake only. You have no right to the fruits of work. Desire for the fruits of work must never be your motive in working." - Bhagavad Gita
  15. Do you even know both of them? It's not black and white, you just gave us their age, therefore it's impossible to make any assumptions... and anyone who does it, is clearly looking at it from a subjective perspective.
  16. You, a guy that doesn't take any action, has no experience whatsoever, and probably masturbates to gazelle porn is telling us not to listen to a guy who has been spending 20+ years of his life going out, taking action and basically decoding how success with women works??? SMH PD: The gazelle thing was a joke, don't take it personal lol
  18. Lol, keep living in a dreamland, that ain't going to happen mama... Sorry to burst your bubble
  19. Hey guys! Basically I'm looking for other books similar to the Power of Now that talk exclusively and really dive deep in this topic which is presence, being in the now. If you have any recommended books that you could share, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks in advance!
  20. I'm too emotional when it comes to business. I notice myself getting super emotional when I make sales and my business is doing well... But same (just the other way around - negative emotions) when something I've tested doesn't work and I'm not making sales, I'm breakeven or my business is in negative. When this happens I try to unconsciously run away from those negative feelings by waking up late, or trying to get more sleep even if I don't feel like sleeping, using social media, clicking around the internet and not getting things done, and not being productive, eating junk food, etc. My question is: How do I separate my emotions from my business? Even when my business is good, how do I separate my emotions from it? How do I be more cold-hearted when it comes to the business world?
  21. Your business is marketing and the product is just the thing that you sell to generate revenue.. So your niche or product is not your business